That’s right, people!!!!!
Happy Home Fairy is giving away a copy of the HOTTEST (or should I say coldest – lol!!) movie right now!
The Lord blessed our little family with an extra copy and we want to share it with you.
Would you like to win it???
Here’s what you need to do…
1. ‘Like’ the Fairy on Facebook – click HERE to do that now – and tell me about it in a comment below (BONUS POINTS if you also sign up for an email subscription!!).
2. Share with me your favorite Frozen-related story. This could be your favorite scene, something your children enjoy about the movie, maybe you saw it 30 times, favorite Olaf quote, who is your favorite character and why… Anything of that sort!!!
We will choose a winner on Friday, March 28th and notify you via email as well as an announcement on Facebook.
We can’t wait to make one of you go all ice crazy. 🙂
Tell all your friends!
Happy Frozen Movie Giveaway-ing!
My favorite Frozen-related story is about my son’s birthday party. We had my middle son’s birthday party at the movie theatre last year. We had way more kids than expected, but with the movie Frozen being so awesome it was a good time for all!
“Liked” you on FB, get your emails. 🙂 So I have two boys, 14 and 12, who think they are too cool to go to the movies to see Frozen, so I haven’t seen it yet. I know, isn’t that awful?! I would LOVE a copy – I know the boys will watch it with me if I close the curtains and promise not to tell their friends. LOL Maybe then all these Frozen posts on FB will finally make sense to me….
I already “like” you on Facebook and get the email subscriptions! Yesterday was my first time experiencing “Frozen”! Daddy had a day off and we got up, ate breakfast, and me, daddy, and the two littles (4 and 3) climbed back in our bed and watched it together. That was just a rare experience and we all loved the movie. I’d love to be able to have our own copy (we borrowed!)
My kids and their cousins made customs and put on a play of frozen. It was so cute and awesome the team work and imagination that went into it. I loved every minute of it.
I already Like you on fb. My favorite part is hearing my kids quote the movie. A great friend took my kids for the day to see the movie while I stayed home with the baby while my husband was gone. I can’t wait to see it!
We like “love” the Happy Home Fairy already 🙂
Oops and we are one of the very few people left who havent seen frozen yet…. 😉
Both of my kids loved the movie the first time we saw it except my daughter really thought the “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” song was so sad. When we got home she walked around the house singing that song over and over with a pitiful shaky, crying voice and tears streaming down her face. I asked her, “Why in the world are you doing this to yourself??” She answered, “Because I love the movie so much, and I want to be able to sing all the songs without crying.” She was trying to desensitize herself to that song! Well, it worked! Now she can sing that song (as well as the rest of the soundtrack) without a single tear! I would love the free copy because she has told me that she would LOVE for the Easter Bunny to put it in her basket. 🙂
Btw, already “like” you on Facebook and receive your emails. ?
I like the HHF on facebook and am signed up for emails! How can I pick one favorite Frozen story? I love that the story is one of sacrifice for the one you love. And I love how the characters make fun of nearly every other Disney movie where a prince comes in and the princess falls in love within seconds of meeting. And, now that I have 2 girls, I love that it’s a story about sisters and their powerful bond.
“liked” on FB And receive emails….haven’t watched Frozen yet but would love to see what all the hype is about! I have a 2.5-year-old that I think would enjoy it. 🙂
I like (no LOVE) you on FB and receive your emails already (how I found out about this awesome giveaway!) I got to see the movie 2x in the theater (once at a birthday party with my son and then on a “date” with my daughters). I love how clueless Olaf is about the effects of the sun on himself and how there is so much singing in the movie! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of it! 🙂
We love Frozen! I think it is the only movie other than Toy Story that we have watched more than 100 times. My son has a crush on Elsa. He liked a cute girl at school and after he saw Frozen he told her he was seeing someone else. I think Olaf is my favorite his character makes me laugh every time.
I follow you everywhere. I hope you and you happy family are doing well. I sure miss the regular blog posts, but love that the reason is for to focus on family. You are amazing.
I already like you on fb. I am one of a very few with kids under the age of 5 who have yet to see the movie! We look forward to seeing it soon. The story I have to share is related to the movie’s trailer. We were watching another “aviation” theme Disney movie, when my three year old triplets viewed the part of the trailer when the snowman is on the frozen pond and encountered a moose, I think. They began shouting and yelling at the moose to leave the snowman alone. Such a response from a short clip! Thanks for being so thoughtful and generous with your readers!
I’m a fan on Facebook and I’m signed up to receive your emails!
My favorite part is Olaf’s song about being in the sunshine…it makes me laugh every time!
I have never seen Frozen but keep hearing about how great it is. Love your blog…have liked you on facebook and pinterest for awhile. it is nice to get some family friendly ideas/meals that are actually doable.
My daughters love the movie, though I took them once and my husband took my oldest for a date since he didn’t want to be out of the loop. Of course they sing the songs, but my favorite thing is my 3 year old saying, “would you do me a favor and grab my body,” and then bursting into laughter.
And I am a Facebook fan!
I have been following you on FB for a long time now and also already subscribe and get your emails 🙂 I love LOVE love your blog!!!
My girls haven’t been able to see Frozen yet. However, they do know every word to Let it Go and my oldest, 5 yrs, has been begging to see it lately! I’ve shown them YouTube video after video of the different funny Let it Go renditions, they love it!!!
We don’t do FB at our house. However, I do subscribe to your emails. Also, we haven’t seen Frozen yet either, but my daughter did show me a song from the movie. It sounds like we really “need” this movie, so you can “Let It Go” to us. ? lol.
Already “like” you and the favorite part of Frozen is hearing my daughters sing together. At ages 10, 10, and 6, it is the rare times they actually get along these days.
Had already “liked”, already getting emails….my favorite “Frozen” moment…it was my husbands idea to go see the movie one afternoon. So the kids and I loaded up and we headed to the movie theater. You gotta picture the fact that my kids are….22, 17 and 13. But these are our favorite type movies because they are generally “clean” and “safe” and we just enjoy them. So about half way through my husband says, “there’s an awful lot of singing in this movie”. I said “What did you expect with Disney Princesses!”. I really wanted to take him to the showing of the “Frozen Sing-a-long” but decided he wouldn’t go. We all enjoyed the movie, my husband…maybe not so much! Haha!! 🙂
I like you on fb and receive your emails (love them!!!). My husband and daughter went to see Frozen in the theatre a few months ago on a “daddy date”. She still talks about how she was scared of the white monster and had to cuddle daddy :). I haven’t seen the movie yet as my almost two year old could not sit still in the theatre. Looking forward to seeing it- and finally hearing the music everyone talks about!!!
Liked you on FB.
I’m not actually a mom, I’m a soon-to-be step mom. My long distance boyfriend has a 3 year old daughter. I’ve only seen the movie once, and it was during my latest visit across the country to meet her for the first time. She sat through the whole movie (3D!) and I would love to gift it to her since I can’t be there (yet!) 🙂
Love this movie. Especially that the girls are not “rescued”, they save themselves. I am a facebook fan and an email subscriber.
We haven’t seen Frozen yet, but we seem to be experiencing it in real life, LOL! Well, we have five children and going out to the movies is a very rare treat. I honestly don’t remember the last time we were at the theatre or what we saw, so unfortunately, I can not tell you a movie memory. However, surviving this very long, very cold (coldest in 75 years up here in Manitoba??!!!!) winter has got to make for some memories, albeit not all happy ones, of us all, stuck inside…instead of being outside toboganning and playing ice hockey like we have done in winters past. Even this first weekend of spring, we are experiencing – 35 celcius (-31 F) temps with the windchill. 🙁 Still, I am thankful for my WARM HOUSE, reliable vehicle, and running water!!
Good morning! My five-year old daughter and two-year old son really enjoy this movie. My favorite part of the Frozen experience is hearing my son laugh at certain parts and listening to my daughter sing and watching them both dance during the movie and anytime they hear music from the movie. It would be the perfect birthday gift for my daughter next month as she wants to use her own money to buy it. I would borrow it to play it for my Mom and two Aunts too; maybe it could bridge the gap between them or at least open up communication. Thank you for your blog. I read it via e-mail and Facebook. I hope that everything is going very well. Have a wonderful day!
Liked you on FB. My favorite-“It’s like a little baby unicorn!”
We already like you on fb. :o) My Frozen story is that we happened to be in Ft. Lauderdale when I read your post about the dollar theatre playing Frozen. So JP took the boys and they had a really fun outing during a very difficult week. But I still haven’t seen it, so we’d love to win a copy! Giveaways are so fun!! :o)
I already like you on FB, get your emails and follow you on Instagram!! My 4 year old and I saw it at the theater and of course he loved it. The songs are so contagious that our whole family is singing them now (yes my 1 year old sings a tiny part and my poor hubby). But my Frozen story is that my 4 year old will be singing “Do you want to build a snowman” tonight at our churches little talent show. If I knew how, I would upload their rehearsals up here! My husband will be playing the piano for him. Did I mention my husband is a pastor?! We really want to win!!
I like you on FB and get the emails 🙂
I have the Soundtrack mixed in with my running song list. We are on a mission to get healthy as a family so we try to walk and run each night. I was complaining that it was too cold to run, but my daughter and son were both adamant that we keep to the routine. They threw in that “the cold never bothered me anyway” 🙂
Our theater put on a special showing where if kids dressed up as their favorite princess they got in for free. It was a special night out for us ?
Like you on Facebook! Haven’t seen Frozen, but would really love to!
Great giveaway!
It made me laugh pretty hard when I caught my husband singing Let It Go under his breath.. even though our girls were no where around. He denied it, of course, but I know 🙂
PS. liked you on Facebook too 🙂
Liked you 🙂 Already get emails too. I took my son 5, and daughter 3 to go see it for his birthday. We got a babysitter for the baby and were all amped to go. Wouldn’t you know by the time the line made it up to the counter, it was sold out :(. He handled the disappointment better than I did though and we went and got ice cream instead. I kept meaning to try it again but it never happened. We hear the songs and see the promotional stuff all over. The kids saw it for sale at Costco for “ONLY $14.99”, but that wasn’t in the budget. Needless to say, we would feel so blessed to receive this copy and see first hand all the “Cool-ness”. God Bless you and your family.
I just liked the happy home fairy on Facebook!
My kids haven’t see the movie yet. They absolutely crack up at the preview when the snowman sneezes and his head blows off. Would love to win this for them!
Thanks. 🙂
I like you on Facebook as Amy Orvin and am a new email subscriber as [email protected]
I haven’t seen the movie yet but I like Olaf because he’s so cute! :]
My preschool class started reenacting everything from the movie so I figured I better go and see it. I talked my two daughters (19 and 21) into going with me. What a wonderful movie. It was really special seeing it with them. It’s been years since we enjoyed a good Disney movie together! I got a snap chat from one the other day of one daughter and all her roommates at college singing “Do you want to build a snowman?”. So sweet!
Thanks for the giveaway, Julie. I shared it on my blog, so I hope my readers will hop over and sign up. My favorite FROZEN song is “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” (Although we sing it with different lyrics at our house: )
I have two daughters, ages 5 and 7. We watched Frozen tonight and then they hopped in the shower while I washed dishes. My 7 year old is usually the singer, but tonight,I walked into the bathroom to listen to my kindergartener singing, “The cold doesn’t bother me anyway….” and “let it goooooooooo, let it gooooooooooooo, while showering. it was absolutey adorable!
The song “Let It Go” is literally like a therapy session for me every time I hear it. It has reminded me through the holiday season and continues to remind me through this never-ending winter we’ve had in the Midwest to let go of my controlling tendencies, stop comparing myself to others and be the true daughter God made me to be. I am free in Him! However, at a high of 25 degrees on the 22nd of March, the cold actually is starting to bother me anyway! 😉
I have been a long time email subscriber, but I just liked your page. I have not gotten to see the movie yet. With the three little ones (6,3, 1), we don’t get a lot of free time. I have heard that I HAVE to see it as it’s the best Disney movie ever!
Like you on facebook 🙂
Love when Olaf is singing about whatever it is frozen water does in summer 🙂
I teach pre k and my students love this movie. Here it is March in South Georgia and they still want to make snowmen when we have playdough.
“Liked” you on FB, follow you on Pinterest, AND subscribe to your email list already. 🙂
I STILL haven’t seen Frozen, but I love the end of the song “Let it Go.” She seems so confident and determined. “The cold never bothered me anyway…” Love it! Thanks for the giveaway, and all you do with this blog!
I’m a FB fan already and already subscribe via email 🙂
My daughter (she’ll be 4 in June) had never seen Frozen but her dance teacher selected “Let It Go” as her dance routine. My daughter asks me to put the song on every time someone comes to our house. She then proceeds to do her dance, which is nothing like what she learns in class of course. She does somersaults and uses the wall and table to do her “fancy” moves. The one part she always remembers to stop and do correctly, though, is “The cold never bothered me anyway” when they are to put their hands on their hips and say it with a very stern face. I love watching her dance her little heart out to the song.
My personal favorite is Olaf saying, “Hi I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs”. :o)
I already like you on FB and get your emails, as well as follow you on Pinterest! I have enjoyed watching Frozen with my Granddaughter. She is fun to do most anything with … but watching movies is a quiet activity we can do!
I haven’t seen the movie all the way through yet, because when we went to a friend’s house to try and watch it with them my 14 month old daughter decided she was done for the day and was ready to go home and go to bed about 1/2 way through the movie. She was playing on the floor when it started and during one of the songs she started to “dance”. We’ve heard the soundtrack quite a bit because it comes on my Disney Pandora station, but she’d never danced to it before. My husband and I were going to buy the movie because she liked it so much (she’s pretty picky about the songs she likes). What stands out for me the most though isn’t this, it’s the fact that our 9 year old Godson and his 3 year old brother love the movie and the soundtrack so very much that they know all the words to the songs and want to watch the movie with their parents frequently! The way these two little boys enjoy this movie speaks more volumes to me than any critic or anyone else’s opinion! Thanks for your time and your willingness to share your family’s blessing with others.
Hi Julie! I don’t really read blogs but I love voting for yours 😉 My household has not seen Frozen yet because I couldn’t fathom taking two young boys to the movie theater & expecting them to sit still in its entirety. That being said, we have LIVED through a Frozen winter with multiple snowmageddons. Not everyone can live in sunny South Florida. We’d love to win a copy so there is something we can watch on family movie night/ practice singing together VonTrapp style.
We haven’t seen Frozen yet (I know, I know) but I *love* all the pictures of excited kids clutching their DVD copies on Facebook lately! We’re in NC and had a number of unexpected ice storms this year – so very appropriated that this movie came out.
I’ve been following you on FB and by email for several years now.
Ok I “liked” you, even though I Love you….and I signed up for e-mails too. 😉 Our family loves Frozen so much it has become the soundtrack of our lives to lighten up some of our toughest moments and to bring us back to what truly has become our motto ……”some people are worth melting for”. That quote is from the ever so wise, so fun loving, knows what’s important snowman, OLAF. The reason we have taken this quote as our motto is because our family has been through so much in the last 6 years trying to save the life of our once fostered, now adopted daughter. We had to take all the pain and all the stress and …”Let it go…” So many people have told us to give up, walk away, give her back, and all kinds of other ….”advice”. But, …”the cold never bothered us anyway.” God is good, and we will fight the fight until the victory is won. No matter how long it takes…….because………….”Some people ARE worth melting for”. All glory to God, we will win the fight and save our daughter’s life. Keeping our fingers crossed…we will win Frozen too! 🙂 My three little angels like “warm hugs” just like Olaf and send some your way, no matter who wins.
See our Website for our full story
Hey girl…
Your entry over at Happy Home Fairy for the Frozen movie giveaway really spoke to my heart… I truly believe God wants YOU to have this movie. I read Gianna’s story at the website you provided and was blown away at your FAITH. Praise God that you have not lost hope. I believe you will be rewarded for that!! May the Lord bless you and continue to fill you with a perspective that holds on to the perfect ‘happily ever after’ He has planned for your sweet Happy Home.
Psalm 25:10 – ALL the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful…
Please email me your address and I will send it out tomorrow if I can get to the post office in time! #lifewithkids
Thank you, thank you, thank you…..I sent you an e-mail.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited still…………….YES! God is good…..and gives great big warm hugs too! Love you!
I’m already a Fairy Fan on Facebook. 🙂
We have the Cans Film Festival here in November. If you donate x amount of cans you get a free movie ticket. Took the entire family to the movies for the cost of 30 cans of food for our local food shelf!
Also, my daughter was invited to a Frozen movie party last Saturday. She is seven. She took “Kristoff’s Ice” aka: blue jello jigglers. Huge hit. 🙂
Liked you on facebook, joined email subscription.
We’re probably like the last people on the planet with kids to see this movie. We moved from our home of 8 years – with our 6 and 4 year old in the middle of February – so everything was FROZEN. Including our playset – FROZEN to the ground (actually now, at the end of March, it still is FROZEN in the ground at the old place….hurry up Spring!) We’ve had lots of FROZEN around our house. (that’s what you meant right?)
Seriously, would love to win this copy. My boys are movie buffs and we have movie nights on Fridays.
I like you on FB, instagram and anything else I can 🙂 my favorite thing about Frozen is that my kids see that no matter what – family is the most important thing and that the bond of siblings is so important and that together they can work through anything! And I just LOVE singing the songs with my 5 year old drama queen 😉
Liked on Facebook!
I subscribe to your emails!
Long shot. But we were in the mountains making snowmen when the carrot nose kept falling off! It made us smile 🙂
Frozen favorite… This was the FIRST movie my husband and I took our daughter (3) to see in the theater… or she calls the “big screen.” This movie is a family favorite and we would love to own it. 🙂
I liked you on FB. We still have not seen the movie!! But my 2 girls (6 and 7yrs) know many of the songs already and love watching the music videos on youtube. They would LOVE to win this movie so they can finally watch it!
Hi! My husband is a firefighter, and he had to work on Christmas Eve. So I decided to do something special with my boys. Because my oldest one was not impressed that “daddy” was leaving on Christmas Eve. Our oldest son is three and the youngest 10 months. We picked up my mother in love “Mimsy” and went to the theater. We started our movie theater experience by stopping and getting icys and popcorn, then headed to the theater room. We sat down right as It was starting. My oldest son was in a trance the entire movie humming along with the songs and big smiles. He kept saying “I love the reindeer” lol My ten-month old was super excited in the beginning then started getting squirmy in the middle of the movie. I ended up standing in the back the theater bouncing and wiggling him to keep him quiet. Frozen is a wonderful movie. And when I think of the movie I smile and think about that night! I love mom life.
I’m a fairy fan on FB!
I didn’t think I’d like this movie. In fact, I wanted to hate it. I’m just sort of that way. But I found that I did enjoy the song “Let It Go” and I LOVED the twist at the end where the true love came from the sister. I love my sister and I want my girls to be close as well. I’ll encourage them to watch this one, for sure!
Despite all the times we have watched this movie (borrowed from my MIL, so we still want our own!) my son always looks up at me at the end to watch if I’m going to start crying or not. I’m a bit a sap anyway, but being pregnant pretty much starts the tears at whatever I watch. He is always poised to go get me a tissue if need be.
I’m already a follower on Facebook and subscribe to your blog posts! I drive my 3 year old crazy singing Let it Go non-stop! We love this movie!
I love hearing my children sing “Let It Go!” We haven’t seen the movie, so this would be wonderful to win! Thanks for the chance.
I love how the love story in the movie is between sisters and not man and woman.
I’m a long time Fb follower. I haven’t seen Frozen yet, but my daughter has. I was so blessed the other day when my daughter told me she wished she cold get a Frozen dvd to send to her grandma. It melted my heart. 🙂
I liked you on FB. I have a six year old who loves all the frozen songs. We hear them non- stop!
I ‘love!!!!’ The happy home fairy fb page and definitely already subscribe to your emails. It’s been a little crazy around here lately with three little boys (one of them a newborn) and we have not yet seen Frozen. I can’t wait though- it must be great because people have been raving about it! We would love to win a copy of it! Thanks for all of your ideas and encouragement. We love you!
I took my daughter to see Frozen and get her ears pierced for an early 7th birthday present. She absolutely loved this movie and often quotes differ lines from it. When I was sick, she made me a card w/all the stickers from her Frozen birthday card and told me I was worth using up all her stickers for!
I already like you on Facebook! I have 2 mini stories about Frozen. First, let me just tell you I absolutely LOVE that movie. I run a staff of 40 lifeguards at UF and almost everyday on the pool deck, I walk down, blast the Frozen soundtrack, and sing and dance on the pool deck. It got to the point where patrons would recognize me as the Frozen girl. Word got out, countless Frozen cover songs were posted on my Facebook wall. People would let me know of their unwavering loyalty to Frozen to get me to do favors for them at work. When stressed out about school or work, friends and co-workers will come up to me and start singing “Let it Go…school never bothered me anyway.” Although Tangled was my first and true love, Frozen is like the mature relationship that comes along after to show me what I was missing this whole time. My roommates have called me out for singing Frozen in the shower, and I’ve been honked at while singing Frozen on my scooter going to class. My second short story is on my 21st Birthday I stood on a chair and sang “Let it Go” and got a free drink out of it. What a legacy I will leave at UF, the 21-year old girl who twirls on the pool deck singing Disney songs. And I’m okay with that legacy. So far I have converted, my entire staff, and all of my friends/water polo team to become Frozenites! BUT I WILL NEVER STOP THERE. I will continue to sing and dance until the WORLD loves Frozen as much as I do.
P.S. my favorite seen is when Ana falls into Hans boat and in her stumble and word vomit she tells him that he’s gorgeous. I’ve been told Olaf is my spirit animal, however I feel I identify most with Ana.
ALSO, anytime you would like to have a Disney movie marathon, totally down. It happens quite frequently in my house.
I follow you on Facebook
I subscribed to your newsletter under [email protected]
I haven’t seen the movie yet
I love you on FB and am an email subscriber. Also, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but have heard awesome things and have 2 sweet daughters who would love to watch it with me!
I liked your page on facebook!!
I haven;t seen the movie, but my husband took our daughter for her birthday, such a sweet moment.
I am also an email subscriber!!
Already like you…and on Facebook too! 🙂 Not sure how it is that I have not seen this movie yet, but can sing part of the “Let it Go” song while cleaning the house. Hmmm…must be that good of a movie to be sung without seen.
My sweet hubby took me to see Frozen when I was 9 months pregnant because he knew I really wanted to see it before we could no longer have dates nights and I’m his person “worth melting for.” It was so good and it was our last movie date before our little guy blessed our family! Can’t wait to see it again and share it with my little man 🙂 (PS: love getting your emails and updates on facebook)