Father’s Day is 2 weeks from today!
When one thinks about Father’s Day, inevitably the image of a tie comes to mind!
Sometimes I think, “Can’t we do better than a tie???”
But the following crafts and activities below are just too cute not to share! They make the whole Father’s Day tie-thing extra special!!!
Munchkin Munchies has the most AMAZING baking ideas! Let me tell YOU! She can turn anything into a delicious and beautiful treat! I especially liked her tasty looking tie cookies for Father’s Day!
Sundae Secrets made these ridiculously clever tie treat bags! And they come with a FREE printable poem about ties and Father’s Day! It is SO CUTE – go check it out IMMEDIATELY! These would make perfect gifts for Sunday School students to make and take home to their dads!
2 Clever Blog has a fun tradition that she does with her Happy Buddies for Father’s Day. They buy an old tie from a thrift store, take it home and spruce it up with all kinds of craft supplies and randomness! Their dad is a pastor and wears his crazy tie every year on Father’s Day for all the church to see! Even one year when her girls sewed jingle bells on the bottom! I love that!
i heart naptime also makes a Father’s Day tie every year with her Happy Buddy’s hand and footprints!
Luvinthemommyhood made these fun iPod holders out of recycled ties!How Sweet It Is made a really sweet banner out of cut-out tie-shaped scrapbook paper attached to a ribbon.
My insanity made a yummy-looking tie pancake breakfast for Dad!
Miss Crafty Pants made these funny tie napkins for Father’s Day! Perfect to go with those tie-shaped pancakes!
Put your present for Dad in these fabulous Father’s Day Tie Gift Bags from Fave Crafts! They are really easy to make!
The Idea Room has some cute FREE shirt and tie printables that you can hang from Dad’s soda bottle!
And, finally, I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t include this FREE printable Mickey tie from Disney! Dad can actually wear it and display the magic all day long!!!
There are like a BAZILLION other tie ideas out there but these were my faves!
Are you doing anything tie-ish for Father’s Day?
I have just found your WONDERFUL page and am so tickled that you have shared such wonderful ideas for fathers day!! Sure wish I would have come to YOU first!! Thanks for sharing and letting my search have such a great finish.. I will be back often. Evelyn