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Every night I like to read to my boys before bed.
We usually read a fictional story (HERE are some of our favorites) and then we read a Bible story.
When we finish one Bible, we move on to another, so I love finding lots of different versions to help my kids learn the truths and stories.
When looking for Bibles for my kids one of the most important things I value in a children’s Bible is how well it tells the WHOLE story of the Bible.
I grew up most of my life thinking that the Bible was a collection of disconnected stories.
But then my husband and the pastors at our church started showing me how the Bible is really one big story pointing to Jesus. He is literally the main focus in EVERY smaller story. It might not always explicitly speak of Jesus, but the messages are there, directing us to God’s amazing, redemptive plan for our messy, sinful world.
Thankfully, we live in a time where God has gifted some really neat people to help convey these messages to kids!
And maybe you might want to purchase one of these versions to include in your child’s Easter basket this year! (Check out more Christ-Centered Easter Basket Ideas IN THIS POST.)
Here are some of the Bibles our family has enjoyed…
Ages 0-2
Anything by Sally-Lloyd Jones can be trusted. I think this short, 10-story Bible is a perfect introduction to God’s love. I love the simple, rhyming stories and sweet reminders of His truth.
This Bible is definitely more individual-story-driven, instead of focusing on the bigger picture, but my kids loved the simple text and cute pictures when we were first introducing them to God’s Word.
Ages 2-5
The Bible App For Kids Storybook Bible
My mother-in-law actually works for the company that helped produce this amazing app and now hard copy version of the Bible for kids! Happy Baby and I are currently going through this Bible at night and he loves it. His favorite story at the moment is David and Goliath.
My friend, Liz from Steadfast Family, recommends this Bible as her family’s absolute favorite. I bought it this year for Jethro’s Easter basket! I can’t wait to try it out!
My Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook
I also love this option from one of my favorite Christian children authors – Crystal Bowman. This adorable Bible even has activities and educational tools to help your child not only learn about God’s Word, but also learn how to read!
Ages 6-8
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
If you haven’t bought a copy of this Bible version yet – it’s a MUST. The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to join in the greatest of all adventures, to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation – and at the center of their story too. I think this Bible version really changed things for kid Bibles everywhere.
Jesus is calling out to our hearts, and you can hear His voice in every story in the Bible – that is the emphasis of this beautiful version of God’s Word by Sara Young. Personally, the illustrations in this book are my favorite and the thoughtful, encouraging, Jesus-centered devotions at the end of each story are so reflective of the Lord’s love for us!
The Big Picture Story Bible (Redesign)
Simple text and bright pictures, this Bible shares the grand narrative of Scripture in a super engaging and redemptive way.
Ages 8-10
When you are ready to challenge your child’s biblical understanding – this is the answer. I have been reading through this Bible with Happy Buddy and I LOVE the depth and detail presented. This version has the most amount of stories included and consistently makes Jesus the hero in every one. The only negative about this Bible is that Happy Buddy thinks the illustrations are kind of weird – ha! I think they are different, but captivating.
Finally, I LOVE this Bible because it is ACTUAL biblical text – not someone’s summary. It was put together in an extremely kid-friendly way using easy-to-understand versions of the Bible and beautiful illustrations.
I would love to know if you have found something new here, or if you have any new suggestions for the list! Leave a comment below!
Julie 🙂
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NLT)
I want to add the Seek and Find ESV for 6-10 year olds. It is an actual Bible, English Standard Version (readable, but not simplified), so our daughter can take it to church or Sunday school or use it for our family reading and find the actual verses. It also includes 2-3 page stories and character profiles which are written for a 1st-2nd grade reading level and have key verses and some questions to think about or discuss. We got it when our 5-year old learned to read and wanted to carry a Bible to church, and it has gotten a lot of use!
It seems this is out of print, although you may still find copies at a local Christian bookstore. The ones on Amazon are pretty expensive. Crossway says that their new Family Devotional Bible, available in April, is the new version, with the same stories and questions that we liked in the Seek and Find.
Thank you so much, Debbie! What a great suggestion!
What a great list! I added several to my wishlist. Thank you! I posted a list of my favorite Easter books, including Bibles, on my blog today… and I also linked to your post in mine about talking to your kids about Easter without scaring them! Loved that! http://www.librarianinthehouse.com/easter-books-about-jesus-not-bunnies/
I have a favorite to add for the 8-10 age range! It is called “Grandpa’s Box” by Starr Meade. It is not an actual Bible but has Bible stories throughout this entire novel, and the whole premise of the book is how the Bible is one big story pointing to Jesus, but told in a way that the Grandpa is telling how his grandkids these Bible stories. It is excellent and I am confident your boys will enjoy it. I also have Marty Machowski’s book, and of course the beautiful Jesus the Storybook Bible!
I found your blog at Christmastime and think you are the sweetest! I have been enjoying it so much. I used your Fear Chapel illustration with the candle and plastic bag recently with my children. One had been struggling with fear due to an accident in our home and the lesson and verse was so timely. A true blessing from Jesus with the timing of me finding it. I watched your video for Josh. 1:9 and we say it every night now and have for weeks. Thank you for being a blessing to others.
I love the Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, by Jared Kennedy and Illustrated by Trisha Mahoney. There are multiple pictures for each of the 52 stories, and if you read the story for a week, they know it and you get through the Bible in a year. Each story had questions to keep the kids engaged and focused on the Gospel.
The Biggest Story Bible storybook (that’s the crazy name) by Deyoung, just came out for a little older kids.
Thanks for the other ides