I’m not going to lie.
The last 10 days have been some of the toughest I have ever experienced.
The not knowing is the hardest…
But that’s where faith begins.
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
As we cling to our faith – trusting that the things we don’t understand and can’t control are in His good and perfect hands – we persevere.
And we realize that along the way God brings little blessings that keep our hearts encouraged in that promise.
Here are my Five Favorite Blessings from this past week…
That’s me.
Me holding two little apple juice cups in the maternity ward’s kitchen at the hospital.
I raided that fridge for apple juice several times a day.
Usually I stick to drinking water.
But man, when I have C-sections, those little cups of apple juice taste sooooooo amazing.
With the Happy Buddy, I never pumped – never used a bottle.
Quite honestly, I was terrified of the idea of pumping and nipple confusion, etc., etc.
So naturally I had thought I would just do the same thing with the Happy Baby.
But it would seem that the Lord wanted to use our present situation to teach me!
And I am so grateful because I got to learn everything about pumping at a hospital with lactation specialists and super nice nurses.
Not to mention the fact that two of my sweetest friends went out and bought me an amazing pump the first day we knew I’d need one.
I love how God eased me into something that had once made me want to curl up in the fetal position! 🙂
I have learned that I cannot walk through a difficult thing without surrounding myself with worship music.
“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14
This album by Kari Jobe has encouraged my heart tremendously over the last few weeks.
Especially the song “Savior’s Here.” You can check the song and lyrics out HERE.
When you have a C-section, one of the stinky outcomes is that you are not allowed to drive for at least two weeks.
This little rule has been testing me!
I keep wanting to hop behind the wheel in the middle of the night to go see my little buddy.
But God has provided several different family members or friends who have graciously offered to cart me back and forth from the hospital.
Yesterday during our visit the nurse asked the Happy Hubby if he wanted to do some skin-to-skin with the Happy Baby.
I immediately turned to my man and commanded, “TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF!” 🙂
Our little guy was so content snuggled up with his hero. It did my mommy heart some good to see that!
Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.
The doctors are still trying to figure out a diagnosis for the Happy Baby, as it wasn’t what we originally thought.
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD
In the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:13-14
Thinking of you and your family and most especially your little bundle of baby cuteness. I am amazed at how you can use your strength and belief in the Lord to help you through this. I don’t know that I wouldn’t be a complete mess but I had to say that you touch me with each and every post during this difficult time and I have been and will continue to pray for you.
Praying for you all! He is so adorable!
Lots of thoughts going to you and your sweet family at this difficult time.
You are amazing! Prayers for your baby!
Dear Brasington family:…praying!!! Amazed by your all’s zest for life in the midst of everything! God bless your sweet home and hold you ever near. Lots of love in Christ fr Charissa and Stephen Van Roekel from CRPC days.
Love this! I forgot about needing a ride to the hospital and totally understand wanting to go in the middle of the night or at random times. Pray you guys can all get home together soon. I know pumping stinks, but persevere. My baby had no issue transitioning from feeding tube, to bottle, to breast. Know that there is an end in sight :-). Keep smiling and loving in that baby.
Been thinking of you happy little family and praying His presence is ever near to you ever step of the way.
The Joy of the Lord is your strength….it’s written all over your faces!
What a precious photo! We’re still praying!
Your faith will move mountains!!! What an inspiration you are!!! We serve a big GOD!!!!
Praying for you all. I love that verse! You will see His goodness!
Your attitude is amazing and so wonderful. May our God give the Dr’s the answers needed to help your precious little one and send him home with you soon. God is in control of it all. Keep trusting.
Hi! I found your blog a few weeks ago when I “googled” for an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt. Every since then I have saved you to my favorite and continue to follow the Happy Baby’s progress. Your blog is such an amazing witness to our Father. I commend you for taking the time to encourage others during a very difficult time in your life. I have also been praying for you and your family. You have a precious familiy and an even more precious spirit. You are a true encouragement to all Christian women/wife/mamas
What a precious, uplifting post! Despite all you’re going through your faith shines brightly. I’m praying for your little guy throughout each day and have asked others to pray for him too. I’m praying that the Lord will supply exactly what each one of you needs physically, spiritually and emotionally during this very difficult time. I keep thinking that this must be harder on you physically after having just gone through a c-section. Big hugs to you and your family!!!
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
Thank you for updating. It was uplifting to me to see your praises in the midst of this difficult time. I will pray for God to strengthen you, your family, and be with your new little guy.
Julie, your situation brings back memories of my now 1-year-old son spending 2 weeks in NICU after birth. It was so hard, and my heart goes out to you and your family. He was also my send, so i had his big sister at home to care for as well. Thankful for the sweet moments you are able to have admist the sadness, and the testimony you are to those around you. Looking back a year later, I can see how God used that time in my life to strengthen my faith and really truly believe in the reality of His promises. Every word of God proves true (Proverbs 30:5). A few verses I have clung to even this past year as the sadness of what we went through remained:
Psalm 25:10 All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness
Psalm 59:10 My God in his steadfast love will meet me.
Praying that you will experience the reality and truth of these words and that the Lord will protect your heart from doubt and discouragement and that your little guy will come home very very soon. I know even very soon is not soon enough.
And thanks for your blog, what an encouragement for me to try to make my home more HAPPY!
Sincerely, Amy from Illinois
I know what you mean, Julie; He shows us so much of Himself in the darkness, when He’s all we have to hang onto. Praying hard for you all and Baby Jet. Take care!
You are just too cute! What a sweet family you have:)
I have been following your blog for a few months and have been so blessed by it. I want you to know your family are in my prayers. The scriptures you wrote encouraged me as my family is going through a difficult medical situation as well- with diagnosis unknown. Please know the Lord is using you even in your hard time. Thank you!
Reading these comments on your post is evidence of ways that God is already using this difficult trial for His good purposes of growing you and blessing many. Love you all, Julie, Ryan, Noah and Lil Jet!
Praying for you and sweet baby and your sweet family. May God Bless you!
Oh, Sweetie! There are no words for a NICU stay… hugs to you and your family and prayers for a quick trip home. When we were in the NICU, I kept a blog to keep everyone updated on our little guy, and everyone said our faith helped their faith to grow, etc. What I didn’t expect was that 2 1/2 years later, people are STILL talking about our time in the hospital and how that STILL impacts their faith. You are walking through this so faithfully (even when – especially when- the tears flow and the anger rises and fear rears its ugly head and you feel like you can’t stand one more day… what a comfort that God is big enough to deal with our humanity! :)), and your story is impacting your readers. Not just for now, but long-term. Your family is such a blessing to so many, and so precious to our Father! Praying that the doctors find a diagnosis SOON and that it’s easily treatable. Praying too for your son at home and for you and your hubby with the constant pull to be in 2 places at once. Can’t wait to hear what God does next! 🙂
Praying for you, you blessed mommy and beautiful warrior! After enduring a 2 week NICU stay with Matthew, I can certainly empathize. The not knowing is the worst (the not driving when er you want to see him is a close second though). I love you do much and know that God will continue to sustain you and shelter you under his wings!