I like to find ways that I can slip a little bit of myself home into the Happy Buddy’s lunch box so that he doesn’t fall in love with his teachers and forget me will always remember what a great place home is.
During one of my 3 am pumping sessions I played around on PicMonkey (get ready ‘cuz this site is gonna change your world FOREVER) and created a few fun photos to slip into the Happy Buddy’s lunch box.
A little step up from the Post-It, so to speak.
One from me. 🙂
*Note – Here’s a little bonus idea! Maybe one day have siblings write the lunch box notes for each other! What a great way to encourage kindness between brothers and sisters.*
And crazy awesome silliness with his daddy.
*I think the Happy Hubby looks pretty good with a ‘stache!*
These photos are just the thing to give your Happy Buddy a little piece of home while they chew their lunch box goodies.
P.S. Do you have a pet? You could totally spice up a photo of Oreo the cat or Spot the dog doing or saying something goofy – that would really inspire some giggles at the lunch table. Have fun!
Happy Funny Photo-ing! 🙂
What a supernice idea! *_*
What a great idea!!