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So it’s been awhile since I have written a post catching y’all up on what’s going on in our lives right now.
I believe I may have overcommitted myself a smidge… I am helping plan Happy Buddy’s class Pumpkin Party, teaching at a Bible Study in a few weeks, then sharing ideas at our church group for Moms a week later, then taking off work a few days after that to speak at a MOPs group, then planning our women’s ministry’s annual Christmas event.
And did I mention that I am working and mothering and tending a house in the midst of all that?
No one has had clean clothes in at least 3 weeks.
It goes without saying that my emotions are running amuck and my husband has had to literally send me to bed on more than one occasion recently.
Why do I do this?! I mean, I read Lysa Terkeurst’s The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands earlier this year. I should be better at managing my time because of it.
The boys are doing well. Happy Buddy is going to play Chief Massasoit in the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play that has been performed at our little school for about 1400 years. It is very exciting. When I asked him if he was looking forward to being the Chief he responded with, “I’m glad I don’t have to wear shoes.”
Happy Baby is STILL NOT NAPPING AT SCHOOL. This has truly created a nightmare of problems for him (and everyone within close proximity) between the hours of 4 and 6 each day. That child really needs his naps, but, ALAS, a stubborn will has risen above his physical limitations. His lack of sleep and current age have reminded us frequently to be on our knees for this precious little boy. I see things in his behavior lately that I am working hard to address and believe with all my heart that the Fruit of the Spirit will prevail in his life!!!
We are planning to do some Trick or Treating… Happy Buddy wanted to dress up as Tom Brady and I just didn’t have the heart to explain to him the whole deflated-football-Super-Bowl-scandal. Tom is his hero, and for now, my boy is going to enjoy his 6-year-old innocence.
I do not need to say much about Happy Baby’s costume choice other than the fact that he has requested to be Mr. Incredible.
I guess if you are Mr. Incredible then you don’t really need sleep.
How are YOU guys doing?! Any other overcommitters out there that want to meet me at Target for some Dollar Bin therapy??
– Julie 🙂
Hey Julie! I am SO good at over committing! Its amazing you should see how exhausted I can make myself, its laughable at best! I have found that busy is also a very happy and rewarding place for me so to keep the balance I prioritize. For example I don’t allow the conference I need to prepare for next weekend effect my thought processes for the things I need to do today. I order my thoughts so that I don’t get anxious. It helps so much! Praying for you sweet friend that you find balance in all you do for the Lord. Be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart, Galatians 6:9
On top of all this you made an ex-PK 2 students family dinner!!!! You are truly amazing. When I tell my friends that you made us dinner they are like “what!!! Gavins teacher made you dinner??” Im like “yes!!” Thank you so much we all enjoyed it sooooooo much!!! It was so yummy!!! Thank you
Happy Home Fairy
Aw Sheila, it was a JOY. I love you guys!!!! So many blessings on your sweet family. 🙂
Karen C.
I hear ya, Julie! Thanks for this post… My problem is not overcommitting myself. For me, it is managing my time well. (which I am HORRIBLE at) Praying God would help me be a better manager of the hours/minutes in my day. And your boys are getting so BIG!!!! Hope your year is going well (besides being CRAZY busy!). Praying for you…
Francis Fernandez
I read that same book recently! It Blessed my socks off! If I could advise you in anything (from an older momma to a younger one) is to prioritize the things God is asking you to do. Sometimes we take things on in our inability to say no. I think you are an amazing woman that God is preparing for greater kingdom purposes.
Love your Blog!