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I got a Facebook message from someone recently who wanted to know about my favorite parenting books.
Mannnnny years ago, I shared 3 of my favorites HERE, but a lot has changed since then and I have read A LOT more books! This month I thought it would be fun to update my list so that you can add these to your Christmas Wish List or order a few as gifts for your friends/daughters/and other moms you know! 🙂
Please keep in mind that the Bible is my ULTIMATE source for all things parenting and it is my prayer that it’s yours, too! The Bible and the Holy Spirit really is all we need to raise kids in ways that bring God glory.
Nonetheless, I do believe the Lord inspires others to take His truths and principles and create helpful and encouraging resources for parents. In fact, I feel called to do that here at Happy Home Fairy! I just think it’s important to make sure all the other amazing voices available at our fingertips aren’t hindering us from developing the ability to hear the only Voice that matters.
With that said… Here are my top favorite parenting books! Click on the images or book titles to purchase from Amazon! 🙂

Parenting the Wholehearted Child: Captivating Your Child’s Heart with God’s Extravagant Grace
by Jeannie Cunnion
If I had to narrow down my book choices to one – THIS WOULD BE IT. I love everything about Jeannie’s heart and her passion to equip mamas in the giving of God’s grace to our kids. I found so much freedom in her message that the transformation of my children’s hearts does not depend on my ability to parent perfectly, but on the perfect grace of God. There are so many practical tips, specific phrases to use, and life-giving wisdom between the pages of this book – YOU WILL LOVE IT!
Mom Enough: The Fearless Mother’s Heart and Hope
by Various Authors
I think moms today are daily plagued by the question, “Am I doing enough? Am I enough?” This book will help you learn how to answer that question with a humble, “No,” as it beautifully reveals that we are not enough, BUT GOD IS.
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms
by Gloria Furman
What a fresh message for those burdened by the challenges of motherhood! This book helped me find true joy in the Lord, my kids, and the Gospel once again. Gloria’s voice is one of tender reassurance and love.
Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches
by Rachel Jancovic
Yes, yes, and yes! It’s so easy to view all of the young years of our children as HARD – we tend to focus on how our children sin against us, annoy us, and mess up our stuff. Rachel’s book gives inspiration to see all aspects of these years as opportunities for joy and worship to the Lord. Rachel’s voice is strong, confident and witty. I also love that this book is so short – perfectly suited for the moms who have little ones!
Growing Grateful Kids: Teaching Them to Appreciate an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Places (Hearts at Home Books)
by Susie Larson
I have shared this book many times on this site because I am OBSESSED with its message to train kids in gratitude. Being thankful is PARAMOUNT in living a joy-filled life and is something I am SUPER passionate about my boys learning. I love all of Susie’s examples and encouragement that helped her reach her kids’ hearts on this matter. Susie has a wise and seasoned voice that has given me hope for the future!
No More Perfect Moms: Learn to Love Your Real Life
by Jill Savage
This book deals with all the unrealistic expectations that we bring into motherhood and how sometimes these expectations end up making us feel disappointed. Jill helped me learn how to accept all of the imperfectness that rubs against my ideals and receive it as a gift.
Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most
by Brooke McGlothlin
Y’all. Our most POWERFUL parenting tool is PRAYER. And I truly feel like it is our most untapped resource! I love how Brooke helped me learn how to pray specific, Scripture-based prayers for my boys. Check out THIS POST to see some prayers I have been praying for Happy Buddy.
Sparkly Green Earrings: Catching the Light at Every Turn
by Melanie Shankle
After you have read all of these books and your brain is about to explode from so much information, read this one. Melanie has a way of making hard things seem light and momentary as she tells hilarious story after hilarious story of her motherhood journey. Get ready to be refreshed as well as burn some calories from laughing so hard.
Honorable Mentions –
(I liked these books a lot, but there were a few points in them that I didn’t agree with 100%. Still great resources overall – just wanted you to know!)
Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel – The title of this book is on point! Are you looking for discipline ideas for specific situations? You will find LOTS here! My favorite section is where she provides a list of typical areas where kids struggle and various Bible verses that address those struggles.
Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard – This book addresses discipline and offers a clear and biblical approach to raising littles!
I hope you love these books as much as I did!
And STAY TUNED – I have a MASSIVE Giveaway coming to the blog in December where I will be giving away one of these books AS WELL AS one more that I am reading now and kind of freaking out about because it is sooooo ridiculously amazing!!
– Julie 🙂
Thank you for this! My girls are a little older ranging from 9-13 years of age. I would love for my husband and I to read a parenting book together that will help us stay in sync with our parenting during these upcoming teenage years. I know your boys are younger but do you have any suggestions? Thank you
Hi Rachel! I will ask around about books for your girls’ age group! I will let you know when I get some feedback from some of my friends with older kids! Xoxo
I love you. You’re the best! =)
Just curious: For those moms out there who are raising kids in partnership with a spouse, which ONE (let’s be realistic) of these books would you say dads should also read? It might make a good Christmas gift for these ladies’ hubbies. And actually READING it would be a solid New Years’ resolution for the guys. =)
Hey baby! 🙂 I would definitely say the first one, Parenting the Whole Hearted Child would be best for both parents, but these selections are definitely written with the mom in mind. I have not read too many that aren’t! Someone just suggested Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel – that sounded like a winner to me! Want to read it together lol?
Thank you for sharing!! Just got Parenting the Wholehearted Child. Can’t wait to read it!
Thank you so much for mentioning Praying for Boys 🙂 What a treat to see it!
Brooke! A TOTAL HONOR! I truly loved your book and your encouragement to seek the Lord FIRST about our kids. 🙂