Saturdays seem to be turning into Family Trip to Target Days!
It’s my favorite!
There is nothing like a good dig through those Dollar Spot bins.
And the Happy Buddy just loves playing with all the toys in the kid’s area.
But the Happy Hubby isn’t as thrilled. 🙂
Last Saturday the Happy Buddy saw the tree above on the shelf, plucked it off (it’s about his size), and proceeded to drag it around the store with him.
For just $8, we had to buy it for him and put it in his bedroom.
His very own Christmas tree!
I didn’t want to spend extra money on ornaments for it, but as I looked at the tree, I couldn’t help but feel it needed something.
So I turned to my friend, Amanda, over at Impress Your Kids.
Being a former children’s ministry director and mommy of 2 adorable Happy Buddies, this girl is a fountain of creativity and fun.
And the best part about it?
Her creativity is all centered around Jesus.
So when she wrote this post about her new Christmas Advent Ebook called Truth in the Tinsel (love that title), I knew that the Happy Buddy’s Christmas tree was not going to be empty for long!Starting December 1st, the Happy Buddy and I have the opportunity to embark on the most worshipful advent-ure together!
Amanda‘s Ebook is amazing. She has provided 24 days of teaching your Happy Buddies about Jesus’ birth in a hands-on, exciting way.
Each day has a special clue that you can place in your Happy Buddy’s Advent Calendar (check out this post for some great Advent Calendar ideas).
Then the clue leads the Happy Buddies to a Scripture from the Christmas Story.
Which then leads to a super simple (we’re talking so easy your 2-year old can do it!) ornament-making craft that represents the part of the Christmas story you celebrated that day (I am not even kidding – you will laugh out loud when you see the craft Amanda came up with for Zechariah. It’s pure genius.).
There are even a few discussion questions that will help get the Christmas Story into your Happy Buddy’s core – something I’d much rather have in his core than a craving for the latest toy or gadget from Santa. 🙂
What I love most about Truth in the Tinsel is that every day’s activity and focus is designed for little people. The discussions are short and sweet and will help you communicate His miraculous birth to your Happy Buddies in a way they can understand!
So, my Happy Home Friends, pop over to Truth in the Tinsel’s site and get your copy today.
Black Friday = Amanda’s Ebook release = $2.99 instead of the regular $4.99 price!
You’re going to have the most magical 24 days celebrating our Lord through His story, through Christ-centered ornament crafting, through meaningful discussions, and a month’s worth of memories that your Happy Home will treasure forever.
Time to get started and fill up the Happy Buddy’s tree with some Truth in the Tinsel!
Happy Truth in the Tinsel-ing! 🙂
*I am not getting paid to write this review. I simply believe in Amanda’s Ebook and thought it would be an amazing resource for your Happy Homes this December! May you be blessed!*
Thank you thank you thank you for putting up this post. I have been so touched by “Truth in the Tinsel”. It really is adding a much needed piece to our Christmas season. I have recommended it to everyone I’ve talked to since purchasing it myself. Thank you for your creative inspiration and constant reminder of how to make my home happy 🙂