That moment when you’ve taken the kids to 13 trillion different water parks and play dates and ice cream parlors and libraries and malls and movies and bowling and after all that one of them is going to still throw himself across the couch and say with an exaggerated sigh, “I’m soooooo bored.”
When my hubby was little, if he ever, EVER dared to utter that phrase in his house, he was immediately issued a chore.
So he learned real quick how to keep himself entertained – especially during the summer months.
Another way to inspire your kids to not use the ‘b-word’ (although I am personally in favor of serving up housework – you will probably have the cleanest house ever this summer) is to use this fun FREE Printable.
Post it on your fridge as a handy, inspirational reference!
I think it’s time to clean my fridge. 😉
**Click HERE for your FREE Printable for Summer!**
Happy No More BORED Summer-ing! 🙂
Love this, Julie!! Thank you!!
Also, I’ve been wanting to ask if you’d like some hand me down school shirts for your boys? I have a bunch of BCS shirts from Charlie I’d like to give to a good home. Most of them were just from the school closet or given to me by other friends. So they are not all perfect, but having a lot of shirts sure is nice to cut down on laundry! :). So let me know if you’d like some and I’ll leave them by Ryan’s office at school.
Thanks Julie! Ellen
Sent from my iPad
Hey Ellen! Thank you!!! We are all set with shirts (Tanya Sistare gave us a bunch just before she moved last week), but I can’t thank you enough for thinking of us!!! xoxo
I love the free printable! I’m going to display it for my son and grandchildren.
Lyn! Thank you! Enjoy!
I FOR SURE just saved this as my background on my computer as a reminder for MYSELF!
Steezy, that’s awesome!
Hi, I am currently subscribed to your blog and would like to continue getting email updates, but would like my email changed to [email protected] Please let me know how to do this.
Thanks! Rebecca
Hi Rebecca! You will need to go to the bottom of an email from Happy Home Fairy and unsubscribe. Then re-subscribe on my site with new address. There also might be a special link in the subscription settings that will allow you to do it all in one place! I wish I had control over email subscriptions, but I don’t. 🙂 I am happy you are my reader!
Hi Julie!
I love following you and getting to keep up with our favorite neighbors ever! I love this.. I actually wrote this out on a chalkboard for my boys a couple of years ago but yours is so much cuter that I will be printing it and hanging it on the playroom wall. They can use all of the reminders they can get during the long days at the end of summer 😉 We miss you guys!
Kelly & fam
Kelly! This MADE MY DAY! Thank you for commenting and following! I wish we saw y’all more! I can’t believe how big your kiddos are getting! We miss you EVERY DAY!!!
Thanks SO much for this free printable!
And I’m glad you’re on vacation too! Have a BLESSED and restful summer!
Aw Sabrina! You never fail to lift me up when I need it! Thank you! God uses you in my life! 🙂