32, y’all. I can feel my biological clock ticking something fierce. The other day it took me like 3 full minutes to get out of the position I was sitting in on the floor. What in the world? I thought that stuff wasn’t supposed to happen until I was in my eighties?
To celebrate my birthday, I shared on Facebook that the hubs and I went to lunch and we ate an entire pizza in honor of the metabolism I feel is slowing down with every passing day.
Today I am fasting and eating a steak and piece of tomato for dinner – advice from my pastor’s wife. 🙂
Just kidding. I HAVE to eat with this job I’m in. If I get hungry (which inevitably leads to tiredness and distractedness) while chasing 12 two-year-olds around, they have the power to TAKE ME DOWN.
I was thinking recently how much I love you, dear readers, and how thankful I am that you consider the Fairy something worth visiting. My heart is always that I would encourage you, make you laugh a little, and point you to Jesus.
And often, YOU are the ones who end up doing that very mission for ME. Especially when you take the time to comment.
I mentioned HERE that I was going to try to respond to every person that commented on this blog and I did 100% awesome for about 2 weeks. Then it all kind of fell apart and I went back to not replying because I am an all or nothing kind of gal.
But I still read EVERY SINGLE comment and they never fail to bless me. My stomach even does a little flippy feeling whenever I see that someone has left a comment on a post.
My friends, Polly and Rachel from one of my favorite sites – Thriving Home – sent me an email the other day offering a fabulous giveaway for y’all! Do you remember my New Mommy Survival Kit and the beautiful Scripture cards I included?
Well, those cards came from Polly and Rachel and they wanted to make sure that MORE mommies got this precious gift of Truth in their hands, so they are allowing me the opportunity to giveaway 6 sets of cards to 6 different Happy Home Fairy friends!
I decided that for my birthday I wanted to bless my top 5 best/most frequent commenters, so if your name is listed here, check your inbox because I will be sending you an email with all the info you need to download your FREE GIFT printable from Thriving Home and me! 🙂
Debbie W.
Barb I.
Liz L.
Congratulations and thank you, ladies, for always taking the time to uplift me with your thoughts. I {{heart}} you!
Now, there is still ONE MORE printable encouraging Bible verses for Moms card pack to giveaway…
If you want it, then leave a comment below with your name and email!
And check out this verse from one of the cards…
It is the LORD who sustains – not an entire pizza. NOTE TO SELF.
Happy Birthday to me and YOU! 🙂
**This giveaway is open to ANYONE! The giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on Saturday, January 31 (EST). A winner will be selected shortly after and notified by e-mail.**
Carolyn S lanecodysmom at yahoo dot com
happy birthday! mine is on weds!
Happy birthday, Julie! I’m turning 32 in March! ?
Happy Birthday Julie!!! You are such a blessing to me and countless others!!!!! xoxo
email: craftyashleyb at gmail dot com
I absolutely love your blog and feel like I scroll to your Facebook posts right when I need them. I would love to gift these to a dear friend who is 10 weeks along with her first.
Happy birthday!!
Thanks! Sorry I don’t comment much, but I follow you on Instagram, facebook, & get your emails!
I love your outfit you were wearing on the beach!
Thanks for giving a gift to us on your big day! I love your posts and they always DO make me laugh and they always DO point me towards Jesus! Thank you Julie!
Happy happy HAPPY birthday!!! Your blog is one of my absolute favs bc I know when I read it, I will get something uplifting throughout the read. Every. Time. PS I’ve gotten many, and when I say many I mean a TON, of compliments on my banana pudding whenever and wherever I go with it. Yes, it’s your banana pudding recipe. Fav-o-rite!! PPS It’s been forever since I’ve made your jello applesauce, I do believe that shall happen tomorrow in my house. Hugs!
birthday love and blessings Julie – I just learned something new – to comment on here 🙂 thank you <3 xo xo Jeremiah 29:11
I see your posts on FB, never have actually been over on this blog. I love the cards, and it has been fun to browse your site. Happy Birthday !!
I look forward to your emails and always find inspiration from your blogs. Happy Birthday! P.S. I would have eaten the whole pizza with my hubby as well!
Happy Birthday!!! I love your blog & I love these cards 🙂
Happy birthday. Thanks for the scripture it is a great reminder
YAY! I’m SUPER excited to win this!
Even though I don’t comment (this is my very first time!) I do read your blogs and they make my heart happy 🙂 Also, I want to wish you a very happy birthday! Thank you for being a blessing in my life. May the Lord richly bless and keep you in this next year of being 30-something!
You are so beautiful!
Sent from my iPad
Woowhoo– happy happy birthday to YOU!!!! (and what a fun giveaway!!!)
happy birthday! i was just looking at their blog today and thinking i’d like to get a set of those cards someday! lol 🙂
I am so glad I have found you. I have used some of your ideas when I have the led our church youth group and to families. Thank you for all you do.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Hi there! I am a first time “commenter” on your site, well, really on any site. I often think “do those people really take time to read what people say?!?” “If that was me, would I really take time to read them all?!?!” Well, because you stated that you really do read them all, I wanted to share directly with you how much your blogging, ideas, reality checks, mommy hood madness tips, and of course Jesus talks mean to me. You have the beautiful ability to blog like a person thinks. It’s totally relatable and that I think is what brings a connection of people who are on some of the same journeys. Thank you for your commitment to The Happy Home Fairy, your family, your church, your job, your passion to spread Jesus’ love!
So great to see another Christian Mum out there who is unafraid to show her love for Jesus and her family, God has certainly used you to encourage me to do the same , thank you 🙂 1 Thessalonians 3:2
Happy belated Birthday! Love all of your encouraging words– you bring a smile to my face! Blessings!!
Happy Birthday!! I would be happy to trade ages with you. LOL
You inspire so much. May God Bless your beautiful family!!
Happy birthday! I love reading your posts. They are such an encouragement this momma! Di dot stern 07 at gmail dot com
My favorite thing to do in the morning is to wake up and see if I have an email from the Happy Home Fairy who always lifts my spirits and helps me to be a better mom. I am a mom of a 12 and 14 year old and even they love the activities that you suggest. They always help us to do different out of the box things.
Have a great day !
Happy birthday! Mine is tomorrow. I would love to give these to a friend who is about to have her sixth child.
Hey Julie!!! Happy belated birthday! Guess what?! YOU WIN THE SCRIPTURE CARDS! Congratulations!!!! Thank you SO much for reading the Fairy… I appreciate you and your heart! I hope these bless that sweet mama of 6!! xoxo
Happy Birthday! It looked like such a fun and warm time at the beach. I always look forward to reading your posts since they are so uplifting and motivating. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Hey You 🙂
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Our LORDS Blessings!!! ( more you dont need – HE will give you 😉 )
Would like to have this cards,
and if “anyone” means also somebody from Poland – here i am 🙂
[email protected]
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! This blog is very inspiring for mothers and grandmothers!
Happy Birthday sweet lady! I love reading your blog! Hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday, dear one! What a lovely thing to bless others with those cards. Please tell your friends thank you for all of us!
Happy happy birthday!!!! Your blog entries always make my day!!!!
You are truly a special young woman. Even though I am QUITE a bit older, I still enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for taking the time to minister to others through your words of encouragement.
Happy birthday, Julie! You and your blog are such a blessing – thank you for being real!
I’d love a set of encouraging cards! Thanks!
Happy Birthday! I truly enjoy your blog! My Birthday is Wednesday 🙂
Happy Birthday! Love your blog. May 2015 be filled with many blessing fr you and your family!
Happy birthday,Sweet Sister!! I am twice your age and it takes me at least six minutes to get up off the floor! I have enjoyed and used so many of your printable over the past couple of years. Your “issues” and funny descriptions always crack me up. Know that you and your precious family are in my prayers.:-) I am writing this durning the BLizzard here in Rhode Island. Blessings!! <3
Thanks for your posts, Julie! I’ve never commented before, but I want to tell you that so many of the things you’ve written have truly touched me. I’m a mother of 3 littles – and my birthday was just 3 days before yours! Thank you for writing, and sharing so much, and know that there are probably a lot more lives out there that you are touching without even realizing it!! 🙂
Happy, happy birthday, Happy Home Fairy!!! 🙂 I would love to be able to bless a teacher at my kids’ school with a set of the cards. She is a new mom and just started back to work. Thank you for all your posts. You bring a bright spot to my day, and I get excited whenever I get an e-mail that you have a new post! 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE these cards!
Wishing YOU a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, belatedly. I know you must think 32 is “old,” BUT, of course it isn’t. As I told Lisa 3-4 yrs ago, I know you young mothers are so BUSY and TIRED, but appreciate that these years when your children are preschoolers are some of THE BEST years of your lives. Lisa, who is still very tired, doesn’t believe me I don’t think. I guess we all have our “favorite” stages of childhood/parenting, but for me those were very wonderful times (even though my marriage wasn’t—but that’s another story). Take care, be happy, and be thankful! Frances PS: My birthday is Friday—-#69!!!!!! I’m happy to be having birthdays still and be “mostly” healthy. Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:40:07 +0000 To: [email protected]
Happy Birthday! I enjoy reading your posts so much! You make me chuckle and inspire me at the same time! I will celebrate my birthday along with the great -Dr. Seuss!
Happy birthday! And thanks for the blog posts! I always stumble upon your posts on Facebook and email when I need it most! 🙂
Thanks and happy birthday!!!
Cara Dube
[email protected]
Happy Happy Birthday Julie! I hope it was a great one! We haven’t chatted in a while but I pray your year is still going well with your precious 2 yr olds (now probably mostly 3 yr olds like my class!) We’ve almost made it to the 100th day of school and we’re definitely over half way through the year… and only with Jesus’ help, that’s for sure! Phil. 4:13 I love my precious class and God knew exactly what I needed for going back to work fulltime with 4 kiddos! Thank you for all your encouragement with your blog and may God bless you in the coming year! mkcochrane at gmail dot com.
Your precious parents introduced me to your wonderful blog! Thank you for making me smile & always pointing us to Jesus. Happy Birthday and blessings for an awesome year.
Happy Birthday! I have been meaning to comment on your New Years Resolution post…all of your points sound so much like me and my husband even had to laugh when he saw that on your list (and mine) was to get pregnant! Ha!
Love reading your blog! Blessings for an awesome year!!
Well, I have been following your blog and have read every post for probably three years now, and this is my FIRST comment. Sorry!! I’m kind of an introvert and not tech savvy at all! But, I want to let you know that you have been a great encouragement to me and I appreciate you very much! I love your heart for the gospel and your ability to find Jesus in the daily grind. Thank you for keepin it real and brightening our homes! Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday! I would love to win :))
Happy Birthday! Thank you for using your talents to encourage others? You are a blessing!
I have been following you for a little over a year and I have always been one of the quiet ones, never to comment. You have made me smile and have been an inspiration to me with how to handle certain situations with children. Mine are a bit older than yours but I often think…”Oh thank goodness I am not the only one who has gone thriugh this” Thank you for your honesty and leting us readers into your life even when things are not perfect! Thank you Fairy…
Dawn J. [email protected]
32 isn’t bad 😉
Your blog is a BLESSING to me! Happy Birthday!
I hope you had an amazing birthday, celebrating YOU! I love how you chose your top commenting ladies as the lucky recipients…then went on to give us lurkers a chance 🙂
Happy birthday, once again….Looking forward to reading more of your inspirational messages…..
Beth A.
Happy Birthday! Love your posts and real life. 🙂
Happy late 32nd Birthday, I’m a few days late in reading my emails. I’ve never commented before but I do love your post. I actually found you on Pinetrest when I was looking for craft ideas for children and started following you not knowing what uplifting and sometimes amusing posts would be coming to my email. I get so much junk email that I usually hit the delete all button,but I ALWAYS make sure that yours are not included in that delete. I have only my 18 year old daughter at home now, my other 2 children are grown and out on their own, but your post ring true to any age really. And I totally agree with you, I could not do empty nothing walls! Your photos tell a story about your family and every time you look at those photos your reminded of that special wonderful memory. That’s why my walls are anything but nothing. lol Take care and keep writing, you bless many with your posts.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, I love reading your posts, you always make me ‘lol’!! Thank you for blessing us all with your faith, humour and encouragement 🙂
Yay for birthdays! [email protected] ?
I do LOVE reading your blog and all your wonderful ideas! You truly inspire me!
I would love to be entered for the drawing! Happy birthday… LATE! I turned 40 this month. Let’s just say I am glad it passed quietly.
Happy Birthday! – your blog with the thoughts God places on your heart to share with us is a wonderful blessing
Happy Birthday 🙂