Chilling out in the tub yesterday with our icebergs only got me thinking that we need some more cooling off kind of activities for our Happy Home!
It is HOT outside!
So, bring on the ice, ice, baby. 🙂
Family Fun made a piece of jewelry that is both stylish and provides personal A/C while running around outside in the summer heat.
I think I will be wearing one of these Ice Cube Necklaces to church on Sunday. 🙂
Your Happy Buddies can sail into the heat with these ice cube boats from Alpha Mom!
Share and Remember painted with ice cubes.
Your Happy Buddies will love making a mess, creating art, and cooling off all at the same time!
Sweeter Than Sweets made Rainbow Ice using some colorful Color Bath Dropz by Crayola.
The perfect thing for you to add to your Happy Buddy’s water table!
Do you remember the Melt the Ice Cube Game I featured back in January???
It is the easiest and most fabulous game ever.
I am not even kidding about that.
Serving Pink Lemonade played it with her Happy Buddies and there was a ridiculous amount of laughing and memory-making and getting wet-ing.
My Delicious Ambiguity fished for ice in their living room – this is a really awesome science experiment/magic trick!
How Does She? went fishing for ice, too, but theirs was more of a game that involved Lassoing Lincoln (the ice cube with a penny frozen inside).
Too cute!
Finally, what do you get when you have a wading pool filled with ice cubes and lots of Happy Buddy feet? This hilarious Foot Freeze game at Family Fun is just what you need for some afternoon cool down fun – TODAY!
**If you are under the age of 20 do not continue reading this post as it is about to get a little STEAMY!**
The bedroom is a place where things can get pretty hot between you and your Happy Hubby.
Wink! Wink! 🙂
So, why not bring down the heat a bit with an idea I found HERE involving ice cubes and kissing??
That’s the Ice, Ice Baby we are talking about, Happy Home Friends!
Thanks for featuring my ice cube painting! Lots of fun ice cube ideas here, some I haven’t seen before.
I LOVE the ideas for the happy hubby the most from your site, not that I dont love the ones for the happy buddies, but Im with them all day every day, and I/HE/WE need that “down” time when the kids are in bed to just play a game or watch a movie, with 3 little happy buddies that time usually ends up few far and in between, but with your printables and ideas I can still leave small little reminders for him even when there isnt time to spend together, keep doing what your doing! Your making at least 1 home that I know for sure, a little happier every day!
Thanks so much for featuring my Rainbow Ice alongside these other awesome icey activities!!