I’ve been noticing more and more lately that if the Happy Buddy has a few M&Ms it doesn’t take long before his skin takes on a greenish glow, his eyes get all buggy, and suddenly every item in our Happy Home becomes subject to his destructive whims.
Not to mention I have to remove the Happy Baby from his brother’s presence entirely or he will inevitably be trampled or smothered.
So here are some Valentine options that are healthy and hopefully will leave your Happy Home (and Happy Buddy) intact.
Attach these adorable FREE Printable Valentine Fruit Tags from Craftaholics Anonymous to an apple or orange and there will be no trips to the doctor this Valentine’s Day! 🙂
Cheese sticks make excellent little Valentines!
I love this “Let’s Stick Together” idea from Bless This Mess.
Those small boxes of raisins are pretty inexpensive so grab a few packs and stick on this FREE Printable from Just Married With Coupons.
That pun is the ‘raisin’ I am smiling right now!
We go through like a dozen of these little pureed fruit squeeze-y things each week.
I got a kick out of these funny Fruit Squeeze Pouch Valentines from Kitchen Stewardship.
Finally, the Happy Buddy just loves him some apple juice.
I find these You’re the Apple of My Eye Valentine Juice Boxes from C.R.A.F.T. so enchanting!
What do you do to keep your Happy Buddies from becoming a Valentine sugar wrecking ball?
Happy Healthy Valentine-ing! 🙂
*Note – I may have posted all these healthy Valentine options, but I am very confident that I will succumb to my weak nature with one look into the Happy Buddy’s big brown eyes and will shower him with lots of Valentine chocolate (specifically of the M&M kind). But maybe I will just have to hide the good dishes and wrap the Happy Baby in a protective pillow suit first.* 🙂
What a great list of Valentine’s giftees! Thanks so much for including mine on the list, yay!
Fyi, if you haven’t realized this yet, it sounds like the Happy Buddy probably has an allergy/sensitivity to artificial food dyes. My husband and daughter do, especially with red dye. It makes them crazy and hyper. My little daughter totally loses control of herself. Anyway, I didn’t even know food dye could be a problem until I met my husband, so maybe that information will bring peace to your happy home. And they sell naturally dyed “M&Ms”. 🙂
Thanks for the shout-out for the cheese sticks!! I love the apple juice one too 🙂
How about taking slices of bananas and dipping them into melted dark chocolate (75% cacoa) place into the freezer on a plate lined with parchment paper. A little treat with very little sugar. You can do the same thing with dipping raisens, strawberries, raw cashews, low sugar graham crackers, ect. Will give your family a little sweet treat without the sugar buz and you get a big dose of antioxidants to boot. Happy Valentines Day.