I hope you had fun peeking into our lil’ pumpkin celebration yesterday. ๐
Today it’s all about Baby #2.
Back in August, I was feeling quite sleepy and started wondering if maybe I had a bun in the oven.
On a whim, I took a pregnancy test.
It was a Sunday morning, so the Happy Hubby had already left for church to get the worship team prepped and rehearsed for the services.ย I knew I was going to have to wait awhile before sharing the exciting news with him.
All morning long I tried to come up with some clever idea of how I could tell him.
But I got nothing.
I even tried looking on the internet for ideas.
But I still wasn’t inspired.
I considered passing him a note during the sermon that read, “I’m pregnant,” but something just didn’t feel right about that.ย I wasn’t sure our pastor would appreciate us jumping up and laughing and crying and holding each other in the middle of his teaching. ๐
So I waited.
Later that afternoon the Happy Hubby and I were relaxing on the couch and I finally couldn’t hold it in any longer.
I reached over to my man, took his hand, and asked, “Hey baby, what are you doing in April?”
He looked at me peculiarly and answered, “Uh, I have no idea.ย That’s like 9 months away.”
I smiled coyly.
His jaw dropped.
So clever and cute and inspirational and super original, right?!?!?!
I guess even the Happy Home Fairy has her uncreative moments. ๐
After my amazing presentation (haha), we raced to the mall and let the Happy Buddy tell everyone else.As you can see, he takes his role as Big Brother very seriously. ๐
Happy Good News Part 2-ing! ๐
Congads Julie!! Blessings from above…
GUS was born on April 15th. YOU COULD HAVE A LITTLE GUS!
As you know, I’m trying to get pregnant! I’ve been thinking of how I’ll tell my husband. The first three times he knew I was taking the test so it wasn’t a surprise!
The Internet is NO help….I agree.
I think I’ve decided on…..
Asking Brett to hold kids so I can get a family picture. Then say “on the count of three say “mommys pregnant”….that way I can capture their first reaction…..mostly Bretts face!!!
I always tucked a little stuffed animal somewhere for DH to find to tell him we were pregnant. The first time it was a puppy with a pink and a blue ribbon tied around his neck. The last one I kept to myself for a few days. I knew it was going to be our last one and I wanted that secret just for me to enjoy! I finally put a little stuffed monkey under his blanket on his pillow. ๐
We used a Big Sister shirt too, to tell everyone about our third ๐
Congrats! This is happy news!
CONGRATS! Your stories are so adoable!! Such a lucky little one to have you as a mom!