There’s something about those bright, cheerful plastic Easter eggs that just make me want to swim in a giant pool of them! 🙂
While that might be a good idea in my book, here are a few more unconventional uses for plastic Easter eggs…
Real Simple encourages you to use plastic Easter eggs as little snack containers in your Happy Buddy’s lunchpail!
I know my own Happy Buddy will think this is the coolest thing ever AND it will save me some Ziplocks. 🙂
It’s always fun to paint beyond the paintbrush.
This project from A Little Learning for Two features plastic eggs as the medium to roll paint around on a piece of paper.
The end result? A roll-y cool work of art!
With a few simple craft supplies, Make and Takes transforms plastic Easter eggs into a family of adorable springtime egg friends.
Meet the Dubiens made a set of Easter Egg Maracas.
These could be a fun thing to shake as you celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry on Palm Sunday!
If you have a little girl, Designs by Sunghee made Plastic Easter Egg Teacups using only a few items!
I am not even kidding – this Plastic Easter Egg Wreath from Mom and Wife may look like a beast of a project, but it is really quite easy.
I am so craving one on our Happy Home front door!
Corduroy Dreams used plastic Easter eggs to decorate the tree in their front yard.
She shares a GENIUS idea that makes the project super simple with a massive aesthetic payoff!
Or maybe we need a Plastic Easter Egg Garland like this happy one from eighteen25?
If you have never gone ‘Egging’ before, then you better check out THIS POST featuring a fun way to bless a neighbor.
Finally, if you are as eggceptionally passionate about snail mail as I am, then you might get the shivers at the sheer brilliance of this idea from Making Memories With Your Kids!
Did you know that you can MAIL a plastic Easter egg?!
How magical would it be to open up your mailbox and find a giant plastic egg waiting for you??
I am so doing this for my out-of-state relatives!
Check out THIS POST for the detailed instructions that are sure to bring a smile to your recipients AND the mail carrier’s face. 🙂
Happy Plastic Easter Egg-ing! 🙂
Thanks for the feature. What a great round up, and for sharing the mailed eggs. I’m totally going to do this for our cousins across state!!
Can I just say that I love your blog!!! Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas for family fun, and thank you so much for always remembering the importance of building a Christ-centered home. I hope that your Happy Family has an egg-stra wonderful Easter! 🙂
Thank you so much for adding us to your amazing list of egg creations! They are all so cute! I hope you do mail eggs to your friends and family. It’s a hoot! And they will remember it always!