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It’s that time of year where your weekends are filled with baby showers, bridal showers, or weddings!
A sweet friend of mine will be getting married this summer and we had the opportunity to bless her with a special bridal shower last week.
I volunteered to be the game master because I LOVE ALL THE GAMES. I really enjoy finding themed group games that are cute and fun, but don’t cause humiliation or require a lot of physical involvement.
Here are the 3 games we played and they were all a huge hit!
Game #1 – Don’t Say BRIDE Ring Game
I found this cute game idea from the blog From Mom’s Desk. It’s a spin off of the clothespin game you normally see at baby showers.
We found some plastic engagement rings at Party City (but you can buy them HERE – affiliate link) and spread them out around the sign. Guests had to put a ring on. If someone at the party was caught saying, “BRIDE” then their ring was stolen.
The person with the most rings at the end won a prize!
Game #2 – Say Yes to the Dress!
This game was too cute! I created a simple printable with directions, cut out a photo of the bride’s head, and made photo copies of the page for each guest. We set the stack of pages out with a large basket of crayons.
The idea is that guests get to design the bride’s wedding dress. This can be done by designing a traditional dress, or the design could be based on the bride’s personality.
Our bride loves Charlie Brown, rainbows, and she happens to have an alter ego that is obsessed with vegetables – so the guests really honored the bride’s passions in this game!
We were so amazed by everyone’s design skills!
When everyone was finished drawing, we put all of the designs together and the bride chose her favorite.
Grab the FREE Printable template I made HERE.

Game #3 – What Did the Groom Say?
About a week before the shower, I reached out to the groom and asked if he would answer a series of 20 questions about his bride.
Here are the questions…
- What is the one thing she can’t live without?
- What is her favorite snack?
- How many piercings does she have?
- Who is her ultimate Hollywood crush?
- What was her first job?
- What is her biggest pet peeve?
- What is her favorite thing to spend money on?
- What superpower would she want to have?
- If she could have ANY car, what would it be?
- What is her favorite color?
- What is her favorite song?
- If she could meet one famous person, who would it be?
- What is her favorite comfort food?
- What is her favorite hobby?
- What is her favorite movie?
- What is her biggest fear?
- What makes her laugh?
- Is she a dog person or a cat person?
- What is her idea of a dream date?
- How many kids would she like to have?
He emailed me his answers.
At the shower, I was originally just going to ask the bride the same questions and see if her answers matched up with his, but then I had the idea to ask the groom to video himself answering the questions.
Once I got his 20 mini videos, I dropped them into a Powerpoint presentation that we shared at the shower. I found a free wedding Powerpoint template by using Google.
It was AMAZING. The guests LOVED seeing the groom in action through the videos. And it was almost eery how well these two know each other! They were the same on almost every answer except a few!
A twist on this game would be to make the bride put a large marshmallow in her mouth for every question she answers that does not match her groom’s.
We skipped that part because we were trying to keep it classy. 😉
We had such a fun time celebrating the future Mrs.!
*You can find my other funny and easy Bridal Shower game idea HERE.*
Julie 🙂
The video answers are SUCH a great idea!!! Love this!