Last Thursday, the Happy Hubby and I had the privilege of attending our school’s annual Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play with the Happy Buddy.
Seeing those adorable Happy Buddies up there, yelling their lines out as if there wasn’t a microphone right there in front of them, and wearing sweet little Pilgrim bonnets or way too large Native American headdresses… it was the definition of cuteness.
At one point, the Happy Hubby and I turned to one another and we both admitted to getting teary-eyed – and our kid isn’t even in the play yet!!
The best part of the play, though, was at the end, when all the Pilgrims and Native Americans joined hands and sang, “God is so Good.”
We are so blessed to have such a godly heritage!
Maybe your Happy Home would like to put on a special play this Thanksgiving Day for all of the guests.
You’ve come to the right place!
My friend, Katie, shared the script below at our MOMs group earlier this month. She said that she and her whole family get involved in the performance and every year it gets funnier and funnier.
I think I’m going to try to round up the nieces and nephew to put on our own show this Thanksgiving!
*The following skit is written as a narration, with one adult or older child reading the script while younger children and family members act out the story.*
A Thanksgiving Day Skit
Many years ago, the Pilgrims prayed for a place to live where they could worship God and go to church.
So they decided to come to America. They sailed on a big ship called the Mayflower.
It took great courage for the Pilgrims to cross the ocean. There were many dangers and the boat was cramped. There weren’t showers on the Mayflower, so it was probably pretty smelly, too.
When they landed in America, the Pilgrims needed food to eat. They looked for fresh food in the forest.
They gathered seeds and berries.
But soon the weather began to change. The first winter that the Pilgrims lived in America was very long, very cold, and very difficult.
Many of the Pilgrims became ill.
When Spring finally came, it was a time of joy!
One day, a kind Indian walked into the Pilgrim’s village. He liked the Pilgrims and wanted to help them.
Soon, more Indians came. They were nice and showed the Pilgrims how to fish, plant corn, and build homes.
The Pilgrims taught the Indians about God and how much He loves them.
One of the Indians was called Squanto. He was their special friend.
Together they hunted quail and turkey. The Pilgrims would be ready, this time, for the coming winter.
When summer ended, the Pilgrims wanted to have a feast.
They had plenty of food and many new friends. They wanted to give thanks to God for all of their blessings.
“Join us!” the Pilgrims said to the Indians, “Join us in a big feast of Thanksgiving! It will be a very special holiday.”
The Indians came to the feast. Long tables were filled with delicious things to eat.
Everyone was so excited and everyone gave thanks to our Father.
What a wonderful first Thanksgiving Day!
The End.
Can’t you just see your family presenting this play after dinner and everyone having a blast?
And may I suggest THIS POST featuring some simple Thanksgiving Head Gear options to help you plan costumes?
For a printable version of this skit, click the link below.
Printable Version of the Thanksgiving SkitHappy Thanksgiving Skit-ing!
*I don’t know who originally wrote this skit- if you know, please share in the comments section so that I can properly credit! Thank you!*
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