Just wanted to document what the Happy Buddy has been up to these days.
When the lease on my old car was up and we went to trade it in for something else, our car salesman at the dealership was handing out tickets for upcoming Miami Heat games to whoever bought a car that day.
We were only supposed to have received one set of tickets, but the salesman took pity on us because he saw how frazzled I was trying to keep 2 busy little boys occupied while waiting for 5 hours to haggle our way to a good deal and then get all the paperwork done, so he threw in a few more sets of tickets.
Let me just say that trying to lease a car with kids in tow is not a task for the faint of heart. I believe we climbed in and out of every car on display, set off a few car alarms, made origami out of styrofoam cups, compared water from the water fountains on the north and south sides of the building, and played house for an hour under some tall bar stools in the waiting room.
Note to self for when next lease is up – skip the leather seat upgrade and hire a babysitter instead.
All that to say, Happy Buddy has been to see THREE Miami Heat games in the last few months and now he is OBSESSED with basketball.
Every day after school within seconds of getting home, he heads to the backyard where he plays a full 4 quarter basketball game – complete with scoreboard (see puzzles above) and running commentary.
He even sings the National Anthem at the start of the game which ends with his own inspiring interpretation, “The land of the free and the home of the grave.”
I usually do a half-time show that includes my one entertainment trick that never fails to please – blowing bubbles. A few weeks ago he asked if I would do a somersault for the half-time show and I politely declined for fear that I would break my back and/or frighten the neighbors across the canal.
Every time I am tempted to want to tune out the constant verbal overflow of basketball player stats (just ask me if I know how much Lebron James weighs – BAM) and score reports on every team in the NBA, I remember that one day when he is a teenager and not interested in anything but eating and sleeping, I will miss this terribly.
What cute things are your kids up to lately?
– Julie 🙂
Yes! I have a little boy like that too, although his love stems to all sports. My ‘favourite’ is when he comentate’s his ‘ice hockey’ games, dashing a puck around my wooden floorboards using the scattered toys/chairs/bags/clothing as opposing players. He is a Chicago born boy but has grown up in Australia so has an Aussie accent, except when he is commentating his ice hockey games! As irritating as the constant noise can drive me, it really can be so cute.
HI! I am new to your blog and just want to thank you for your honest, funny insights about motherhood! Christian moms are not perfect, but sometimes feel we need to be…then fall woefully short!! I love your fresh perspective on the challenges we face, but always reminding us we are not alone and God is in control ! 🙂 OH! and your kids are adorable! Lisa in CT
He also gives us the highlight reals from various games on Sunday mornings 🙂 Often times the Detroit Tigers are playing the New England Patriots in an intense game of backyard basketball of which he is invariably the star. Love him!
Goodness he is getting so big! Would love for our boys to hang out together one day 😉