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Baby Zion is 6 months old! I can’t believe he has been with us for a half of a year already! Time is flying. We are racing up on Easter and I wanted to share a few fun items that you could use to put together a simple Easter basket for a baby.
Maybe you have a baby like us or maybe you are a Grandma looking for a way to bless your grandbabies. Or maybe you are about to head to a baby shower. Whatever the case, these ideas are sure to be a hit with the smallest of tikes!
Here is the equation that I followed when putting together these Easter Basket ideas.
Book + Toy + Teether + Snack + Basket
Book >>
Good News! It’s Easter! By Glenys Nellist
This brand new board book is so precious! It introduces the Easter story in a playful and sweet way. Various creatures God made like the bunny and the butterfly find new life with the start of the Spring season. As the book concludes, Jesus is shown as the ultimate example of new life and he offers us the gift of salvation. You will love the message of hope this book offers you and your baby! SCROLL DOWN FOR A GIVEAWAY OF THIS BOOK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST!
Toy >>
Melissa and Doug Stuffed Bunny
I remember when I was little my mom always put a stuffed toy in my Easter basket. Start that tradition with your little one by adding this cuddly bunny by Melissa and Doug.
Teether >>
Grey Bunny Ring
Baby Zion recently cut his first tooth and he wants to put his mouth on ALL THE THINGS. I want to grab him this adorable bunny teether. Perfect for Easter!
Snack >>
Carrot Mango Quinoa Puffs
It’s about time to introduce Zion to solid food! It may take us a few months to get to the point where he will be ready for these puffs, but quinoa? Mango? Carrots? Organic? Sign me up.
Basket >>
Hallmark Large Easter Canvas Bag
Throw the above items in this cute bag and hang it on your child’s nursery door on Easter morning!
Here are a few other ways you could use the above equation to make an Easter basket for the little one in your life…
Good News! It’s Easter! Board Book // Stuffed Bunny // Rabbit Teether // Quinoa Puffs
Holy Week Board Book // Fabric Building Blocks // HABA Teether // HappyTot Squeezie
We Are the Gardeners // Bunny Blanket // Carrot Teether // Peter Rabbit Squeezie
This is Easter Board Book // Toy Eggs // Hedgehog Teether // Happy Baby Organic Yogis
The author of Good News! It’s Easter!, GLENYS NELLIST, reached out to me and asked if I wanted to offer a Giveaway of this precious book to my readers!
Of course I said YES because I love ANY opportunity to get the Good News into the hands of you and your loved ones. And this little board book is just PERFECT for introducing young hearts to Jesus.
**Leave a comment below sharing how you plan to share the Gospel with your kids this Easter season.**
Entrants must live in the Continental USA, England or Canada. Prizing and samples provided by Discovery House. Giveaway will run from Monday, April 8 – Monday, April 15 at 11:59 pm.
I can’t wait to read your ideas! You mamas bless me!
Julie 🙂
Check out my other favorite Christ-centered Easter posts!
Christ-Centered Easter Basket Ideas
Christ-Centered Easter Morning Scavenger Hunt FREE Printable
I love these ideas! You gave me some ideas last year from your Christ centered Easter basket, and the joy journey post, I love the verses, and my kids do too! Specifically, we have been doing bedtime devotionals with our kids for Lent, and on Easter they will get an Easter basket with something white, because we are washed white as snow, new sandals for each with the great commission verse attached, and some goldfish with the fishers of men verse attached. I also have a couple books to include, but would love to add to our collection!
Books are always good to include!
We do Amanda White’s “A Sense of the Resurrection” every year. This year we are also doing the 40 day reading plan for The Jesus Storybook Bible and have really enjoyed it.
I’m going to share the gospel this year using resurrection eggs! The christ centered but fun way to help young kids have understanding. Cant wait
We use the Rich and Rooted curriculum with our kids to prepare for Easter.
my kids enjoy reading the Berenstain Bears Easter book
I’ll be sharing the Gospel with my children using the Read With Me Bible.
We have a tradition of washing each others feet like Jesus did in John 13. We make resurrection roles, go through resurrection eggs, read from our Storybook Bible.
I love it that you include foot washing!
Thank you, Julie, for featuring Good News! It’s Easter! here. I think it’s the perfect way for little ones to understand resurrection.
We are doing the resurrection rolls along with daily reading from the Storybook bible! What a sweet book! 🙂
Thank you Alana.
We have our own traditions at home during Easter as well as spending time with our family.
We read a different Easter themed book each night leading up to the day. This year we started on April 1st. We’ll also do an devotional on the Bible app (you version) “ children’s guide to Easter”
My daughter is only 1, but we are going to an Easter egg hunt our local church is putting on.
We have a “real Easter basket” containing many items to remind us of the Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday journey Jesus took for us. It contains a cloth that says “Hosanna” and a palm frond, a small communion cup and cracker, a Fisher Price lamb and rooster, coins, a small grapevine wreath (crown of thorns), a small wooden cross, nails, a small square of sponge, dice, perfumed oil, a flat round stone, and a paper angel to declare, “He is risen!”
I will take my kids to church. They always do fun projects in their religious ed class this time of the year.
We will use our resurrection eggs and the Bible. We have children ranging from 16 down to 6 mo. Our older children like to do a special egg hunt with our younger ones. They put a verse and puzzle piece in many of the eggs and then work together reading the verses and putting together a new puzzle. I love your ideas for a baby Easter basket! Thank you for the giveaway!
I will be making the Easter Garden with the kids, today actually! I love how it shows what happens on Easter Day, the stone is rolled away and Jesus is resurrected! I also purchased the Easter story book by Bernstein Bears, anxiously waiting for that to come in! We love reading books around here!
I read a kids book every year about Jesus and Easter.
Hi! These are all such great ideas and that book looks wonderful! I am so thankful for the blessing of people sharing their hearts and lives to teach children about Jesus and His love! We are going to read and talk about the story of Jesus and look at our resurrection eggs. My children will also get to be part of all the special activities at our church! 🙂
I love this! This year for Easter our older girls are getting prayer journals and healthy fun snacks in their baskets and our littles are getting a board book and snacks . We plan to go through the story of Jesus’ life and resurrection and do lots of simple crafts :).
Isaac is 3 months old and we are taking him to church. We are going to read him the Easter story in his Bible and take pictures so we can show him. I bought him a little lamb for Easter and will explain how he is a lamb and Jesus will keep him safe and will find him if he goes