After the success of our Back to School Prayer Paper Chain Countdown, I have been on a mission to find ways to encourage the Happy Buddy to continue to be mindful of others while praying.
I saw this amazing idea over at Simply Alicia and decided it had to be done.
First I printed out a bunch of family photos and laminated them.
I cut out the faces (the bigger the face, the better it looked) and the Happy Baby helped me tape them onto some extra large popsicle sticks.
I took an old formula can and carefully ripped the label off so that I could use it as a guide for cutting out a new label with cute scrapbook paper.
I wrapped the scrapbook paper around the can and secured it with tape.
I taped on a simple label and we put all of the popsicle sticks into the can.
I am so excited about our new Family Prayer Jar!
We could keep it by the Happy Buddy’s bed and choose 1 or 2 sticks at prayer time.
Or we could put it on the dining room table to add to our prayers at mealtime.
This is such a neat, tangible idea for inspiring our children to pray for others and I loved that it was really easy to put together.
If you don’t have time to gather, print, and cut out photos, simply grab some popsicle sticks and write the names of family members (one on each stick) and pop them into a jar.
You could even add the names of other people in your community as prayer needs arise.
The possibilities are endless!
Happy Family Prayer Jar-ing! 🙂
“First of all, I ask that you pray for all people. Ask God to bless them and give them what they need…” 1 Timothy 2:1
What a SUPER , FANTASTIC IDEA !!! Thank you for adding my picture to the group because I covet your prayers !!! BTW, I didn’t see Pop Pop or Uncle Bob and I KNOW they would like to be included !!! I hear Jet has taken seven steps on his own. I have been praising the Lord for that ever since I heard !!! Way to go Jet !!! I forwarded your e-mail from Jane’s Dad to several and they sent it on to others and all have been blessed. Will continue to pray for the three babies. Love you, Grandmommy
This is fantastic! I will certainly be doing this. And word to the wise, if you’ve got some, wrap some packing tape around that formula can. Then, baby drool (or whatever sticky substance is on our kids hands at the time), won’t ruin your pretty scrapbook paper. I use it like laminating stuff all the time! =) Thanks for sharing!
Love this! Thanks for a great idea!
I love that you used a cardboard “can.” I need to redo ours to match Makenzie’s new room. I think I’m gonna have to use that idea! 🙂
Thanks, ALicia! I have been enjoying your blog since discovering it via Pinterest and your Makenzie’s prayer jar. It has such a beautiful, redemptive tone. Very refreshing!
Thanks for this great idea! I shared it on my blog…with an additional aha moment of my own. I love how you bring the focus of God into every day life, and make it apprehensive for littles. =)
Hey! I made one of these, too. A little different, but same idea. Great minds must think alike. 🙂 🙂