Dear Happy Buddy,
Last night we snuggled in bed and I told you the story of your birth… How Mommy and Daddy were sooo excited to meet you. How when you came out of my tummy you cried and it was the best sound I had ever heard. How they wrapped you up like a giant 9 lb 15 oz little burrito and handed you to me and how suddenly my life really began.
You loved hearing this story and started to ask for more stories. You wanted to know about when you were 2 and I found myself making that ‘blink-blink-I’ve-got-nothin’ face. Why I can remember every single outfit I wore to important life events but yet cannot recall a single memory from your 2-year-old life is beyond me.
So I was incredibly grateful when I found THIS POST all bursting with funny things from your 2nd year of life and I vowed I would do it again and again on your birthday so that I never, ever forget all that God has done in your precious, awesome heart.
I love that you have one volume and that is full blast.
I love that you will do absolutely anything if ice cream, M&M’s, or Mom-Mom is involved.
I love that you suddenly stopped needing a Pull-Up at night this last week and I officially only have to buy diapers for 1 person in this house {fist bumps, anyone?!?}.
I love that you pretend to do ‘laundry’ by pulling out all the clean, perfectly folded clothes from your drawers and stuffing them into the refrigerator in your play kitchen.
I love that you can down a plate of chicken patties in 4 seconds but it takes 8 million years to finish one baby carrot.
I love that every morning you need breakfast served within the first 2 minutes of your eyes being open or Fruits of the Spirit start flying out the window.
I love that you freeeeeeeeeeeeeak out if I forget to put socks on you at night.
I love that the other day I found you in the living room, pants-less, dancing, and having the time of your life.
I love that you have to high-five everyone at least 7 times, or until the smack is satisfying enough.
I love that when we were at the park recently and a woman jogged by you said, “You go, girl!”
I love that your favorite thing about our trips to Costco is the cold room.
I love that the first thing you do when I pick you up from school is try to get your little brother to smile.
I love that you will remind me to, “Trust in the Lord” if I show signs of stress or anxiety.
I love that on our walk the other day you wanted to wear a bucket as a helmet while riding your scooter.
I love that I spend 95% of my day making sure that your little brother stays alive.
I love that you pull your little kid’s Ikea chair up to the kitchen counter and want to help me make things like brownies or meatloaf.
I love that you get really excited when we actually eat a meal at the dining room table.
I love that you like to follow me into the bathroom and sit on the floor while I repeatedly ask you to leave.
I love that you didn’t say anything negative about the haircut I tried to give you this year.
I love that you like to take the garbage men bottled water when they make their rounds.
I love that you have a crush on the girl next door and have been known to be a bit of a Peeping Tom.
I love that you love Clean Sheets Day.
I love that all you ever want to do – all day long – is play your drums.
I love that you race up to the employees at Chick-Fil-A and tell them excitedly, “Chicken, fries, ketchup and chocolate milk!!!”
I love that most of the food you eat is beige.
I love that you learned how to write your name this year.
I love that your favorite Bible story right now is the one where Gideon and his army blow trumpets and smash jars because it has to do with being loud.
I love that there are train tracks on our floor at all times.
I love that we went to Disney and spent all kinds of money getting us into the park and then the only thing you wanted to do was ride the free monorail.
I love that you say the same things to me every. single. night: “Can I pray and sing songs? Are there angels? I love you. I love the Happy Baby and Daddy too. Sweet dreams!”
I love that you always ask to read the book Love You Forever because you know it makes me get all weepy.
I love that being in a bounce house for a few hours is about the only thing that will inspire a nap from you these days.
I love that getting you to go #2 is practically a second job for me. I will get you back one day for all the hours we have spent in the potty by sharing some super embarrassing stories about this very topic with your future wife.
I love that you are passionate about worship music and are always bopping around our house wearing Daddy’s slippers and my jewelry singing something you learned at church.
I love that really all you need is an elevator and some Goldfish to be happy for hours.
I love that you are nervous about swimming and you lose your cool when a balloon pops.
I love that I have taught you to either start playing with my hair or tickling my back if you ever want to stall your bedtime.
I love that you have the power to make your little brother laugh like nobody else.
I love that you celebrate your imaginary friend, Geoffrey’s, birthday every day. I think he is like 697 years old by now.
I love that your heart is moved at the sight of a homeless friend and you ask me if we can pray for them.
I love the giant red streaks of marker you drew on our carpet a few months ago.
I love the way you want me to reach back and hold your hand when we are at red traffic lights.
I love watching you sleep when I sneak in your room at night to pray over you.
I love that you give me big, fat kisses on the lips.
I love that your heart is moving more and more toward Jesus every day.
Happy Buddy, I could go on forever!
God has given you so much love and wonderment for everything around you – you remind me every day that the joy of heaven is even more than the joys here on earth.
So on this 3rd of July I want you to know that I am proud to be your mommy.
I believe that you have what it takes to be a great man and that God is going to use you in mighty ways for His glory and good purposes.
I can’t wait to see all that He has for you in this next year of your life.
Now, my precious 4 year old, in the spirit of what we tell you every night before bed…
Mommy loves you.
Daddy loves you.
And Jesus loves you more.
Happy Birthday, Happy Buddy. 🙂
What a beautiful little boy and what a blessing! You are a wonderful Christian mother and your blog is my absolute favorite! 🙂
Happy Buddy with treasure this forever and ever…….
Oh CAthy, I hope so! Thank you for stopping by!
Your blog always makes me cry! Big, happy fellow mommy tears. Beautiful entry. Made me so excited for when my little one turns 4 in a few years 🙂
Jamie! Thank you for your sweet words!!! xoxo
Happy Birthday! May The Lord pour His best over you each day and you be used mightily for His kingdom purposes.
What a wonderful and beautiful list of things that your happy boy is….you can see his sweet spirit revealed in the pics you’ve taken.
May the Lord continue to strengthen you and your beautiful family.
You reflect God’s love and joy in every word and picture! Thank you for always sharing!
What a great idea to sit and reflect on your son each year and to actually write it down. It does be come harder and harder to remember. Your Happy Buddy is so precious, Happy Birthday from Mrs. Liz. So thankful for your happy joyful heart.
I so enjoyed reading about your Happy Buddy! My little guy just turned one and I did a similar post. I feel like reading about your little man is looking into the very possible future of mine. What a blessing we have to mothers of little men. Thank you for sharing!