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AHHHH! I am so ridiculously excited about this year’s Favorite Things Giveaway!
I have teamed up with some fabulous companies and small businesses to bring you a TON of incredible goodies.
You will find so many fun gift ideas for the people you love!
Seriously, guys. There are over $800 in prizes in my giveaway alone. I am not even kidding you that I have fought ALL THE TEMPTATIONS to not keep this stuff for me.
But Christmas is about giving and I can’t wait to bless one of YOU with all of these wonderful items.
Before I jump into what is up for grabs in MY giveaway, you must know about the 14 OTHER giveaways that are all happening right now. To see each gift up close, and to enter to win, visit each site to fill out the entry forms. It’s possible you could win more than ONE!
When you visit each blog take a look around. This is a great list of amazing bloggers and I know you’ll love each one of them (and the last one – Make Healthy Easy – is my roommate from college! Now she’s on TV and practically a celebrity!).
1. Thriving Home // 2. Happy Home Fairy // 3. Nourishing Joy // 4. Intoxicated on Life // 5. Chaos to Peace // 6. Mommy Hates Cooking // 7. The Nourishing Home // 8.Young Wives Guide // 9. Martha Martha // 10. Heavenly Homemakers // 11. The Realistic Mama // 12. Keeper of the Home // 13. Kitchen Stewardship // 14. Gwen’s Nest // 15. Make Healthy Easy
Without further ado, here is what is up for grabs in MY giveaway!
Better Life Bag (Brynnda Black and White Stripe) – $207 value
Cross body bags are SO HOT RIGHT NOW. And this 100% genuine leather, handmade bag from Better Life Bags is no exception (I want one of these SO MUCH!!!). But the thing I love most about Better Life Bags is their mission. Owner, Rebecca Smith, needed help with her growing company, so she turned to the women in a local, impoverished community for help. By providing these women with work and a steady income, Rebecca watched them experience a shift in their attitude and economic status as they began providing for their families like never before. Each bag you purchase arrives with details about the woman who hand cut and hand sewed the bag with love and careful skill – the woman whose life is made better because of your purchase. What a Cinderella story and one that I support 100%.
You can find out more about Better Life Bags (and even design your own) by clicking HERE! Get 10% off your first order by simply subscribing to Better Life Bags’ newsletter! Also make sure to follow Better Life Bags on Facebook and Instagram.
Stevie the Sea Turtle – $21.99 value
I am completely in love with The Wee Believers Toy Company and their line of Lil’ Prayer Buddies! These irresistible, huggable animal friends recite precious songs and prayers with the push of a button. Your kids can snuggle up with Stevie and hear him recite 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. What a fun way to get God’s Word into their hearts! Check out the entire line of interactive, inspirational stuffed animals HERE.
LuLaRoe Top and Leggings – $60 value
My girl, Abbie, is teaming up with me AGAIN to bring the winner of this giveaway an exclusive pair of LuLaRoe leggings AND a cute LuLaRoe top in her size! That is an ENTIRE OUTFIT, people. Haven’t heard about LuLaRoe yet??? Check out THIS POST for more on WHY I LOVE LULAROE clothes and click HERE to meet Abbie and follow her LuLaRoe shop! She gives away tons of clothes every week!
Rodan + Fields Lash Boost Eyelash Serum – $150 value
My friend, Jacqueline, has donated Rodan + Fields’ newest product to this giveaway! This incredible Lash Boost Serum is an eyelash conditioning serum clinically shown to visibly enhance eyelash volume and length in just 4 weeks! The set comes with a mini multi-function eye cream, Lash Boost and an exclusive Lash Boost travel pouch. I am OBSESSED with mascara. I want ALL the mascaras and this set just looks like a dream! You can find out more details by following Jacqueline HERE!
Awesome LEGO Creations Book by blogger Sarah Dees
– $16 value
As a boy mom, we love all the LEGOs. My friend, Sarah Dees, founder of the blog Frugal Fun for Boys, specializes in not only encouraging families with her wisdom about raising boys (she has 4!), but also providing kids with easy and fun LEGO creations that include bricks you already have! No need to buy any new LEGO sets. Just open up her book and find tons of great ideas. Find out more about this wonderful book HERE.
Clothed in Strength ‘Strength and Dignity’ Top – $26 value
Want to look cute AND share the Gospel while you work out? My friend, Kimberly, owner of the clothing company Clothed in Strength, has designed a new T-Shirt for women based on Proverbs 31:25, “She is clothed in Strength & Dignity and laughs without fear of the future.” The best thing about this shirt is that with every purchase proceeds go to help victims of human trafficking and sex slavery in Cambodia through the efforts of Agape International Missions. Read more about it HERE and see the rest of Kimberly’s inspirational clothing line HERE.
Younique Lip Bonbons Tinted Lipbalm – $22 value
My girl, Marci, has the most incredible line of makeup products from her company Younique! I am absolutely obsessed with everything she sells. She recently sent me one of these adorable tinted lip balms in the color Raspberry Cheesecake and I was totally hooked! I couldn’t wait to share them with you! Winner gets to pick whatever color Lip Bonbon they choose. They are so much fun. See them all HERE! What a fun stocking stuffer!
Usborne Books Gift Certificate – $35 value
I love love loooooove books. Surrounding my kids with high-quality children’s literature is something I am super passionate about and Usborne books has some of the BEST books for kids I have ever seen! My friend, Rebecca, is giving the winner of my giveaway $35 to spend in her shop! You can choose from hundreds of bright, colorful, and fun titles covering a wide variety of subjects. I promise your kids will love whatever you choose! Check out Rebecca’s shop HERE.
The Lovely Wall Gift Certificate – $75 value
I met Megan from The Lovely Wall when I was looking for cute wall stickers for our Preschool Welcome Center. She graciously donated the cutest wall stickers EVER (see them HERE) and they DAILY bless our little preschoolers! I asked Megan if she would collaborate with me again because I cannot get enough of her products! She has the cutest and most amazing wall decals! You can transform any room in your house with these! Follow Megan on Instagram and Facebook for ways to style your home with her decals. They also make the perfect gifts for your friends!
HavenMade Designs Child of God Framed Wooden Sign – $65 value
I love supporting small businesses and HavenMade Designs is at the top of my list! I love Anya’s heart and she lives in South Florida like me! She loves helping families decorate their home with words that speak life – and y’all know how I feel about words that speak life. 🙂 Because how much would be solved in this world if everyone believed and accepted the truth that they are a child of God? Follow Anya on Facebook and Instagram and hear her heart for the Lord and how He is using her gifts for His glory! Find all of her products HERE!
Young Living Oils – $66 value
If you haven’t jumped on the oil bandwagon – now is your chance! Oils are used in a variety of ways to help promote natural wellness in your home. My girl, Jamee, is donating (1) Lavender Oil, (1) Peppermint Oil, and (1) Cinnamint Lip Balm! Jamee has tons of amazing videos to educate you on how to use oils – you will totally fall in love with her! Check out Jamee’s Facebook page HERE and see all of her products HERE.
M Is for Manger by Crystal Bowman – $8 value
I have used so many of Crystal Bowman’s books in my preschool classroom. They are all so simple, cute, and Christ-centered. When I saw she had a new Christmas board book out, I bought it immediately and then asked if she would be willing to give a copy away to one of you! This book tells the entire story of Jesus’ birth – ABC style. The illustrations are adorable and the rhyming message communicates the Gospel powerfully to the littlest of hearts. It will become your child’s new favorite Christmas book to read every year! Buy your own copy HERE and see all of Crystal Bowman’s books HERE
And find more of our family’s favorite Christ-centered Christmas books HERE!
The Kindness Antennae – $20 value
Finally, I had to include a copy of my own book, The Kindness Antennae! This book is my very first published book and I am so proud of it because it shares my heart on how kindness powerfully changes others’ lives. This book has hundreds of fun and easy ways you can do that with your family! Read more about it and see the inspirational video HERE!
This giveaway is now closed! 🙂
What do you think?!
Do you want to win all of these AMAZING PRIZES?!
Merry Christmas, sweet friends!
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only (apologies to my sweet international readers). The giveaway will end at 12:00 am on Monday, December 12 (EST). A winner will be selected shortly after and notified by e-mail. If winner does not respond within 24 hours, a second winner will be chosen. Thank you for being a part of this fun giveaway!
Julie 🙂Click on the links below to learn more about the bloggers!
At Thriving Home, Polly and Rachel strive to encourage moms to thrive in every area of home life. They try to keep it real when it comes to sharing about healthy recipes, raising little people, growing in their faith, freezer cooking and various other topics that motherhood and life may bring their way
Mommy Hates Cooking is a national cooking and lifestyle website that encourages families to take back the dinner table. Through her easy-to-prepare (yet looks like you spent all day in the kitchen) meals and her knack for breaking down meal planning, Kristy has become the busy-mom’s resource for the modern family.
Jennifer and her family live in the South. She and her husband, Fred, have three boys ages 13, 10, and 7, and one unruly dog named Dash. Chaos2Peace is a blog designed to bring peace in the midst chaos by providing organizational tips, menu planning, simple recipes, and a whole lot of laughter. Join us on the blog today as we do life together, one step at a time
Laura Coppinger and her husband have four sons ages 11-19. HeavenlyHomemakers.com is dedicated to inspiring women daily with healthy (and easy!) recipes, homemaking tips, spiritual encouragement, and good ol’ clean fun.
Intoxicated on Life is a blog about raising strong families – body, mind, and soul. We believe, with the right education, busy moms can be equipped to make small changes one step at a time, transforming the life and health of her family. Join us on a journey as we raise holistically healthy children: nurturing their bodies, cultivating their minds, and inspiring their souls!
Jenna Braddock is a registered dietitian nutritionist, football coach’s wife, mom of boys, and entrepreneur. At Make Healthy Easy she shares real life strategies for better health and doable and delicious recipes. As a MHE reader you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing your daily health struggles are normal. You’ll also get a little dose of family and football through the eyes of our Friday Night Lights life.
Happy Home Fairy is a resource of fun ideas, simple recipes, free printables, holiday traditions, and encouragement to help moms build happy homes.
Katie Kimball has shared her journey to real food and natural living for almost 8 years at Kitchen Stewardship, a blog that encourages moms to keep their families healthy without going crazy.
Young Wife’s Guide exists to encourage and equip Christian homemakers to form Gospel-Centered Homes. Jami Balmet shares about her own struggles with running and managing a home and hopes to provide Biblical resources for the struggling homemaker.
Visit Gwen’s Nest and discover simple home remedies, in depth holistic health articles, healthy recipes, & Gwen’s health & weight loss discoveries. Come meet Gwen, and enjoy the funny, holistic, and friendly-efficient way of life in her nest!
Keeper of the Home is a resource and community for women and families in all seasons of life who are striving to be healthy – body, mind, and soul. It covers a wide range of topics from healthy recipes, cleaning practices and self-care. Our inspiration begins with our faith. Stewardship inspires the way that we approach our homemaking. In fact, it’s the foundation of what you’ll find when you pull up a chair, grab a mug of something delicious, and come share this journey with us!
The Nourishing Home provides family-friendly, gluten-free, whole food recipes; free weekly whole food meal plans; helpful cooking tips and techniques; and lots of encouragement to help you in your journey to live a more nourished life.
Peace and Productivity coexist at Martha, Martha, a blog for busy women who, like biblical Martha, often get distracted by life’s demands and lose sight of Jesus! Devotional thoughts, productivity planning, simple recipes, and more will help you stay focused on the “one thing {that} is needed”
The Realistic Mama is all about family, how to spend more time with your family, activities you can do with your kids, how to create an online business that benefits your family, and more! You’ll find everything from saving money, parenting tips, kids activities, easy recipes, and DIY to online entrepreneur ideas, and more! Our tribe of moms and family-oriented entrepreneurs is one-of-a-kind. The connection, transparency, and trust are just a few of our favorite things about our community!
Nourishing Joy is dedicated to real food and natural living. We’re on a mission to equip and inspire busy parents with the tools to make intentional, thoughtful decisions easy. Or at least easier.
Julia so excited for these chances of winning great products! There all awesome! Your such an amazing, inspiring, beautiful creation of god as a friend, wife and mama to 2 boys!
Hugs, love and sweet blessings!
Crazy auto text lol I put Julia it’s JULIE!!!!!!!
My favorite item in the giveaway is the M is for Manger book. I know a classroom of sweet two-year-olds I’d love to share it with!
Julie so super duper excited for the announcement of the winners soon! It’s going to be like an extra special Christmas gift for whoever you choose! You were rocking super cuteness last night about speaking on Jesus! You touched those girls hearts as you touch all of our lives!
Sprinkles of love to you!
Love love the cross body bag on Christmas list!
Love your choices…and your values.
I like the Kindness book.
I agree. This stuff looks amazing and this mama is inspiring:)
BREE! YOU WON, GIRL! Email me your address ASAP! Love you and your heart SO much. 🙂
So many great giveaways Julie! Hope you are having a expectant advent season with your family 😊
Love the better life bag! Such a cute style and sounds like an amazing company to support!
Great giveaway!
So many nice things! The “strength and dignity” shirt really stood out to me, as that verse has meant a lot to my sisters this year. One has fought breast cancer and the other has had two surgeries recently. Thanks for the giveaway!
looks awesome
My favourite is the bag! So many great prizes!
My favorite is the Child of God sign!
Oh my! What’s not to love here?!?! Thank you for your generous spirit. Is it okay to say I really hope that I win?!? ( I promise to be generous and share! 😉 ).
I love it all, but if I have to choose on I will pick the Better Life Bag!!
I have been covering that better life bag for ever! Thanks for putting this giveaway together
Great list of things I’d never even heard of! Thanks for a chance to win them.
Bag, cute clothes, and makeup…pretty much stuff I stopped buying for myself since the twins were born. Super cute stuff and such a positive blog.
My fave is theHavenMade Designs Child of God Framed Wooden Sign.
I’ve been dying to try the R+F eyelash product! I’d love to win it!
The lularoe leggings is what I most want! I have been wanting a pair so bad, to be honest I have no idea how to buy these, lol!
It all looks great but I think the Better Life Bag is my favorite
Everything is so wonderful and would be such a blessing, but my favorite thing is actually the Usbourne gift certificate – I just got my first Usbourne book for my daughter in August this year and we are hooked! So excited to see them here 🙂 And I love your blog! You are such an inspiration <3
LOVE every item in this giveaway!
the bag—but really love it all
Love the books and bag!
The LuLaRoe outfit is my favorite. I am in need of cute casual clothes.
What an awesome giveaway! Love your site! I would love to check out Usborne books!
I always love hearing of things others love. Gives me great gift ideas. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
My fav is the Lego book. My kids are Lego crazy. 🙂
LuLaRoe! Kindness book! Essential oils! Everything!
You are way too kind my friend. In my eyes, you are the rock star!! So proud of you. And this giveaway… oh man! It’s awesome.
I love lots of the prizes……….but if I had to pick one……..the betterlife bag!
What a wonderful giveaway!! I have bought Usborne books in the past (in fact, I am waiting for an order right now), so the gift certificate would be my favorite of the things I have tried before, but I would love to win the Better Life Bag, too. Thanks for the great giveaway and for the chance to win!!
The bag or the leggings. 🙂
I think the bag is great!
These are great and I especially love the Strength and Dignity shirt.
I love that bag!
My daughter is in love with LuLaRoe leggings!
Loving the bag and the kindness book ☺
What an amazing package of fun gifts! I would say the better life bag is my top choice!!
Soooo amazing, Julie! I love the bag especially, but there are so many awesome gifts here!
Love better life bags!!!
All of these favorites are awesome!!!
The bag really caught my eye! Even though all the prizes look great.
It’s kind of hard to decide -there are a lot of great items! I think I would have to chose the essential oils though… but it’s a toss-up!
Great giveaway! Love the bag, and the essential oils. I would donate the books to my church for the nursery and sunday school.
I so seldom enter any kind of give-away. I love everything you have on the list!
My favorite is the young living essential oil.
I love your blog! I’m most excited about the clothed in strength shirt, since I’ve been thinking buying one for a while! ❤
As another ‘boy Mom’ , one of my favorites is the Lego book 😉 But I am an avid reader, so your Random Acts of Kindness book also appeals to me! Love anything to do with helping out others.
What a great way to spread love! My favorite item is the LuLaRu outfit. I have yet to purchase from LLR but I sure could use some comfortable clothes right now. Thank you for the opportunity!
I’m excited about the lularoe. I don’t have anything from them!
Better than an Oprah giveaway! God bless you and all you do in the name of Jesus!
So many wonderful things! I’ve never worn LuLaRoe, but hear wonderful things about it!
LOVE this stuff. LuLaRoe! The Lego book! The “Strength and Dignity” shirt…!!!
If I had to choose just one, I think I would say the Clothed in Strength ‘Strength and Dignity’ Top is my favorite prize.
That bag is GORGEOUS.
What a great give away – so generous! It all looks fabulous 🙂
I think my favorite has to be the LuLaRoe leggings and a matching LuLaRoe top. I am all about comfort and have yet to experience this brand!
The LuLaRoe outfit is my favorite item!
Thanks for the opportunity! I like all of your giveaway items; however, my favorite is the bag!
I’ve been wanting a Better Life Bag for so long! I often find myself going onto the website and creating new bags but then I never take the plunge and buy it! It’s like I can’t commit to a single design, lol 🙂
Your book Julie!!!
Love this giveaway. It’s hard to choose just one item, but I think my favorite is the bag.
What a great giveaway. My nephew would love that sea turtle.
I’ve always wanted to try the LulaRoe leggings! Thank you for doing this!
There are so many great ones, but I would especially love the LuLaRoe!
The Young Living Oils are my favorite.
The bag!!
The Life Bag!
This is an exciting giveaway! I want to win some of those great prizes!!!
Young Living Essential oils is my favorite at this point
I have been interested in YL this month, so would be fun to try before buying.
Stevie the Sea Turtle is my favorite.
I love everything but I had to run and grab a wee believer plush toy right away!! It’s going to be a great first Christmas present for my little guy! ❤️
The Better Life Bag is so cute, and seems really functional, too!
The Lego Creation book, my boys would LOVE this. I really like the “I am a child of God” frame.
It all looks great! Love that YL oils were included!
I am excited about all of the giveaways! Thanks for your generosity!
Young and Living oils, yay. The Lego book; oh we need this for sure!
Great giveaway!! I love the Better Life bag and the Usborne giveaway!! 🙂
Everything looks fabulous, but the bag is especially drool-worthy
I love Haven made sign ‘I am a child of God’.
I’m excited about all of them, but I have been wanting LulaRoe for a while so I’m going to say that is what I am most excited about.
That BAG is amazing!
Everything in your giveaway looks AMAZING! But I am just now getting into the benefits of essential oils, so I would love those! Thanks for the opportunity:)
I love all of the gifts in the prize package, but I would most like to have the Young Living eos.
Thank you for introducing me to some great new artisans!
What an awesome giveaway! I think my favorite is probably the bag, but I’m excited about all of it. Thank you!
I am excited about The Lovely Wall gift certificate!
It’s hard to choose a favorite item because these are all awesome giveaway items, but if I had to choose one I’d go with the leather cross body bag! I don’t think I’ve ever had a real leather bag before.
Great give away!!! Love the essential oils!!! Fingers are crossed!!
What wonderful things!
Excited about the Lego book. I’ve been considering it for my girls.
I’d love to win the purse!!! Wow!!!
The bag looks awesome I really love the colors and design. Thanks for offering such an amazing give a way! For my boys-I would most enjoy that lego book!
Very exciting to see all these blogs!! I am new to the blogging world. Great prizes too and lots of great information.
What a wonderful giveaway. I would say I am most excited about the Younique Tinted Lip Balms, simply because I have no been able to try them or this brand yet. Thanks so much!
Oh my goodness, I would be the most excited to win the book and the bag! Carrying a diaper bag constantly, I only carry a micro-purse (think clutch size) for myself. Sometimes I just throw a couple of things in a pocket on the diaper bag. It would be nice to have something for myself! And I love books in general, but especially those that talk about raising a Godly home since that’s the stage we’re in right now. Thanks for doing this!
The purse would be my favorite.
I love the Usborne books I have. And I’ve been drooling of lularoe for some time now. 🙂 What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Love ALL your picks! Favorite would have to be the bag though! Merry Christmas to your family!
Oh man, these are awesome!
Usborne books gift certificate and essential oils!
All the things on your give aways are alway great!! But the t-shirt the declares your faith to the world is always my favorite!!
My Favorite Thing(s) are the strength and dignity T-shirt, the Child Of God print, and Stevie with his verse.
As I was scrolling through, I thought of several people that I could gift the items to. My favorite was the strength and dignity shirt.
Aaahhhhh!!! Your giveaway is SO CUTE! I love the T-shirt, it’s what we strive for:) Thank-you for your thoughtfulness in all the gifts, they really are great! God bless!
I would love to try the Lash Blast! Also, your book looks like a great read!
Love looking at what you select each year. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. I personally really like lularoe but just can’t afford much of it during this season of life. This is year 9 of medical training for my husband. It has been a long hard decade.
All of it looks AMAZING! I especially love the bag ❤️
They all are great items but maybe the cross body bag? or the Rodan & Fields Eyelash boost.
I am pumped about winning the bag. I am currently in the market for a new one!
Thank you for your generosity! I love each and every product. It is hard to select a favorite- but, the leather and striped bag is my winner!
Such fun things. I love the wee believe toys.
My favorite item in the giveaway is the Young Living Oils.
I love the t-shirt! What a great giveaway!
I would love to have everything in your giveaway but I am in need of a new bag and the black & white bag is SO cute!! That is my favorite thing I think! Really hard to pick one!
I can’t choose a favorite! LulaRoe, Oils, things to decorate my house…oh my!
The better life bag is my favorite! I have wanted one since I first saw them!!
I love all of them but I think I’m most excited about the Usborne certificate. We adore those books!
The bag is great!
So many fun things!! Love it!
The Lovely Wall gift certificate is my favorite. 🙂
The Lula roe outfit is my favorite
So many great things! I can see why you were tempted!
I love the leather bag!! Love real leather!
So many goodies! The essential oils and the better life bag are my favorites!
I am looking for a new bag so that would be perfect! but seriously, all of these gifts are amazing!
The Strength & Dignity t-shirt! Thanks for the chance to win!
love it all!
Young living all the way 🙂
How to pick just one favorite!? #2 & #9 would rank high but they are all great…as is this blog! My new-found favorite right in time for Christmas!
Osborne Books would be great. My son is dyslexic and autistic folks have recommended me to this company for him.
The Better Life bag is my fav!
The Lovely Wall gift certificate is my favorite!
I LOVE LuluRoe!!!
I love the leather cross body bag! Super cute and versatile!
I would LOVE the strength and dignity shirt! Thanks for your blog!! LOVE IT!
Better life bag looks amazing!
Oh such sweet things, but my fave is definitely the bag. So cute.
Love the bag!!
Oh my goodness. So many fun things listed. LOVE LuLaRoe. Love the bag. And, love essential oils! <3
I love the BLB bags and the stuffed animals from Lil’ Prayer Buddies.
Your giveaway isn’t awesome!! Love every single item!
I love the bag
Awesome giveaway! I love each item!
Eeek! Everything looks amazing! YL oils too, wow, so much goodness!
ooh…..the tinted lip balm!
What an amazing giveaway! Your generosity is a true gift. God bless
Thank you! These are all great! My favorite is the beautiful bag.
The Better Life Bag sends an incredible message to women everywhere. There is hope for them to overcome the hardships that they have faced. This company is giving them the hope, the light at the end of the tunnel. I love it!
The bag is my favorite! It’s so pretty! But I’ve also been wanting to try Lula Roe for quite some time now!
thanks for the awesome giveaway
Love the bag and my 5 boys would love the Lego book!
So excited to find all these new blogs through the giveaways! Hope I win but even more excited to look around at all blogs to find great encouragement!
I adore the turtle.
Love Usborne books!
Oh my–how to choose! There isn’t one thing I don’t love! The Better Life Bag might be my favorite, if I have to choose 🙂
Better Life Bag is my favorite!
Love the bag and love the oils…actually, love it all!! 🙂
I just discovered your blog and I am loving it!! Thank you for all the great ideas! We are using the Advent Verses this year! Love them!
Oh my goodness, such wonderful gifts! My newborn would love the turtle and my guys would be thrilled with the Lego book.
What a lovely blog! I love the bag, the Lego book, and the adorable sea turtle!
The Better Life Bag!!!
I could use a new bag!
This is so exciting!! I am the most excited about the essential oils and Lularoe clothes! I went to a pop up party and they were soooo comfortable! More $$ than I thought so I couldn’t buy anything but I really wanted to.
Excited about Usborne!
HavenMade Designs Child of God Framed Wooden Sign
The book of lego creations
I love the Strength and Dignity T-shirt
I love the sea turtle and essential oils!
My favorite are the young living oils!
Better Life Bag and the Lularoe outfit
The better life bag is my fave! 😀
Such great gifts!!!
I am a Child of God
Love the cross body bag and usbourne books! Something for momma, something for the littles!
I’ve been itching to try Young Living, and I *love* Usborne books…so it’d be a toss-up between those two : )
I would love to try to Rodan and Fields product! Great giveaway! WOW!
I love all those sweet things but the thing I need is the better life bag. My bag broke and I have been toting my things in a plastic ziplock.
Love the Strength and Dignity T-shirt!
I am excited about the strength and dignity shirt and all the books!
Ooh, the bag and lip tint are amazing!!
My favorites are the bag, t-shirt and the oils!
What amazing gifts. If I chose one it would be the crossbody bag; I love the crossbody style and what an awesome company
that better life bag!
I love the Better Life bag the most
Since my Usborne wish list is about a mile and a half long, I think the gift certificate to Usborne I my most anticipate item, but they’re all fabulous!
Oh Julie, so many things are awesome, but that cross body bag is adorable!!
I love all these products! This is an amazing giveaway.
My favorite is the Younique Lip Bonbons Tinted Lipbalm.
My favorite item from this giveaway is the Better Life Bag
I would love to try the essential oils.
So many favorites! If I had to pick I would love to get the book on kindness and the eyelash booster 🙂
The bag, Lularoe, Such great items!
I’m starting a new job this week, so I need to update my wardrobe and make-up. I see a lot of things in your prize pack that could help me! Thanks!
I lOVE that Bag!!
I love the Better Life Bag!
The leggings, the tshirt, the Better Life Bag… LOVE this giveaway! How fun!
Favorite may be Usborne books because I just discovered them!
Every thing is so awesome!!! I really love young living essential oils.
All all the prices look fantastic.But your book THE Kindness Antennae would probably be the best.
Love all this! LuLaRoe is my fave!
Everything looks great! I think it’s a tie between your book, Anya’s sign, and the striped bag 😁
My favorite we be a tie between the M is for Manger book and the essential oils from young living.
What an incredible giveaway!!! So.Many.Favorites!!!! I have 2 favorites….I love the “Child of God’ sign and I actually don’t own any LuLu so that would be fun. Thanks for doing this 🙂
The “I Am aChild of God” – what a great reminder.
That bag is beautiful!
I love your book; I’d love to use these with the kids I work with. What a lovely idea – looking forward to exploring these links, too.
it is so hard to pick just one!!!! it’s a beautiful giveaway. i would have to say the lularoe outfit though! i have heard so much wonderful things about lularoe and really want to buy myself something from a brand rep but will have to wait until after christmas 😡
They are all wonderful but my favorites are the Cross Body Bag and the Young Living Essential Oils! Thank you offering this giveaway.
I love the Better Life Bag, it’s gorgeous.
I’m most excited about the wall stickers! We’re in a rental so those kinds of things excite my kids.
Another great giveaway! I love everything, but the cross body bag and LuLaRoe stuff are my favorites!!
I LOVE that Better Life Bag!! Super cute!
We love Usborne, so I would enjoy the gift code for that.
Everything is wonderful! I love the oils and the strength and dignity shirt.
That Better Bag- it’s sooo cute. But really, everything is great. I would be thrilled to have this amazing group of gifts!!!
I’m so excited for this giveaway. Yours is my favorite!
would love those lip balms
LOVE the better life bag ANd this mission behind the bags!!!!
Also love the little adorable stuffed animals with bible verses- oh how my middle child absolutely loves stuffed animals and would adore one of these. Thank you so much! I love your blog, Julie! And my kids love watching the little videos you made with little songs for them to remember bible verses! WHat a blessing you are and so blessed to have found your blog!!!!
I so love that bag!!
I would love the usborne gift card. The purse is really cute too!
I would love to have the better life bag.
I like the Young Living Oils.
Love Usborne Books Gift Certificate as well as others!! And, thank you for your generosity! Merry Christmas!
The “I am a Child of God” sign and the Lula Roe items are my favorite. So much good stuff!
Love the strength and dignity shirt!
That bag is amazing. Right now, I lug a diaper bag around with me everywhere. I’d love a smaller purse for the rare occasion that I go out without kids!
The purse looks cute, but I also love books so the Usborne gift would be great to win too!
I am excited about the better life bag
Tough call, but the Better Life Bag, I think! I’ve been reading about those for a long time.
My favorite is the Lego book.
My boys would love the Lego book!
I really like the better life bag, it looks like it would be perfect for me.
The books are my favorite
Better Life Bag!!!!!
I am most excited about the oils. I have wanted to try them, but never seem to get around to it.
Love everything! The clothed in strength and dignity top is my favorite. Thanks!
So many wonderful things! Wow! Hard to choose just one, but I have been hearing a lot about LuLaRoe and would especially love to check out those clothes!
Lots of good stuff but I love the striped bag. And LuLaRoe!
I am newly obsessed with lularoe
This give away is awesome!
I agree! Amazing giveaways, but the bag tops everything else!
My favorite is the Better Life Bag.
So many great things to choose from, but the bag is probably my favorite!
Lovely giveaway! My favorite would be the young living oils!
The Better Life Bag is beautiful.
I love, love, love the “Strength and dignity” shirt! Thank you for offering this giveaway opportunity 🙂
I’m very drawn to the bag.
That bag is gorgeous!
Wow, what an amazing lineup! I think those “strength and dignity” shirts are beautiful, and THAT BAG!!!
My favorite item is the Better Life Bag. It is amazing.
Great selections! I have to say, I love the bag.
Young and Living oils,
Young and Living oils.
So many wonderful things! The M is for Manger book might be my favorite; I love reading Christmas books with the kids!
I am about to decorate our son’s nursery and am in love with the Child of God picture!
Oh my! I love the Lula Roe clothes! I just recently discovered them and their leggings are SO comfortable! I’d also love the YL Oils! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
I LOVE that cross body bag! And my name is Bryn so it’s probably meant to be!
Wow, what an amazing giveaway! The Better Life bag is absolutely beautiful.
So many great things! Love the LulaRoe leggings!
Love the bag!
I love the Better Life Bag…but also the lip bon-bons. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
If you could see my falling-apart purse right now…so, most excited about the bag! 😊
Thank you for a wonderful opportunity. love everything, the bag is tops!
Usborne, Young Living, Younique, LulaRoe, Lego’s… *gasp* How did you pick so many of my favorite things?! I sell Usborne so obviously it’s my favorite, but goodness that Better Life bag looks ah-mazing!!!!
Love love love!
Amazing giveaway! That bag looks awesome!
My favorites are the Better Life Bag and the Clothed In Strength And Dignity Top!
Thank you for this amazing giveaway!!
The Lego book would be great for my boys. Though we don’t have a ton of legos yet, I think my brothers may be changing that soon.
I’m most excited to win the Child of God sign and the lip balms!
The Usborne Books gift certificate is my favorite! Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!!
The better life bag!
Well I would love the bag, but my boys would love the Lego book!
I love the lil prayer buddy what a awesome idea so cute and educational with Scripture 🙂
I am most looking forward to…LulaRoe, of course!!
This is a great giveaway! I love the bag and I’m really excited about the essential oils kit!
the better life bag!
I would love to win the oils! I use YL essential oils but would never turn down more!
Oh My! I love your favorite things. I know I would just have to keep some of these but I did see some (if I win) that I would give to friends! We would all win! Thanks again for doing this and sharing with us.
My favorite is the young living oils!
So many great giveaways! Love the striped better life bag, and the company’s mission!
I love the better life bag! Such an amazing company! Great giveaway!
I think the eyelash serum looks intriguing.
So hard to choose, but the LuLa Roe top and leggings are my favorite!!!
The better life bag is my favorite. I also love the YL EOs, amazing prizes !!
What a great giveaway! The T-shirt is especially neat.
Love the bag so much!
I love these kinds of giveaway posts. I love learning about so many great products for myself and new gift ideas for friends and family.
Love to try LuLaRoe!
So many great prizes. I would love to win. Thanks for doing this giveaway.
I forgot to add that I would love to win the LuLaRoe. Heard so many good things about it but haven’t tried them yet.
The turtle is so adorable!
I love your giveaway. The cross body bag is very beautiful.
My favorite items in the giveaway are the essential oils! I love using oils in my house, and the lavender is great for so many things (it’s healed many a cooking burn, sunburn too!)
Can I have two favorites? The bag and the Young Living Oils!
The bag!
There are lots of great items in this giveaway! I think some of my favorites are the kindness book, Stevie the sea turtle, and the essential oils! Thankx for the chance to win!
I’m most excited about the lash kit and lego instruction book.
So hard to pick one, I guess the bag is my favorite.
The books!!! Definitely all the books!!
That super cute bag! And also the lula roe – I’ve heard great things but never tried any.
That BAG!!! Love it all!
If I have to choose one, I would love the Better Life Bag!
I love the “I am a child of God” sign.
Would love to try the lash boost serum!
Love the gift cards and the Strength and Dignity shirt!
Fun choices! Love hearing about others’ favorites!
Me too Kristen
I look forward to the peppermint essential oil…i am addicted to it.
The Roden Fields eye lash Boost
I really love the essential oils.
young living essential oils. i’ve become fascinated with essential oils in the last six months!
I love the Better Life cross-over bag.
I would love to try the lash boost!
The Usborne gift certificate would be my favorite thing to win. My kids love getting new books and having them read to them.
Such great things!
My favorite giveaway item would be the cross-bag. I do not often buy purses for myself. But I love the one cross bag/purse I have. It would be a treat to win the purse, since it is just something I do not buy naturally. And as for the bag itself on the giveaway, one that I could never afford to purchase myself.
I would love a gift certificate to Usborne books! I homeschool, so that would be great. 🙂
My fave item in the bag!! Have been eyeing their bags for a long time!
This is such an awesome giveaway. I can think of someone I know who could use each thing 🙂 My favorites are the kids books and the young living oils!
So many goodies. The purse is my favorite.
i really like the LuLaRoe Top and Leggings
I’d be most excited about the essential oils. The M is for manger book looks really cute too! Thanks for the giveaway😃
I’m most excited about the Young Living essential oils. I’ve been hearing about them for so long and it would be lovely to be able to try them out. Thanks!
Hmm, If I have to choose 1 it would be the Essential Oils.
Love the child of God pic. Hope I win!
Definitely the Essential Oils would be helpful in our home. Mine are almost out, and I have heard of Young Living oils but never tried them. 🙂
love all of these. Best give away of favorite things. Favorite is the bag!
That bag is gorgeous. I would love to win it!
The LuLaRoe and Young Living oils
The turtle!
What an awesome pile of prizes to win! Thanks so much for the chance.
The essential oils look great.
I love the shirt based on Proverbs 31….just another reminder that I’m on the right path in developing a young women’s group at church based on the Proverbs 31 woman.
I love them all! My fave is the LLR outfit! Comfy and oh-so cute!
Havenmade sign is my favorite! A great reminder that no matter what it will be okay because I am a child of God!
Definitely the Better Life bag! I’ve been eyeing one of those for awhile now!
My favorite is the bag!
I missed this part. ..I love the Better Bag, AND the Better Bag Story. Such an inspiring and heart-warming story of how they built their business.
The bag is my favorite!
What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to enter! I’d especially love to win the Younique Lip Balm! 🙂
The Better Life Bag looks great! Thanks:)
What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for your example of kindness and really exemplifying the spirit of the season!
Also super excited about the bag and Anya’s sign!
Love it all! – especially the wooden sign and essential oils 🙂
Lots of awesome giveaways here! I love Usborne books!!
The bag is amazing! I love it all.
My favorite thing in the giveaway is the young living oils.
Oh my goodness, how do I choose?! I like the Better Life Bags, but mostly the Lularoe clothing! It’s a necessity for me right now. 🙂
Young living oils… or anything else! 🙂
My favorite is the Better Life Bag. Thank you for the amazing chance to win!
The bag.
My favorite is the Better Life bags. I love the story of how they were made.
How generous! I would love the Young Living Oils! And that bag!
Thank you for the contest!
The LuLaRoe outfit or the Strength and Dignity shirt…but it all looks great! Thank You!
Would love to win!
Oh my! What an amazing bundle of stuff! I lose a lot of eyelashes when I’m pregnant and I would love to grow them back! I’ve been eyeing that lash boost for weeks! ☺️
I like the i am a child of God!
The bag is SO cute! 🙂
I can never have enough Usborne books, so would love that. But I would love to try the Lash Boost and LuLa Roe as I’ve heard about them before.
I’d be most excited about that bag! It looks amazing!
Although the oils would be great too!
I love the “I am a child of God” sign. It’s an expression I like to share with my little granddaughter, telling her she is a child of God. Wishing you and your sweet family a very Merry Christmas.
There are so many great things! I would say the bag or the oils! Thank you for the giveaway!
Like the Lego book encouraging new creations with blocks you already have
Your giveaway is obviously my favorite!! Because YOU are my favorite.
Love this give away so much.
Thank you Julie for all of these amazing giveaways! WOW!! Love them all!
I LOVE ❤️ the ‘strength and dignity’ shirts. It is my favorite verse and reminds me of my cousin (she’s a veteran) I had sent her a necklace with the verse on it while she was deployed in Bahrain. I will be getting her that shirt for Christmas!!
You have so many awesome gifts here! I ❤ the Usbourne gift, the “I am a Child of God” sign AND the Strength workout shirt!! But, really all of them would are super!!!
We love Usborne around here!
My favorite thing – it’s gotta be a toss-up between the bag and the Usborne books coupon.
Love that Better Life Bag but I’ve been thinking about trying LuLaRoe so that’s a tough choice!
I’m most excited about the bag!
we love LEGo so the idea book would be great
This is an awesome giveaway! My favorite are the essential oils.
Love the Lash Serum!
Young Living oils!
My favorite would be the Cross Body bag.
the usborne gift certificate & little turtle.
I have wanted to try Young living oil’s, so that would be the best, but everything is awesome.
Love, love your blog! My family has been living overseas for the past few years and have been blessed by your posts so many times but are back for a few months and am excited about this giveaway for one special person…everything looks amazing to me! 🙂
So many great prizes! I’d like to win the LuLaRoe outfit. I’ve heard so much about the clothes, but never tried them myself!
The Better Life bag is so cute!
There are so many great products here, but if I had to pick one as a favorite, it would be the Better Life bag.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I love the book, M is for Manger! Always looking for a new book for our daughter that helps her understand and put God’s story in her heart!
Love the Better life Bag.
I love the essential oils
I like it all but the bag is my favorite!
such a lovely collection for beauty inside and out!
The awesome bag AND the leggo book, as a Nana of boys I need that book soooo bad!!
I love the oils and the Usborne!
I ♥ the better life bag
the bag!! 🙂
The Lego Book, we are so much into lego’s.
Love the better life bag!
The bag looks really nice.
i am most excited about lularoe!!
Love the wall decals, and of course, the bag. 🙂
The Younique Lipbalm or the Young Living Oils – thanks for a great giveaway!!!
Such wonderful things! Thank you for offering this giveaway!
What an awesome give-away! I love all the items, but I especially like the Better Life bag. Wow! Merry Christmas!
Awesome! I’d love to try out the oils!
The Lip BonBons sound fun!
My favorite are the oils!
We love both Legos and Usborne books in our family
I’m excited about the Rodan & Fields Lash Boost and would love to try it!!
I love the purse!
I had no idea there were so many Christian lady bloggers in the world!
Great giveaway
I’d love so many of these! I can’t decide between The Lovely Wall decor, or the sea turtle!
I love the Better Life bag. Thanks for the giveaway!
What an awesome list of gifts! Love them all, especially the bag.
my favorite is the better life bag and the Rodan + Fields Lash Boost Eyelash Serum
love so much… but the purse is super cute!!
Better Life Bag is so cute…
My favorite: I think it might be the leggings and shirt. But the Usborne books look pretty awesome too!
The Younique lip balm
The two clothing offers.
and the bag!
I love the better life bag
I’m so excited about your giveaway! Everything sounds so wonderful it’s hard to pick a favorite. I would say I’m in love with the Stevie Sea Turtle. What a wonderful way to poor scripture into our little one’s hearts! I’m also starting to be hooked on Lu La Roe! I love how comfy and cute their clothes are! Thanks for all you do and have a blessed Christmas!
My wish from your list is the Crossbody bag. I love/live life with assorted bags.
So many good ones, but the M/Manger Alphabet book is my favorite!
I really like the strength and dignity top. Merry Christmas!
Wow! So excited about so many of these products!!!
I love the Better Life bag and your blog!
Love the LulaRoe leggings!
I adore Lularoe and can’t stop drooling over that bag, so those are both my faves! Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
My favorite item is the Younique Lip Bonbons Tinted Lipbalm!
My favorite would be the Clothed in Strength and Dignity….what a beautiful concept! And absolutely a lead-in to sharing the gospel. Thanks for the giveaway, Julie!
Love that bag!
there are so many great items that it’s hard to choose. any would be a great gift
I love all these prizes! I would love to try any of them!
The “I Am A Child Of God” plaque… wonderfully beautiful message to have in our home
They are all fabulous items! I love the Rodan + Fields Lash Boost Eyelash Serum.
I think the oils are my favorite thing!
So many great things! The legos book looks great! My boys are just getting into them and would enjoy making some new creations!
The purse is so great and I love Kitchen Stewardardship. so many wonderful things. Thank you for the opportunity.
M is for Manger looks so sweet!! I have many little ones and we love to cuddle and read!
Usborne Books
I think the crossbody bag is super cute!
The Rodan and Fields lash boost!
All of them!!! j/k I love the books and the LuLaRoe clothing and the younique makeup and…. you get the idea. 🙂
You had me at that bag!
Wow everything is so fun! That bag is gorgeous and I love the story behind it. 💛
Love your blog momma! My fave giveaway is….. all the stuff!! That cross-body bag is pretty snazzy though…..
I would have to say my favorite would be the essential oils!! Tis the season for sickness!
Wow, awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity Julie! That bag is super cute! I also love lularoe and that sign from Haven Made!
That better life bag is stunning! Love it!
I seriously would love any of these items! What a great giveaway!
I love Young Living, so I’d have to say that would be my favorite thing. But the other prizes are great, too!
I love the bag and the story of how the company came about!
Stevie the sea turtle….adorable!
Love them all but my favorite it the clothed in strength tee.
The Young Living Oils!
So fun to see other’s favorites! I’m weak when it comes to book and signs. Those are 2 of my faves.
My favorite is the LuLaRoe…those leggings are so amazing!
I am excited to follow you and add your ideals to my inbox😊 I love what you stand for.
In terms of the giveaway, I really love the thought behind the bag and I love the sentiment on the tshirt.
God bless
Love the bag and the story behind it!
Thank you for giving and sharing! Merry Christmas!! Oh the bag is amazing. Love the story behind it! What a wonderful group of favorite things!!!!
I love the fun leggings.
Loved all the gifts! But if I had to choose just one…the bag! Love the 💼!
Shirt and leggings!
So many great things! The Better Life Bag tops it for me 🙌🏼
Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! Each item looks so great! I especially like the bag!!
The purse.
I can’t choose just one thing! Any one thing would be amazing!
Love it all, but that purse though!😍😍
They are all really nice gifts. But I like the purse, younique chap stick, and the essential oils. Thank you for giving us a chance to win 🙂
I would most like to win the purse!
Looks awesome! Love the essential oils and the purse!
I really love it all, but I love essential oils so the young living things would top my list.
Who can pick??!! Probably the most exciting is the oils
The book M is for manger I think I would like the best. I am teaching my four year old daughter more and more about the bible and she is starting to be more inquisitive about it and it brings me such joy to tell her all about God and the stories from the bible!
I love the bag!
I love that bag! 😍
All the items are wonderful. So hard to chose, but I love essential oils and books.
So many wonderful gifts to enjoy and share, but I think the Better Life bag is beautiful!
Oh, my gracious! Howe much fun is this give-away?! And how do you pick a favorite when there are so many awesome choices!? If pressed, I’d say either the Rodanand Fields or the Young Living. Thanks for hosting this!
The Better Life Bag is beautiful!
What a great giveaway
Thanks for putting on such a cool giveaway!
I love the “Strength and Dignity” t-shirt!
My favorite is the essential oils.
I LOVE Better Life Bags- and especially that color combo!!!!!!
I love the Child of God sign, but everything is awesome!
Oh so hard to choose!! I love Anya and her heart to bring God’s Word into our home and lives in a beautiful way.
The better life bag! It looks awesome!
I like all of the prizes. I think my favorite is the creative Lego book!
What an awesome giveaway! Love the bag.
The Better Life Bag looks like an amazing bag! I would love to receive that!
Such an awesome giveaway! I love the Better Life Bag, and I’d love to read “M Is for Manger” to my kids!
I love that bag, but really want to try the Younique Lip Bonbons
I would love to try the lip balm — but the crossbody bag interests me, too.
The better life bag is my favorite.
What a blessing your blog is. Thank you for inspiring and encouraging both myself and other mums around the world. Keep doing what you are doing! Blessing to you and your family this Christmas x
I think the highest percentage of my household will enjoy the lego book but I’d love to try the lash boost serum.
Wow- such and amazing giveaway! I love it all, but the bag would have to be my favorite!
I love them all!
Wow! So many amazing products- I would absolutely love to try the Lip Bonbons!
My favorite is the Strength and Dignity shirt. The I Am a Child Of God is a close second.
i like the little fish in the Wee Believers line because I have a little grandson who would love that.
The Usborne gift certificate.
Ohh, that Better Life bag is drool worthy!
So fun! They all look amazing but I’m particularly interested in trying Young Loving Oils.
Thanks for a wonderful set of amazing gifts to try to win!
So many fun items!! Thanks so much for being so sweet and offering this giveaway! Hard to pick a favorite!!
Another vote for that gorgeous bag!
Thank You for offering this contest! I hope I win!!!
I don’t know if I could just pick one thing… so many of them are things I’ve wanted for a while (one of Anya’s signs, LuLaRoe outfit, essential oils, and of course your book!) I’d love to win… 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!
I love your faithfulness to Jesus!! I have always wanted to try LuLaRoe. They look so comfortable!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Ok first, just reading this list each year reminds me that sometimes it is ok to think of things for me! Next, that you are SO thoughtful and kind to create such a fun thing for women to enjoy and learn about some great new shops and items for us and our families. Next, we LOVE buying things from groups that help with those in need… so I’d love to learn more about the bag and the organization! I love all of the items, the bag is adorable and gives back, the shirt I think would just make me smile each day thinking of the love of Jesus : ) the rest is just so FUN! Thank you : )
My favorite item is the Ï am a child of God framed wooden sign! My husband helps lead worship at our church and this is one of his favorite songs. Such powerful words, and it would look amazing in our 20 month olds newly painted nursery!
Hope it’s not too late to leave a blog post. I commented on the fb page instead of on here. I love the essential oils! Would love to win 🙂
Congrats, Bree!!!! I’m SO excited for you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! God Bless <3