I am beyond excited to share 2 amazing things with you today that will bless your families! the first is my friend, Ashley, from the life-giving, creative blog The Littles & Me. Her heart is so pure and bright with the love of Christ – you must follow her. Second, Ashley is sharing an incredible new resource to help your kids grow in the Lord this summer! You are going to love this!
Hi friends, Ashley here from The Littles & Me. Summer is here and my heart is leaping for joy! I don’t know about you, but this year more than ever I am craving less of the crazy and more of the good stuff. More moments to pause, notice, and savor the little gifts God gives us each and every day.
I’m so thrilled (& honored) that Julie asked me to share with you about an exciting tool to help you dive into the Bible with your family this summer. If you’re looking for ideas to point your kids to Jesus and grow together as a family, then I want to invite you to come join us for Camp Littles & Me: The Fruit of the Spirit.
Camp Littles & Me was designed as a resource to help families connect, play, learn, and grow together. I do all the planning work for you & give you the supply list, instructions, and any printables you might need so you can spend less time on your phone trying to come up with ideas and MORE time being present with your family. This year I’m so excited to be diving into The Fruit of the Spirit with so many families from around the world!
Here’s a few details:
1. Camp Littles & Me: The Fruit of the Spirit is a 9-week hands-on study of Galatians 5:22-23 that’s aimed to help your family connect, play, learn, and grow in God’s Word together.
2. Each Friday I will share the FREE printable packet, supplies list, any printables you’ll need,
and any additional instructions within the blog post.
You’ll be able to find all of the Fruit of the Spirit weekly packets HERE.
3. Each packet has a print that has all of the activity ideas on it with the following categories:
•Main Idea
•Verse (Scripture to memorize together)
•Read (Includes a suggested Bible story in the Jesus Storybook Bible as well as a passage of Scripture that shows more in depth what each fruit looks like in everyday life)
•Create (Get creative with an art project/activity)
•Hands-On (Engage your senses with object lessons and hands on activities)
•Make (Get your kids in the kitchen making some fruit-filled snacks)
•Fruit in Action (Simple ideas to get your kids involved and practice each fruit)
4. The activities were designed for ages 3-8, but can be modified based on your kids ages.
The best part is that you don’t have to do every single activity. It was created in such a way that you can pick and choose what activities your family wants to do together. Besides, it’s not really about the activities anyways. Are they fun? You bet! Necessary? Nope!
Pointing your kids to Jesus happens best in the normal everyday moments of our days, but I pray that this is a helpful tool the helps spark conversations in your home about who God is and His incredible love for us.
I would absolutely love for you and your family to dive into learning about The Fruit of the Spirit with us this summer in an engaging and hands-on way.
I should also mention that this study really can be used year round, but with all the fresh fruit in season, summer is definitely a great time to enjoy some seasonal favorites while exploring the Word of God.
Ready to get started?! Be sure to head on over HERE to my blog to download the FREE packet for each week.
I’ll end with one last thing, because it really is the heartbeat behind all of this. My prayer is that
we would be mamas who know God and that the overflow of our love for Him would be contagious to a dark and hurting world. I also pray that the Holy Spirit at work in our hearts and in the hearts of our families would produce good fruit that makes the world a brighter place.
Come join us for a fruit-filled summer!
About the Author
My name is Ashley. I’m a wife + mama to two girls. I believe in celebrating everyday moments, the power of play and spreading freshly squeezed joy along the way. Here you will find our favorite kids activities, simple ideas for family fun + encouragement for your mama heart.
I LOVE these! What a wonderful to stay connected not only as a family but to God’s word this summer. Awesome idea! Great share— can’t wait to print these out and work through the verses and activities with my boys. Thanks so much!
I want to purchase the set . I put it in my cart but have not been able to check out. Please help
Hi Karlanne!! I would reach out to Ashley at this email address – hello@thelittlesandme.com! I hope this helps! THANK YOU!
I would love to be able to download the free fruits of the spirit printables, but for some reason the link doesn’t allow me to do so.
I am interested in possibly purchasing the fruit of the spirit complete set. We are doing “Fruit of the Spirit” as a summer curriculum and are looking for sources to put together a curriculum for new adults that will help during the summer program. This looked really good. Is there a link for purchasing like TpT or anything?
Davina Pyzer- Clearlake Church of the Nazarene Director of Children’s Ministry
Thanks you so much for this!!
I printed them all but, cant seem to find where Love and Joy .
Hi, is this still available I would love to purchase.
I would like to have the downloads for these. I can’t seem to be able to download.
Please help.
Hi! I am wanting to download the product for the fruits of the spirit, but when I go to download it tells me the website is offline. What can I do to be able to download the product?
Hi! I am trying to download the free printable for the fruits of the spirit, but when I click on the link it states that the website is offline. Is there another way I can receive this free resource?
Hi! Is there a way to download these? None of the links are working, but this set is exactly what I want to do with my kids this summer.
I would love the links to the fruit of the spirit lessons. These are great!
For some reason, it says the website is no longer available. ;(
I would love to be able to access the materials, but when I try to visit the website, thelittlesandme.com, I get a message saying the website is offline. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
The link says the website is offline. Are these still available to print?
Aww, this link doesn’t work anymore for downloading. Is there any way I can get my hands on this summer study for my kiddos?
I would love to do this study with my kids this summer but, like the women before me have commented, the links say the website is offline. Can you please help me be able to download it and print these adorable pages? I appreciate all the leg work you have done and saved other Moms from doing.
I LOVE this lesson!! The link does not seem to work. Can I still access it?
How can I access the file?
The link has been fixed!!!
I found her on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/listing/604847050/printable-fruit-of-the-spirit-bible?click_key=7f739358c6c3d611b5a1e73e86b2865e5740a82b%3A604847050&click_sum=05caaa4b&ga_search_query=fruit&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1