Since it’s Father’s Day, I thought it would be a good idea to swipe Mom’s blog and give her readers some REAL material – like my thoughts on your awesomeness.
You are awesome because you wake up early on Saturdays to make the greatest Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes for me (even though I know you’d rather be sleeping).
I love how you drive me to school every morning and we count how many school buses, police cars, trains, and motorcycles we see.
I’ve decided to emulate your passion for all things chocolate.
You are the only reason I would ever spend an entire morning pulling weeds.
I just love our trips to the Guitar Center. You are so patient to stand beside me and listen while I give the world’s longest most incredible drum solo.
If it weren’t for you, I would probably lose all of my teeth because you’re the only one in this house who remembers to have me brush them.
This year you took me on my first, real train ride. Greatest. Day. Ever.
You don’t mind that I leave my toys and snacks all over the backseat of your car.
Words cannot even begin to describe the way I feel when you let me play on your iPad.
It’s the best when you take out your scuba vests and gear and we pretend to scuba dive right there in our living room.
I love it when you read the Bible while we eat dinner.
Thank you for letting me help you grill things.
There isn’t another person on this planet who could have cared for me better – or cleaned up my puke without also puking – when I got the stomach flu during our Disney trip this year.
I love that you always have replacement nightlight bulbs on-hand.
I’m so glad you introduced me to Dubstep.
Thanks, Dad, for always keeping me in line.
It’s my favorite when we have marathon-TV-watching afternoons of Curious George.
I love it that we are the ‘Zerbert Guys’ and that we have a secret handshake.
Thank you for letting me permanently borrow your slippers.
I always look for your car in the driveway when we get home from somewhere because you are my favorite person on the planet.
My little brother feels the same way.
Mom says I need to share and let him have a chance to tell you some great things, too.
You know just how to wipe diaper ointment on my bum.
If it weren’t for you, my diaper pail would never get changed and I would probably suffocate in stink.
Thanks for letting me chow on your iPhone.
You always know how to get me laughing. I especially love the bit where you sneak around corners and pop out at me.
It’s the best when you make me bounce on the bed.
When you’re off at work, I crawl around the house visiting your guitar and piano and shoes by the front door (yum!) because I miss you so much.
I know sometimes it seems like I’m not listening and that you have to tell me 800,000 times not to throw my food on the floor, but it’s getting into my core.
You are definitely the best at snuggling on the couch.
I love your name so much that I call everyone and everything I see ‘Dadda.’
Thanks for always praying for me and being such a steady rock for Mommy. I think she’d be a mushy banana without you helping her out through all my crazy health drama.
Come to think of it, we’d ALL be mushy bananas without you.
And you know how I feel about bananas, so we’re sticking with you for forever.
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
Lots of Love,
Your Boys
*Note – I feel like a better name for this post would have been The Evolution of the Happy Hubby’s Hair* 🙂
Heart-warming, love the pictures….and agree with you, boys! God gave you a wonderful Daddy! (Tissues, please….thanks….)
Awww. What a great heap of love from the Happy Buddy and Happy Baby for their amazing dad. Love it! Happy father’s day!
that was just beautiful!
May God always bless Happy Dadda !!! I can so relate to this post!!! I can’t thank God enough for a great Dad & Hubby! I love these FD ideas, tx for Sharing Julie, big hugs from South Africa 🙂