A few months ago I received an email from one of my favorite blogs, Meaningful Mama.
The email was a call for writers to be a part of a new eBook project she and a few other bloggers were starting called The Mom Quilt.
Here is what Jodi described about The Mom Quilt…
We see a variety of moms in this world, each with their own unique stories of motherhood. The stories are beautiful and unique, yet we are woven together through the common experience of motherhood. The result is a beautiful tapestry that we want to celebrate. “The Mom Quilt” will be a compilation of mom stories that unite us. Think “Chicken Soup for the Soul” style, but with a focus on motherhood. It will be a book that rejoices in our unique experiences and wonders at the similar ties that bind us together – the hope that we have for our children’s futures, the difficulties that we face, and the immense joy that motherhood brings to our hearts.
I was instantly interested, but then summer happened and we were busy playing with big boxes and surviving airplane travel.
The night before the submissions were due, however, I felt this gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit that I just had to write! So I asked the hubs if he would bathe the boys and put them to bed so that I could write my chapter.
I sat down in my Prayer Chair and prayed for the Lord to guide my words (and to guide them quickly – haha!). It was a close call, but I got the submission in before midnight and received a note several days later that my chapter would be included in the book!
My chapter is called The Happily Ever After We Didn’t Expect and I talk about how the Lord showed me the true beauty of motherhood through sacrifice and the laying down of my life for another.
I feel super honored to have my story alongside so many incredible mothers and writers – 64 to be exact! I have no doubt that this book will make y’all laugh, cry, and be inspired as you press on in the mission field that is motherhood.
But WAIT! I haven’t even told you the best part about this eBook…
The best part about this eBook is that 100% of the money made from eBook purchases will be donated to Kristen Welch’s Mercy House Ministry in Kenya.
The Mercy House needs a water well. Currently, water is trucked in daily – which is time consuming and costly. A new water well would not only bring a much needed resource to Mercy House, but it will also become an income generating opportunity as they sell the water to nearby villages! In fact, Mercy House is already sitting on top of a water reservoir, but because it is located on a mountain, tapping into it will be an expensive process. Through the selling of The Mom Quilt, we hope to raise $40,000 to bring water to women and children in Kenya.
You can read more about the project HERE.
And you can buy an eBook and support this amazing cause by clicking HERE!
If you purchase the eBook – PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it as well as praise God for your faithfulness to help fund such a worthy endeavor.
Many Blessings,
Julie 🙂
*Note – this book is an eBook and is not available in hard copy format. You will receive a digital file after your purchase!
That’s awesome! Congrats! How exciting!