A few years ago, one of my Happy Home Friends, Dede, gave the Happy Hubby and me the most AMAZINGLY creative and magical Valentine’s Day gift!
An Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kit!
What in the world is that, you might ask?
It is a simple bag filled with a few items to make an otherwise routine evening at home with the Happy Hubby suddenly transformed into a romantic celebration of love!
Seriously, going out on dates can be super tough to pull off – between babysitting and food expenses, a couple can rack up a bill pretty quick! The Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kit is meant to provide an inexpensive and romantic night at home while the Happy Buddies are asleep.
Simply set up the contents of the kit and enjoy your very own private escape with the man of your dreams!
What’s in an Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kit…
1. 1 package of Oreo Cakesters
So cute because these come in TWIN packages – one Oreo for you and one Oreo for the Happy Hubby! And there’s built-in portion control so that you’re not moping around during the rest of your romantic evening together complaining that you over-indulged. 🙂
2. 1 tea light candle
3. 1 box of matches
So you’re not fishing around in the junk drawer for an hour searching for matches to light your tealight and thus getting frustrated and thus ruining the specialness of the evening.
4. 2 cute Love-themed napkins
Unless, of course, you’d rather kiss the crumbs off each other! Haha! 🙂
5. Tie on this cute printable tag!
I loved the idea so much that I made like 50 Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kits for all my married Happy Home friends last year for Valentine’s Day! They absolutely LOVED them!
One friend even told me that she and her Happy Hubby were having a rough night with their four girls. Everyone’s stress-levels were escalating rapidly. My friend remembered her Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kit, popped a movie in for the girls, and swept her Happy Hubby away into the bedroom for a private moment to regroup and step back from the present chaos. They lit the candle and ate their Oreo cakes and enjoyed each other for a few moments before heading back into the madness as a unified team.
Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kit SUCCESS!!!!!!
If you LOVE this idea and want to expound on it – I have tons of ideas for DELUXE versions of Emergency Candlelight Dessert Kits!
Here are a few additions if you want to make your Kit Deluxe…
1. 1 pkg of heart-shaped confetti
2. A pink or red balloon
3. A small pack of tissues (I am not even going to say what those are for, but you probably get the idea! :-))
4. A CD of 2-3 of your favorite love songs
5. Print out two of these 10 Things I Love About You Cards as an activity for recipients to do together as they’re savoring the romantic night
Do you have any suggestions for what would make a fun Emergency Romance/Candlelight Dessert Kit???
I’d LOVE to hear them!
In the meantime, I hope you’ll put a few of these sweet gifts together and give them to some of your dearest married friends for Valentine’s Day!
Don’t forget to make one for you and your Happy Hubby!
Happy Emergency Romance Kit-ing! 🙂
Another adorable idea! I would definitely add a jar of coconut oil for amazing, safe, and natural lubrication (or a massage) and a travel sized container of wipes rather than tissues (because is it just me or do tissues fall apart pretty quickly?)