I was watching the Happy Baby play the other day and I had a super disturbing thought.
And it wasn’t about his health (which is shocking).
Rather, it was about his wardrobe.

Now that he is 2 years old – is it okay for him to wear onesies?
Onesies look adorable on babies with all that chubby thigh chunk, but my buddy’s legs are getting long and they are skinny.
He is potty-training and onesies aren’t really conducive to the frequent dropping of his drawers.
Not to mention that the hubs said to me recently, “He looks a little weird wearing that,” then went on to say,
“There comes a time in a man’s life when it is no longer acceptable to bear his thighs.”
But in all seriousness, his words kind of touched on the heart of this issue.
Because you know what it really is – letting go of the onesies is like letting go of my baby.
And I don’t have any more babies!!!
You KNOW what this will mean.
Once the onesies get boxed, then the sippy cups will get tossed.
Then the big boy undies will fill up his drawers and I will be hauling bags of baby boy clothes to the thrift store.
Then the highchair will be given away.
Then we will be disassembling the changing table.
Then we’ll be putting the crib up for sale on Craig’s List and then it will be OVER.
And at this point, it will take an act of Jesus to change the hubby’s heart about adding a fifth chair (or sixth, or seventh…) around our kitchen table.
I mean, there might be serious conflicts going on in the Ukraine, but this is a CRISIS, people.
My gut says to keep my baby rockin’ those onesies as long as the good people at Carter’s allow me.
I mean, he is still wearing size 18 months and I am pretty sure they don’t stop making onesies for kids until they graduate to 2Ts.
So we should be okay until then.
And, besides, I guess people aren’t really noticing his onesie when there’s all this cuteness happening on his face.
What do YOU think?
– Julie
just wear shorts over the onesies. that is a cute look. he is adorable.
As the mother of an almost 18 year old son, I think about my son’s reaction now to a few pictures of him at that age. Mostly he doesn’t care but ever once in a while he asks me…..with a straight face…..what were you thinking putting me in that outfit? They grow up too fast no matter what clothing they are in. I use to leave him in just a diaper or training pants and a t-shirt. It seems like my son outgrew the onesies at a fairly young age due to his height so for me it wasn’t a matter of making a decision, it was made for me. Your son is a absolute cutie by the way.
I agree with MaryEllen’s comment above <3 precious ~ Also, like you mentioned he still fits into them and it is 90 degrees out there 🙂 perfect outfit
First of all I can’t believe he is two already!!! Gosh, it seems like he was just born. Second, I loved the pictures. My boys always squished their toes the same way. 🙂 Third, if you like the onesie then let him wear them. When my youngest was that age I like overalls. Why? I could grab the back of them like a handle and pull him to me. LOL
I think you should adopt a few more and expand the table! In our family and friends circle, when you reach the point of moderate stability, you adopt someone that needs you. Or someones. My family has adopted one, my sister’s family one, my brother-in-law three, my cousins- some are up to four! My daughter’s best friend is adopted, my best friend was adopted, my other friend has four adopted in her family. I don’t know if we are friends because we adopted or we adopted because we are friends. Those are just how our lives are.
Totally feeling you ….when my daughter grew them my heart broke just a bit! By the way babies r us stocks them in size 36 months! 🙂
I am odd and gladly get rid of baby stuff as soon as it appears it is not needed. My guy just turned two, no more crib, highchair, and he is too tall for Onsies. I did keep him in them as long as he fit in them just to ensure he keeps his diaper on…..
Every mom is different. Do what you want, just limit documenting it in photos so he nor dad has proof you kept him in them…..haha
Stay with the onesies. My guy is around the same age. The onesies keep them covered without you having to pull their shirt down all the time and for those little ones who like to undress at random, it keeps their clothes on a little longer. 🙂
My daughter was one of the “undressers” and when I came home one time from her Dad watching her, shock came over my face and I shouted “What?! Have you done?!” He had put her diaper on, the put her pants on then buckled the onesie so she couldn’t get her diaper off. LOL. 🙂
Thats exactly what I was thinking. It just slowes down the ones who like to strip:) And it holds the diaper on for as long as they’re wearing them. But if toilet training is involved off they go or your setting them up to fail
Oh, I’m right there with you. Not so much about the onesies, but the fact that all too soon I will have no more babies. My youngest, and last, is almost a year old. It breaks my heart. About the onesies though, I say let him wear them, as long as they are not interfering with potty training.
I am ONLY putting my son in onesies and rompers, and I’ll tell you why…the weewee. He turned 2 in February and he is OBSESSED with his weewee and ripping off his diaper (which leads to accidentally peeing on the floor) and I am having none of that. So I keep him in onesies and rompers because he can’t figure out the snaps yet…they’re a gift from heaven!!! 🙂
My son uses the potty about 2-3 times a day (he stays in diapers the rest of the time) and it’s still worth it for me to use the onesie and not have to leave the room for 5 minutes and come back and find him chasing his sister around with his manhood in his hand 😉
So I’m definitely Team Onesie!
I’m so sorry that your husband isn’t open to accepting more children! I definitely hope that he changes his mind!
I think my kids were 1 when I stopped the onsies. They are great when they are little but are just silly on older kids.
Every day I read your blog you bring me joy. You make me think and wonder. You make me laugh and ponder. And…. always…you make me stop to thank our Lord for all the blessings and tears that He uses to teach me…
Keep them goin! 🙂 they make onesies for 24 months. I know because both my sons wore them as long as possible. This maybe tmi but…they actually kept my older son from pulling out his privates in public. 🙂 my doctor thought it was normal and suggested onesies.
There is a longing to stay in a certain stage in life. To let go is hard and we get sad when our babies grow up. I tried to think of it as letting go and enjoying the next part but I used to long for one day back to cuddle a baby when my kids were teens. I would hold others babies but it’s not the same. Then presto….grandbabies started coming! Wow what an amazing stage in life again.
It’s easy. Ask your husband what to do about this decision, and go with it. :o)
I say keep the onesies in a little box and just tell the happy hubby you NEED another baby 😉 that way if it’s a boy, no need to buy new ones and if it’s a girl then you can take them to the thrift store 🙂
There is nothing wrong in still using the onesies, they fit, they don’t ride up like a shirt. Let’s face it your child looks like a happy claim. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. It will happen in due time. hugs!!
I saw let his cute little self keep rocking them! They’re only little ONCE. Enjoy every little moment! As you know they grow up WAY to fast. Let him be little. 🙂
As a mom of only 2…KEEP THE ONESIES until he can’t fit them anymore! Tell the hubs, he has a choice…Onesies or another baby! 🙂
as long as he can rock the onsie I say keep doing it!!!
I feel your pain…I really do. My 6th (and last) baby is graduating from high school this year. It is so hard. I hate to tell you this, but you will be trading in the onesies for graduation robes before you know it!
He looks adorable in his onesie!! I’m in the same boat right now…my baby girl is 18 months, she is our second and last child (save the aforementioned act of Jesus) and I am debating purchasing one last package of onesies for the summer. But she’s so independent and already doesn’t like being dressed by me, so I feel it would be a waste. Her thighs are still so chunky. *sigh* My siblings better start having babies soon!
Could he get any cuter??? Really.
Veronica, you’re the best.
We stopped onesies at around 1. I actually tried to put my daughter in a onesie at 1 1/2 since it was a gift and she was not having it at all.