When I was 8 years old, I came home from school to find that my mom had set up a Scavenger Hunt for me.
There were cards with rhyming clues that led me all over our Happy Home.
I tore across the house in a frenzy of excitement until the final clue brought me to a small package wrapped in a simple red bow.
With trembling hands of happiness I opened my prize and found an adorable necklace with a cat charm sweetly nestled on a bed of cotton.
Holy cow let me just tell you!!!!! I NEVER EVER forgot that day!
Something that probably took my mom 15 minutes to put together has stayed with me for my WHOLE LIFE!
I think it’s safe to say that pretty much anyone likes the thrill of a good scavenger hunt – something that builds anticipation for whatever magical treasure awaits at the end (hello California Gold Rush!).
It feels good to find something!
So BIG thanks to my mom who inspired this post today as I am bringing you Blog World’s BEST Scavenger Hunt ideas for your Happy Home to enjoy this summer!
Smashed Peas and Carrots created this awesome FREE Outdoor Scavenger Hunt printable for your Happy Buddies to use when out for a walk in the neighborhood!
The Happy Buddy and I take Adventure Walks almost every afternoon, so this is the perfect way to add some even more fun!!
I LOOOOOOOVE looooove looooooove this Scavenger Color Hunt from Frugal Family Fun Blog!
This one is great for those rainy summer days when you can’t go outside!
K. McKay Designs‘ indoor scavenger hunt starts with a series of cards that each have 3 pictures of everyday objects common to a Happy Home. Each player draws a card and someone shouts, “Go!” Players must run around the house finding their 3 items. The first person back with all 3 things on his/her card is the winner!
Plus, you can get your craft on by decorating an empty Altoids box to use as a storage container for the cards.
We are talking SERIOUS fun here, folks!! GO CHECK IT OUT!
This next hunt is more like a Scavenger Hunt on wheels!
Oopsey Daisy designed 3 different Road Trip Bingo Cards for you to use on those long summer car rides.
I am Momma – Hear Me Roar! did an outdoor scavenger hunt, too, but it had a neat interactive spin!
She had her Happy Buddy hunt down things that were found in their yard and then he stored them in an egg carton.
And I saved the best for last!
On the Laundry Line featured a Superhero Scavenger Hunt that sent one lucky Happy Buddy all over searching for his lost Superhero collection.
It ended with a giant block of ice and a hammer.
Intrigued? You must go see the CUTENESS!
I promise that if you do any of these fabulous ideas, your Scavenger Hunt is sure to have a giant bear hug at the end!
Happy Scavenger Hunt-ing! 🙂
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33
I’d love for you to share this at Fun For Kids Friday. I have been thinking about putting together a hunt for my boys. This is full of great ideas.
Jo @ SmileMonsters
Thanks so much for linking up all these wonderful “hunts” !!