I have been in a bit of a blogging funk lately. Partly because the end of the school year was totally bananas and I had only crumbs to offer the world once we let out for summer break. I have basically been trying to clear my head and just enjoy my family ever since. Also, I am still pregnant. And somehow being pregnant has just quieted me in so many ways. Which is hilarious because for years I thought that getting pregnant would inspire a ton of new material to share.
The truth is, this past year was life-changing on several levels. I had the absolute joy of becoming our preschool’s director. It was a gift I knew was from the Lord, but it was a huge responsibility that stretched me in ways I never knew possible. The more leadership I was given, the more humbled I became. Through some beautiful highs and some dark lows, I realized that I didn’t know as much as I thought once did.
I experienced a similar journey this year in motherhood, as well. The boys have grown so much and the fun crafts and activities I used to do with them has given way to more time outdoors simply riding bikes or playing in the mud. They are happiest just being free, and honestly I have been so tired, sending them outside has been good for my frequent need for naps.
On another note, one of the boys struggled at school the second part of the year with his behavior – being silly at inappropriate times – and we had to work really hard as a family to support him the best we knew how. It kind of rocked me as a mama. I was having to shepherd several difficult behavior issues with some of our preschool students as the director, and yet my own child was struggling to make good decisions. Shouldn’t I have this together?
Again, I don’t know as much as I thought I did!
ALSO, both boys are dealing with raging cases of molluscum – a super gross skin disease that is basically a murderer of inspiration. I found a few natural health blogs that said you can get rid of molluscum with apple cider vinegar and bandaids and 14 hours, so for weeks I have been sending the boys to bed covered in ACV bandaids and they weep themselves to sleep because the smell of the ACV makes them want to throw up. I am probably the worst mom ever.
And this pregnancy is such a gift – I feel so blessed to get to steward another precious life – but it has unearthed some serious fears and anxieties that we will have to go through again what we did when Jethro was born. I have had to lay that before the Lord time and time again.
We had some time as a family on the beach last week and as we walked along the shoreline, I held Ryan’s hand and told him my heart for Happy Home Fairy. I confessed that I haven’t had much to say lately and I wasn’t quite sure what the Lord wants me to do next here. I had always dreamed that blogging would become my full time job, but the condemning voice in my head (and seeing what other bloggers are constantly doing) shames me for not producing more consistently, taking beautiful photos, and regularly keeping my stats up. Then I have to be intentional to go to God’s Word to drown out that other voice. It can take me awhile to get back on track!
As my hubby and I walked, I also told him that I am in a season where I have just been deeply humbled by life and all that I don’t know, but what I do know is to trust the Lord and have a sense of humor.
Ryan smiled at me and said, “Well there’s your next blog post.”
So here it is, folks! Trust the Lord and have a sense of humor. These were wise words from one of my dearest mentors and with every day that goes by, I see how very true they are. There are days that end with me crying and feeling like a hot mess of a person, and there are days I go to bed laughing with my husband about the dumb things we did that day that will probably put our kids in counseling when they are older.
But we keep ending up at the feet of Jesus no matter what.
We may not always instantly trust the Lord with the stuff that comes our way, but He loves when we wrestle our way to surrender in His presence. He loves hearing when we feel confused or lost or upset about something. He loves when we are hungry for His Word to help us “get back on track.”
And as we trust Him to make our paths straight, then we are able to look ahead with a spirit of laughter instead of fear.
My story (and maybe yours, too) is messy and broken a lot of the time, but He takes all of that with our open hands of surrender, and makes it into a beautiful story. It’s not always captured perfectly on Instagram, but in His kingdom, it looks even better.
And laughter is just good medicine.
I only wish it would fix molluscum.
Thanks for hanging in there to read this. This crazy fairy is so grateful for you, sweet readers!
Oh Molloscum! I thought it was crazy when my kids got it and I read that it was super common. I had never seen it before!
We tried a lot of different things with it, and the very best things we found was ZymaDerm. It was recommended to us by a friend who is a pediatrician. Of course, it could have been that it had just run its course and would have improved anyway, but it seemed to work extremely well. It wasn’t instantaneous, but we could see improvement right away and then used it for a while (a few weeks, if I remember correctly).
Thank you for sharing your faith and insights! Best wishes for rest and renewal for you!
Julie, these are some of the same thoughts the Lord has been working with me on. Trusting Him. I really appreciate your posts! In fact, I used to follow tons of bloggers, but the older and busier I’ve become with my family means I don’t have time to follow them all anymore. Yours is the only one I still follow/read because the spiritual content is always there. Hope that encourages you! You sound extremely busy, and we moms understand that you may not have as much time to blog. But I hope you’ll continue to write when you can. I’ll be praying about the skin disease and for the health of your baby. ❤️
Dearest Happy Home Fairy 💓
Isn’t it just like the enemy to tear us down to make us feel inadequate and alone. Yet here our Lord ushers in light through sharing on your blog. While my life doesn’t look like yours the underlying sruggles and joys and lessons are the same! How beautiful to have the realization and ah-hah (light-bulb!) moment from across a continent! Bless you! We have autoimmune struggles in our family, and I’ve been using “Food. What the heck should I eat” Dr. M Harman (From the “the Daniel Plan” bible study), along with Dr. Axe website to help us navigate into healthier bodies & natural remedies. (Pasted one at the top.) I use essential oils (love them) and am in the process of learning what true nutrition is, and working our way to sugar-free eating. Thank you for sharing your gift, your faith, your lessons. (I feel like I just sat and had tea with you – how you write is genuine and personal 💗) Rest well, enjoy summer,
Bless your little preggo heart!🤰🏼
Prayers for your boys FAST healing. & for mama to get some much needed rest & rehab!
I can relate to the constantly giving it over to God for sure. Usually, it’s because I don’t even realize I’ve taken it back. Trying to help a mentally ill man-child has really done me in at times. What makes it worse is that he’s 19 now & that fine line between helping & enabling is more frequently impossible to determine. He can absolutely have a happy, normal life on meds & in treatment. If it weren’t for the brick wall (mental illness) that prevents him from HEARING me! Ugh! I trust the Lord as well to keep him safe, happy & stable, but nearly every day I find myself worrying & then realizing that means I’ve taken back what I had given over to God because I sure can’t handle it on my own.
Omgosh! I didn’t mean to make this about me!! I think it would be awesome for you to blog & share even the downtimes when you don’t feel like you. I bet most of your readers can relate as I do. But, NO PRESSURE!! If your body & mind are not up for it in ANY way, don’t do it!
I truly believe we can all relate to that as well!!
All love & prayers!
Hang in there, Mama! God’s got this! (& so do u)
-Fear is a liar!
Great advice! Thanks for sharing, keep the faith and PMA (positive mental attitude).
Girl – I SO love this post and have really been inspired by your incredible work and example. I love the way you have learned to laugh in spite of your struggles. This may be some of the greatest wisdom that I have gained as well up to this point because of the little that I also have come to realize that I know – FOR SURE! lol. I have let my fear, failures, inabilities, age, add, and many other things get in my way for most of my life, but I am FINALLY learning to keep going in spite of them! I have to so that I can be the example that my daughter needs! ha Well, I mean, I want to. 🙂 Thank you for being the beautiful woman of God that you are! hugs! xo
You are such an encouragement because you keep it real. You are honest about not having it all together and needing Jesus more every day. That’s the kind of blog I want to keep up with, no matter how sporadic, because it reflects real life not social media.
Wishing you Gods peace and joy as you go through all the ups and downs of life. You have a willing heart and God can do great things through that. Be encouraged – you are a treasure!!
Thanks for the wonderful blog today I am praying God keep us both on the right path for sometimes life just is to confusing and all I can do is say take over Lord Please!!!!
I think you share just enough. Just enough of your struggles, joys and great insights. Don’t ever listen to any voice but that of Jesus. I believe life is to be savored and treasured with our families most of all. You are doing just that. Thank you for all that you share. God bless you and your growing family!
I have been struggling with the same since my son was diagnosed with Autism. I have recently come to two conclusions even though I struggle with both daily. The first is the one you mentioned: to seek God constantly with everything. I have the most difficult with this. I want to be in control of all situations, but I know that the Lord is there always and he has a path, a plan, and a way for me and my family. The second you also kind of mentioned: have humor, however mine is to always think or make it a positive. I don’t want darkness to have any power over me and I will do my best to find the light and the goodness in things. I’m currently not the best at either of these two ways of thinking but I have faith that God will give me the grace to move forward with this so that I may bless my family as their mother.
I only follow 2 blogs and you are one of them! I love your ❤️ for your family and the Lord. You’re the best!
Julie Parkerson
Smyrna, GA
As I read your blog I had fears it was going to end with telling us you could no longer find the time or inspiration to blog. That was making me very sad. I cried as I finished reading. You are so honest, and filled with love and integrity. The Bible is filled with stories of God using people who feel inadequate because really we all are. None of us can shine for Him, we just need to be available and let Him shine through us. Blessings to you and your family.
Thanks for sharing your heart. It was very encouraging. Praying blessings over you.
I love you, my friend!
Julie, you are doing a great job. As someone has already said, us Mum’s are always so busy, so while you might not get to write, we may not get to read! But I always make time for your posts. Don’t compare yourself to other bloggers. Do what is right for you and your family. Praying for your pregnancy to go smoothly.
Megan from Australia ♡
And this is why you are my favorite blogger❤️ We don’t need another recipe, craft, or outfit, we need these honest and inspiring words that speak truth to the heart that we all feel many of the same things. If less frequent posts produce ones like these, I’ll take it. Love you!
beautiful blog and great advice!
also, as Steph suggested, Zymaderm worked for us too with that nasty mollescum
This is really inspirational, Julie. I can totally relate. I am eight months pregnant now and I think I’ve been suffering depression these past few weeks. There are a lot of things that make me worry and though I know it’s bad for my baby, I just can’t help it. So, every night, I talk to God and it puts my worries at rest. I know that God is always there and will always guide me throughout my journey.