I recently came across a few resources that I thought I’d share with my sweet readers because they are just so creative and fun.
Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that leaves a lasting impression on a Happy Buddy (or Happy Hubby for that matter – I fully support the notion that any of these resources can be used for the man in your life as well). 🙂
With just a few clicks on your computer, I hope one of these sites gives your Happy Home the extra magical touch it needs this Christmas.
First up, your Happy Buddies will be thrilled to receive a FREE phone call from Santa Clause this year.
You can create a customized call at Santa Tracker that will leave your Happy Buddies speechless on the other end!
A few years ago I received an email that changed my life.
First, the email said it was from Santa (not even kidding).
Second, a link took me to a video that, when played, had Santa Claus himself sharing a Christmas message with me using MY NAME as well as a hint that I was probably going to be getting what I had asked for that year.
Which, at the time, was Almond Butter. 🙂
The point is, Santa said my name and he SPECIFICALLY mentioned my request for almond butter. He said that I had been a good girl!!
I may or may not have had tears in my eyes by the time the video was over – it was that awesome.
This year the website, Portable North Pole, has even added an option to send a video to someone who has been naughty… I am thinking that maybe one of your Happy Hubbies out there might need to receive a video like that! Talk about a perk in a boring work day! 🙂
Before I share this last resource, you must know that it is NOT free (which left me slightly disappointed).
But it is SUPER fun if your Happy Home enjoys a visit from Santa at Christmas.
Capture the Magic is a site that allows you to upload an image of a room in your house and then digitally add a picture of Santa Claus to the photo.
The idea is that it is PROOF for your Happy Buddies that Santa was, indeed, there.
How neat to share that with your Happy Buddies!!! They will hardly believe it!
Which one are you going to do???
I may or may not have just sent a ‘naughty’ Portable North Pole video to the Happy Hubs {wink!}.
Merry Christmas Resources-ing! 🙂
**NOTE – Looking for more incredible Christmas links? Go HERE – everything from tracking Santa Claus to Elf-ing your Happy Home (or someone else’s for that matter!!), THIS LINK has it all!**
For the past few years Santa has been sending emails to my little buddy. About a month ago he started asking if Santa would send him one this year too…which he did 🙂 great ideas as always!!
Fairy, you are speaking my language today! I have a precious 10 year old that wants to believe in Santa, despite what her friends say. We read a story about St. Nicholas each year. You may hear my girls say, “You don’t believe in Santa? Do you believe in St. Nicholas?” And a knowing chuckle if their silly friend deny the existence of the generous saint that gave gifts in the name of Christ and that we seek to emulate in our family, keeping alive the Santa Claus tradition.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but the Mickey call looks like it’s only for UK and Ireland residents? I couldn’t put in a US telephone number… love the other ideas though! 🙂
Jenn, you are right! i tried to do it today too (should have done it before i posted this thing – ha!). mickey only calls UK and Ireland Happy Homes. What’s up with that?! 🙂