Our sweet Great Grandmommy flew to Jesus on the morning of April 27, 2019. She died peacefully in her sleep.
The family gathered last Sunday in Grandmommy’s home one last time for a small and informal memorial service. With great grandkids, grandkids, and her own children and their spouses sprawled around the living room on floral couches and teal-colored carpet, we shared our favorite stories about this woman who left an enormous legacy of love, wisdom and faith.
After the service, we got to wander around the house and choose some of Grandmommy’s things that we wanted to take home with us.
While looking, I passed the kitchen where she hosted many Baking with Grandmommy dates and cooked countless meals for her family.
I sat at her desk, pulled open one of the drawers, and found a small notebook. Inside were handwritten prayers for her friends and family. Next to the answered prayers, she simply wrote “Thank you!”
Sitting in the same desk chair, I saw her computer. I was reminded of how Great Grandmommy loved to comment on my blog posts. I grabbed my phone and quickly began searching through old comments she had written, clinging to her words differently, knowing that they are precious treasures left behind. I wanted to share my favorite comment here today.
On a blog post where I was struggling with motherhood, she encouraged me with the following wisdom…
Dearest Julie, A very wise Godly man once told me (after my son’s antics at church), “They are the ones that grow up to be deacons and pillars of the church.” He was so right. Proverbs 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Just remember to be consistent and say what you mean and mean what you say. We learn line upon line and precept upon precept, Isaiah 28: 10. So. don’t get discouraged and keep praying and teaching and he will respond. After all, he has had a LOT to contend with in his short life. First he was the ONLY one and then he had to share you with Jet and all his health issues. I see from your blogs that you spend a lot of time with him so just keep on keeping on ! I think Grammy was wise in her disciplining the children. She would have them search the scriptures and find examples of why they should or shouldn’t do this or that. Of course, Noah is a little young for that but I wish I had used that when my boys were young. As I pray for your family , I will certainly keep this before the Lord. BTW, I remember my “preshus” angel Ryan being nothing but an angel who kept me laughing all the time. I know they were taught RESPECT, OBEDIENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY that has bode them well for all of their lives. They were also taught what the word “STOP’ meant “STOP” and whether it be before running into the street or during a tantrum, when they said “STOP” , the children knew to “STOP” or suffer the consequences pre determined. Personally, I am not against spanking (never in anger) when nothing else works. Never threaten to do something and not back it up. For instance, if you tell them you will throw them out the window if they do such and such and they disobey, you MUST throw them out a window ! So, be careful what you say and then DO IT !!! Another bit of advice is to NEVER embarrass them before their peers. Take them outside, away from everyone and discipline them alone. Make sure you have eye contact and they are paying attention to your instructions. These are just some of the musings of an old lady so feel free to discard some or all of them. Love you, Grandmommy I think you are doing a fabulous job as a parent so don’t be too hard on yourself ! God knows your heart!!
I love this simple summary of parenting >> Believe the best for your kids, spend time with them, respect them, say what you mean and mean what you say, provide loving boundaries, and try not to worry too much because God sees it all.
Great Grandmommy never did anything “great” by the world’s standards. She didn’t have a million Instagram followers or a big book deal with a major publisher. Her acts of kindness and generosity were never shared on a platform.
But quiet moments over freshly baked cookies and handwritten prayerful accounts of God’s goodness created a legacy that will forever impact this world.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.” Psalm 116:25
I’m so sorry for your loss. We rejoice that she is with the Lord, unhindered by these decaying bodies, but we weep for the absence of her presence and wisdom. Your Grandmommy sounds like an amazing woman! You were blessed to have her in your life.
This is so touching and sweet. I read it twice. Loosing a loved one is never easy. There is such testimony of love in all of your messages. Thanks for sharing this sweet but sad moments with us.
Dear Julie
I have been following your blogs for the last 6 months, and I must say this one is the most encouraging as a parent. God is great and He is listening- we try to do our best always for our children and sometimes this is still not enough, but we must be patient with them and not give up.
Condolences to the family for the loss of your gran mommy.
God bless
This comment meant so much to me – thank you. <3 I am so glad that you are here!
What a woman! And as you said, what a legacy she left. THIS is the earthly representation of the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman we as Christian females should strive to be!
Praying your tears will turn into smiles, and smiles into laughter with the wonderful memories you shared together!
Thank you for being you Julie!!
Devon Davis
Julie, I am so sorry for your loss. Our heartfelt condolences to you and family. May your memories like the one you shared comfort you. You honor her in keeping those loving memories alive.
I’m so sorry to hear, Julie. What a loss. What a precious saint! Thank you for the beautiful post. I could’ve used that advice myself! Love, Aimée
I am sorry for your loss. I wish I had someone like that in my life when I was growing up. She sounds wonderful. And she gave fantastic advice.What a blessing!What a legacy! Praying for your family.
You have been left a precious legacy by your “Grancmommy” That doesn’t mean you won’t miss her terribly…you will. God Bless you and your family as you adjust your lives without her.
I don’t know this woman myself but from reading about her and her comments I am encouraged! She’s making an impact in many lives forever and that is for sure! Praying for your family that you may be comforted! It’s hard to lose such wonderful people!
I love this! What a blessing it must have been for you and all who knew you’re Grandmommy. Thank you for sharing.
I, too, had a faithful, God loving grandmother who taught me so much without ever doing anything great in the eyes of this world. It has helped me realize the impact I can have on my grandchildren. It is my prayer my grands will one day look back and have similar words to speak over me and realize the lessons they have learned from my actions, rather than my words.
I’m sorry for your loss, but heaven gained a sweet angel. Maybe she will meet up with my grandma Tylene. I think they would enjoy each others company 🙂
What blessing for you, the family, and especially the great-grands to have a memory in their lives. I hope mine appreciate what a BLESSING it is to know great-grandma.
Thank you so much for sharing this! There is nothing more beautiful than words of wisdom from a godly grandmother passed down to other young struggling mothers. Motherhood can be such a struggle at times but also provides us our most joyful moments in life. It’s always a good reminder to enjoy the simple moments with our children rather than focusing on perfectionism all the time. I love how your grandmother mentioned having children search the scriptures for why the should or shouldn’t do something. I definitely want to do this one with my kids!
I’m so sorry for your loss of such a special woman in your life. Thank you for sharing her words! They brought tears to my eyes and hope to my heart. <3