I just wanted to let y’all know that we made it through the first week of school.
Maybe I am looking for words of affirmation because, as you know, this is no small feat. 🙂
Happy Baby is happy – as usual. He seems to be enjoying his new class, although he hasn’t been napping during nap time. This unfortunately creates a certain amount of emotional CHAOS right around the time I am trying to cook dinner (which I somehow managed to do 3 times this week – knuckle bumps!).
Happy Buddy did awesome during his first week of Kindergarten. I am very proud of him, y’all. I’ve made it very clear to him that I see God working in his life. 😉
As for me, the Lord gave me a tremendous amount of peace about going back to school to a new class – which I needed because at bedtime the night before the first day I was praying over Happy Buddy and he suddenly sat up and bonked his head into my lip. I ended up with a giant fat lip and flaming red mark for all my new preschool parents to see and be suspicious about entrusting their child to someone who is clearly getting into street fights on the side.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of my dear readers. You are such a blessing to me and I am tremendously grateful that the Lord has allowed me to be a small part of your life!
How was YOUR first week back to school?
– Julie 🙂
Love reading your blog! So glad your school days back are a success! We are in So. cal and my girls go back next week. I’ll start teaching my 1st yr of preschool ( 2/3’s) so I’m looking forward to your teacher posts and wisdom ! I’ll need it!!?thank you for what you do?
Thank you, Jen, for these sweet words! You will be a wonderful teacher! The most important thing is to share the love of Christ with them. 🙂 And to ask the Lord for patience in copious amounts – lol!!!! God bless you!!!!
Hey Julie!!
As I told you in a precious comment…
KINDERGARDEN had me a wreck!! (Your scripture about The Lord being my strength and my sheild was perfect! You know what part…the end…my heart trusts in him and I AM(Not need to be but I am already) helped!!) Day after day of reading that along with other scriptures I got to a new place…
I almost felt like I just needed to tear
the bandaid off and get to the next step because the anticipation of it
all had been so much! I felt The Lord calming me and saying that I may had just conquered the worst part……worrying
about how it all was going to go…stewing, praying, not sleeping, crying,
overthinking, drowning in sadness, etc etc etc! I just
prayed that night before that I would be at the finish line in the morning instead of the starting line of grief! Even though tears that I knew would be shed and were (I had a burst out couldn’t talk cry that morning at the gym when someone said….you ready for today?! And then just a few little more but not nearly as bad as it could have been) I felt this crazy strength inside me…it was His grace wave after wave washing over me and I’m just praying that those
waves will continue each and every day!! So glad you had an awesome week!!!(minus the gangsta status lip?)
Oh Laurel! What wonderful news! Praise the Lord! Luke 1:49, “He has done GREAT things for me!”
You are THE BEST!! You deserve all of the affirmation because back to school is no joke!!! Especially when you’re a teacher!!
Your boys are so adorable. And I LOVE your door decor!