This adorable Squishy Snowman in a Bag is perfect for helping your kids develop the muscles in their hands.
If you want to get technical and sound super smart, tell all your Facebook friends that you are doing a craft to assist in the strengthening of your child’s “fine motor skills.”
What you will need –
- Shaving Cream
- Sandwich-sized Ziploc bag
- Glitter (optional, although I am a FIRM believer that glitter is ALWAYS an option)
- Black adhesive craft foam and regular orange craft foam (got mine at Walmart)
Here’s how to put your squishy snowman together – 

- Cut out several circles (for mouth and eyes) from the black adhesive foam and a carrot-shaped nose from the orange foam.
- Attach eyes and mouth to the front of the bag.
- Put an {{exorbitant}} amount of glitter in the bag.
- Add a few squirts of shaving cream.
- Add the carrot nose.
- Seal bag tightly. **REALLY tightly.**
- Try to line the nose up correctly on the snowman’s face.
Pretty quick to make and super cute! The kids will probably be interested in it for about a total of 3 minutes, but still something fun to do if it’s negative 30 degrees in your neck of the woods and you’re stuck inside.
Then again, if it’s that cold where you are, your child’s fine motor skills are probably frozen and you should just sell your house and move to South Florida with me.
Happy Squishy Snowman-ing!
Wow, looks like fun– maybe I need to build MY fine motor skills
Hi, I love this idea. I am a preschool special needs teacher and have to buy most of my own supplies, so was wondering if there is any reason why I couldn’t just use regular construction paper instead of the craft foam to save money. What do you think?
Deb, I think that would work just fine!
Have fun! God bless you for what you do. What precious praise to the Father.
Julie, I saw this craft and thought of you.
love the Elmer books and this craft isn’t too hard once you’ve collected enough milk jugs.