One thing that is so special about Valentine’s Day is that it is this wonderful holiday dedicated to celebrating the people in our Happy Homes and telling them how much we love them.
One easy way to speak Love to your kids this Valentine season is to give their bedroom doors a Heart Attack!
Simply cut out some paper hearts, write on each heart something you love about your Happy Buddy, and then stick them all over his/her bedroom door! That would be the most magical surprise a person could ever imagine!
One of my favorite crafty Mom bloggers, Skip to my Lou, did this Heart Attack for her Happy Buddy’s bedroom door.
Soooo cute, right?!
And simple.
Unless, of course, you have like ten kids. 🙂
If that’s the case, a great variation for you might be to simply buy a few packs of inexpensive classroom exchange Valentines from Wal-Mart and stick those all over your Happy Buddy’s door. That way your hand won’t fall off from all that cutting.
I love the idea of giving Heart Attacks to unsuspecting other people, too. Like maybe your Happy Home Neighbors! Your pastor’s office door! Or how about your Happy Hubby’s car!! Everyone loves to be encouraged, so I encourage you to spread the love!
Happy Heart Attack-ing! 🙂
What a great way to build up confidence in a child, especially ones who might have self esteem troubles. It’s a great idea.
True! It is so important to speak life to our children!
We did something similiar for my husband’s birthday. I cut out a bunch of stars and our girls wrote something about their daddy on each. Then we stuck them all over the wall for him to see when he got home from work. He loved it and it was cute to see what the girls came up with (being that they are 2 and 4). Another idea could be for one sibling to give the other sibling a “heart attack”. I’m a big believer in training siblings to be best friends 🙂 Thanks for your ideas!
Cara, I totally agree. We want our kids to learn to speak kind words to each other – to seek the best out in one another! That will create those strong family ties we desire so much for our Happy Homes to have! You are a wonderful Mommy.
Another great idea! I love this kind of “heart attack”!:)
Girl, you are the most faithful commenter ever! Thanks for always leaving me an encouraging word. It brightens my day!
This site has free printable vintage valentines, which could be a lot of fun for this 🙂 I’m using them in my prince’s lunches ;).
I know that you have this for kids but I want to do this with kids to give to there teacher but I’m having a hard time thinking of saying to help the kids so please help.