If you remember my post HERE (and I am so sorry if you do – lol), I mentioned the struggle I have had with a picky eater.
We have been working on the Happy Buddy’s eating habits religiously for the last couple of months and I am proud to say we are headed in the right direction.
At least I know I am.
Because I am learning that part of the whole picky eater thing starts with a change in ME and how I run our fridge and pantry.
I will hopefully have some more thoughts and strategies for you about this when I feel a bit more confident in the results, but until then, I wanted to share with you one aspect of our journey.
Awesome chicken.
When I buy groceries, I really try to take into account what is best and what is affordable for my family.
When Nature Raised Farms contacted me about sharing their incredible product, I jumped on it because I truly believe in their company’s mission (and now – after having tasted it – our entire Happy Home believes in their yummy chicken).
It’s getting pretty trendy these days to pay attention to what we eat – where our food comes from, how it’s handled, is it organic, does it contain GMOs, etc.
The more I read about Nature Raised Farms, the more I learned that they are fully committed to providing chicken that meets some pretty strict standards.
To name a few…
- Their chicken contains 100% all natural ingredients
- Their chickens have NEVER, ever, ever been given antibiotics
- Their chickens feast on a 100% vegetarian diet
- Their chickens never receive added hormones or steroids
- Their chickens are bred through natural selection – not genetic modification (which I don’t even know what that means but it sounds kind of scary and I like knowing that my food isn’t someone’s science project).
- Nature Raised Farms is certified by Third-Party Animal Welfare Agencies (which are organizations that are all about promoting and facilitating continuous improvement in the welfare of animals that are raised for food – gotta love that)
To top it off, Nature Raised Farms has an amazing selection of products such as fresh chicken breasts, thighs, tenderloins, drumsticks, whole chickens, and several frozen chicken options.
Since the start of our Veggie Boot Camp, I have tried to limit our consumption of processed foods and have been working to provide some healthier options. So one would think that chicken nuggets would be up there with the list of so-long foods, but when I saw that Nature Raised Farms had a delicious-looking whole grain nugget, I couldn’t resist.
The Happy Buddy was THRILLED when I told him what we were having for dinner.
He gobbled his portion down in about 3 minutes and announced that these nuggets were even better than the chicken nuggets we used to buy (which is saying A LOT as said nuggets were magically shaped).
I loved knowing that my boy was eating something that was not only awesome-tasting, but also super healthy.
Would you like to try Nature Raised Farms Chicken in your Happy Home??
I have a GREAT giveaway for you today!
You can win a beautiful Nature Raised Farms engraved bamboo cutting board, a branded reusable shopping bag AND a $10 gift card toward a purchase of Nature Raised Farms products at your local grocery store!
Simply follow these 3 steps…
1. Be a friend of the Fairy on Facebook (you can do that HERE).
2. Be a friend of Nature Raised Farms on Facebook (you can do that HERE).
3. Leave a comment with your name and whether or not you completed steps 1 & 2.
BONUS – You get HUGE brownie BONUS points if you tell me that you shared this post in any of your social media networks (see sharing buttons below).
**Giveaway will end on Sunday (9/22) at midnight and I will announce the winner in a post on Monday.**
Happy Nature Raised Farms-ing! 🙂
I liked you on Facebook and liked Nature Raised Farms!
I already like you on Facebook (of course!), and I liked Nature Raised Farms on Facebook, too!
I liked both on Facebook 🙂
Would love to enter this but am not on Facebook….. :(.
Looks like a great product though.
I already was a friend on your page and I liked Nature Raised Farms. Those nuggets look so good!!
I already liked you on Facebook, and now I like Nature Raised Farms, too! Would love to give them a try!
Hi! I did steps 1 & 2. Thank you for all you do and all the info you share! A true blessing for me.
Chris Z.
Of course, I am a fan on facebook and just ‘liked’ nature raised farms. thanks for the giveaway!!
Already a fan of yours on facebook 🙂 Also liked Nature raised farms. I have four kids two of them are extremely picky eaters. If I could include some chicken nuggets that are actually healthy in their meals, I would have some pretty happy campers!
I did both, thank you! I will go buy these to try!
I tried to leave the comments after liking the product, but I am not sure I did it correctly.
Completed both steps and sharing your post 🙂 LOVE healthy food for my boys!
Did both steps 🙂 Always up for some healthy chicken nuggets–what kid doesn’t like those? lol!
❤You already and liked them on Facebook. Thank you for being a true reflection of Christ to us. Blessings!
Their chicken sounds so good… I’d love to try it and win a new cutting board and reusable shopping bag! I’ll echo Francis… I already LOVE you, and I now like Nature Raised Farms on FB, too. Blessings to you, Julie!
Halona Luna ~ completed both & posting on Twitter!!
I already liked and follow you, I liked Nature Raised Farms, and I shared this post on Facebook 🙂
Check and check 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
Completed Step 1 and 2…enjoy your posts
Yes, I liked both on Facebook! Steps 1 & 2 completed!
I already Liked you on Facebook and I now I have Liked Nature Raised Farms. I shared on Facebook and pinned on Pinterest.
I hope typos don’t hurt my chances!
I already follow you on Facebook! I “liked” Nature Raised Farms and shared the giveaway on Pinterest. Thanks for all you do! Love your blog!
Liking both 🙂 thanks so much!
liked both! thanks!
Liked both and happily shared 🙂
Liked both and shared. 🙂
liked both!
I am a friend of the Fairy on Facebook 🙂
I liked both on Facebook and shared!
Thanks! Kathy Soller
I like both on fb & shared your post!
Completed step 1 & 2. Where can you find these products?!?
Completed step one and two;). Know my local grocery store is not carrying these products, but will be going in tomorrow to see if they can start! Our small community sometimes cannot get such products, but will see what we can do;). They’re always willing to try to get the products I ask for;). Thanks or sharing;)
Oops, I did share too;)
I liked both:)
Oh wow! I’ve been so busy lately, your Happy Buddy got all his curls cut off! I liked you and Nature Raised Farms on Facebook and shared 🙂
Liked, liked, and shared.
Hi, Julie! I’m already a friend of the fairy 🙂 and I liked Nature Raised Farms FB page. Plus, I invited friends to like the page! Our sweet Aiden survives on chicken nuggets and a few other foods. It is next to impossible to get him to try new things. I love the fact that these are all natural and healthy! I know he will love these and it will give some relief to us that he won’t need to eat unhealthy brands. Thanks so much! 🙂
Kristi. I’ve never tried these before, but after reading this, really wanting to get them a try. I shared this on my FB page and also completed steps 1 & 2. Thanks!
:). As a vegetarian I always find the idea of meat being healthy amusing:). That said, I also married a carnivore and my son foll
Follows his footsteps:). So I’m always looking out for all natural meat options hormone free grass fed and this option looks like something I’ll look into:). Thank you for the info and all you do! God bless!
Liked, liked and commented! 🙂 Thank you!
Completed 1, 2 and the bonus!
I have liked both <3 and would love to win to try the nuggets! Luann Meyer
I liked, liked, and shared!! Our little boy is just now starting to eat table foods, and I would love to introduce him to these!! 🙂
i did both steps 1 & 2.
i shared your post on facebook (kisha allen).
I like both pages on facebook! And would “love” your page if possible!
I have four children to feed (three being boys). I could use all the help I can get, haha!!!!
Enter me!!! I like and LOVE your page! And will now “like” Nature Raised Farms, too!!
Oh, and I shared on Twitter, Facebook, and PInterest!!!
Fan and fan!
Did both Steps 1 & 2. Love your website! I shared your “picky eater” post with a friend who had the same problem!
Liked and liked! ~Caitlin Loiko
Liked and liked! Thanks! ~Caitlin Loiko