Does anyone feel like they are losing their marbles?? 🙂
Have no fear, Happy Home Fairy knows just what to do with your marbles.
I was cruisin’ around Blog World for summer fun ideas and I kept rolling by a bunch of activities that featured these small glass balls.
Get ready, Happy Home Friends, because these ideas are marble-ous!
Things to Make and Do gives a step by step tutorial on how to paint with marbles.
The result is sooo pretty!
One of my new favorite blogs, Serving Pink Lemonade, made this cute Marble Run out of a cereal box for her Happy Buddies to enjoy.
This is so clever!
Am I the only one that walks by that big box of pool noodles at the store and thinks, “Ohhhh the possiblities!”??
Family Fun came up with the idea to cut a pool noodle in half and use it as a marble racetrack.
Dilly Dally came up with a great marble game!
Simply cut a piece of cardboard to look like the one above. Label each arch with a number of points. Players shoot their marbles through the arches and add up their points.
Go HERE for the easy instructions.
And finally, this last idea is a cinch to make!
It’s a magnetic marble run made out of paper towel rolls!
In just 3 basic steps TPcraft came up with a way to entertain your Happy Buddy for hours on end!
So much marble magic, huh??
Now all you need to do is make like Tootles from Peter Pan and find your marbles!
Happy Marble-ing! 🙂And you can come visit this post over at Design Dazzle’s Summer Linky Party!
These are great, Julie! I love the rearrangeable paper towel tubes/magnets idea! I wonder if marbles would roll well on those train tracks so many folks have? If you put some together on a big tray that you could tilt around that might be fun. Hmmm….
These are awesome! Thanks for finding all of them and sharing with us! I marked it to make later!!! Brilliant! We are starting a new link party on our blog and we would love it if you came and linked some of your fun and darling posts up – and every link counts as an entry in our giveaway!
Camille @
We did the marble paint with our VBS students. It was wonderful! They absolutely LOVED doing this. It was actually my first time doing it and will try it at home. I am also going to try the pool noodle idea 🙂
Love the pool noodle idea! Adorable. Thanks for sharing!
I ♥ marbles!
Would you be willing to share this at our Weekly Playdate link party? This week’s party is here:
Come & Play :: Playdate
So cool, thanks for all the ideas!
We just wanted to stop by and thank you for linking up to our first link party last week. We appreciate your support so much! We would love to have you stop by again this week and link up more of your great things at Strut Your Stuff Saturday!
-The Six Sisters
Camille! It was my pleasure! It was a great party!