I can hardly believe that the Happy Buddy is 3 years old!
It was a no brainer that our boy have a train party since that is pretty much all we do around our Happy Home lately.
Thomas is his fave, but I didn’t want to go totally commercial Thomas party stuff, so we had a little fun with it…
Painter’s Tape train tracks leading up to the door…I think this Birthday Crossing Sign was the Happy Buddy’s favorite thing about the party.
My mom and dad made this super rad backdrop of streamers!
And we had a magical ceiling full of balloons.
This snack train consisted of many of the Happy Buddy’s favorite foods.
The cheese on the Harold’s Hamburgers is in the shape of a train!!
And now for the cake…
The Happy Buddy could not wait to dig into that thing.
Seriously – he kind of threw a tantrum at one point in the party because he was so excited about eating cake.
I thought tantrums stopped after 2???
Finally getting to blow out the candle!
For activities at the party, the kids got to make trains using a variety of snack items.
There was so much sugar floating around this party I’m sure no one slept that night.
Everyone got a little pail with a train whistle, bandana, and engineer’s cap.
*Note – Crazy-eyed sugar high boy in the background.*
We played a Thomas movie in the background of the
chaos perfectly peaceful party.
I got a smooch from the birthday boy in between bounces in the bounce house.
Now don’t go thinking I am some super hero person who throws an incredible birthday party for her son while her other son has been in the hospital for 3 months.
The gal in the pic above is my mom.
She is the one responsible for this party’s awesomeness.
I played around on Pinterest to get ideas, then I sent them to her, and she made my (and the Happy Buddy’s) train party dreams come true.
Thank you, Mom.
YOU are a superhero.
The funniest thing about the party (same thing happened last year, but with a different piece of technology), is that with all the hoop-de-la, the Happy Buddy was perfectly content retreating to a quiet place with Mom-Mom’s iPad.
I guess I should remember this for next year…
Happy Birthday, Happy Buddy – you are precious to me in every way.
I tank God for allowing me to be your mommy and I pray He will be the Conductor of your life for many years to come!
Happy Train Party-ing!
Julie, your mom ROCKS!!! What a fabulous party!! Aiden LOVED the bounce house which was a fun surprise! I loved the decorations and the cake was awesome
Aiden loved watching Thomas the Train and making googly eyes like the trains! Thank you for inviting Aiden and I. Noah sure had a fun time which was fun to watch
Love to you all…God’s sweet blessings to baby Jet 
So blessed by your pictures and so overjoyed that Noah had a super birthday!! He’s so blessed that God gave him such a terrific family!! Blessings & prayers!
WOW! I wish I was at the party! What a great idea. I loved how you opted not to make it so commercialized. Love all the ideas! I’ve filed it in my faves for my son’s bday party ideas. Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
The next time I want to have a party, I’m calling your mom!!!
LOVE the pictures and the party looks just awesome — just like your mama! I’m sure Noah had a wonderful time!!!
Thomas would be proud! We’ve had a number of train themed cakes, but since it’s just me, it mostly meant cleaning the wheels of one of their trains and sticking it on a sheet cake. Bless your mom for all her work, that looked amazing!
God bless !
Lovely party, lovely family!
Can your mom direct me to the site where she learned how to make the wall of streamers? I really liked it!
Hello! We didn’t use a specific site for directions. You simply purchase two different colors of streamers. Then layer one color on top of the other and twist. My mom said it took them a long time.
Have fun!
i adore this sweet party! your ideas are just awesome, especially the painter’s tape tracks! my nephew loves thomas and is asking for a thomas party in september when he also will turn 3…one quick question…where did you find the graphics for the little food cards? those are precious! thanks so much for the info!
I colored those food cards myself!
I’d share the graphic with you, but my scanner is down at the moment! Check out my Pinterest board – the link is in the post – for some great sites with train party printables. Thanks for stopping by Happy Home Fairy!
Wow, what an amazing mama you have! That party was so cute and I loved all the train ideas you had! Praying for your Happy Home…
What did you use for the “white” glue on your train snack activity with the graham crackers? Thanks for the ideas.