When considering themes for the Happy Buddy’s 2nd birthday, the Happy Hubby and I kept coming back to the monkey.
For one thing, we call the Happy Buddy our ‘Lil’ Monkey’ because he is all over the place.
We often catch him doing headstands in the crib when he should be sleeping (I love video monitors).
And for another thing, there are some ridiculously cute monkey ideas in blog world!
If you want to see the inspiration for the Happy Buddy’s Monkey Party – go HERE.
Okay, I’ll stop monkeyin’ around and get to it!My mom and I went to Kinko’s and enlarged the party invitation I created to greet guests as they arrived.
Isn’t that a fun table?!
My mom is my hero.
I told her that I wanted lots and lots of color and she helped me put all of this together!
She made that cute little banner hanging in front of the framed invitation on the wall!
I can’t even sew a button, so I was super impressed when she showed it to me.The Menu…
Hangin’ Burgers
Monkey Tails (Hot Dogs)
Monkey Eyeballs (Grandmommy’s Deviled Eggs)
Chimp Chips
Gorilla Grapes, Ape-les, and Bananas, of course
Monkey Mix (a combination of animal crackers, pretzels, raisins, peanuts, and M&M’s)
Jungle JuiceIt wouldn’t be a Monkey Party without Monkey Cupcakes!!!
And if you thought there wasn’t enough sugar at this Monkey Party, we had a banana split bar, too.
I love how even with all that amazing Monkey Food, the Happy Buddy wanted a bowl of Cheerios.
And it was his birthday – so he got it!
My mom found some cute wooden monkeys at JoAnn’s (just $1 each!) that the guests could color.
Yes, that’s me in the background.
Yes, I am wearing my fairy wings. 🙂There were like a gazillion little stuffed monkeys (thank you Aunt Tina and Oriental Trading) all over the house – even in the bathroom.
Everyone went bananas in the bounce house. Thank you, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop!
This was definitely the Happy Buddy’s favorite part of the event – having everyone sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.
He asked for a reprise when it was over. 🙂
This is me laughing because while I don’t do it all the time, I occasionally try to make healthy choices for our Happy Home. So I made a special trip to Whole Foods to find an all-natural cake mix for the cupcakes.
Then decided that it was too much trouble to mix up the all-natural icing, so I went Duncan Hines for that.
I figured 50/50 of the cupcake was somewhat healthy.
Well, the Happy Buddy didn’t touch the cupcake part but seemed to think that the icing was a new form of heaven on earth.
Oh well! Next time, Duncan Hines all the way.Present time!
The Happy Buddy was particularly excited about this new easel his Grammie and Pop-Pop got for him!Everyone went home with a stuffed monkey and some yummy candy in a happy little bag!
One of my favorite moments from the party – the Happy Hubby said a special prayer of blessing on our boy.
And finally, this is probably my favorite picture from the party because with all of the monkey mania, bounce houses, presents, food, cousins, etc,. etc. all the Happy Buddy wanted to do was play with Mom-Mom’s i-Phone.
It’s the little things!
How fun! Thanks for sharing. I love the monkey cupcakes 🙂
Thank you for sharing Happy Buddy’s birthday with us. He will treasure these parties in years to come. What precious memories for you as well. An idea for next year, Noah’s ark. One of our favorites for Josiah when he was little. You are an inspiration to me and your love for Jesus, your family and others just shines through.
You were one brave Momma to wear that white shirt with all the chocolate frosting on the Happy Buddy!
What a fun looking party though! You worked your fairy magic on it very well and it looks like everyone had a blast.
We recently got those same little monkies from Oriental Trading and I was impressed with how cute they were. Even better was only one had it’s feet sewed on backwards. 🙂
What a super fun party!!!!
Little Buddy is so precious!
Very cute! I tried to get my sister to do a Mod Monkey theme for her little guy’s first birthday party, but she wouldn’t do it 🙁
Oh well, my sweet daughter will be having a Ladybug Picnic in less than a month!
Julie! I just subscribed to your blog this week and you are just so adorable and creative! So excited for all the great ideas you are sharing!!! 🙂
What a special day! I feel like I was at the party 🙂 What a blessing you are to your family and others. You are such an inspiration to me and your love for Jesus and your family shines through everything you do.
Tiffany! You are so sweet to me!!! You are the inspiring one for always seeking ways to build your Happy Home! xoxo
This is absolutely adorable! You and your mom did such a great job!
What a fabulous and fun party! Your little monkey is a doll!