If you stopped by earlier this week you probably read the Happy Home Fairy’s thoughts on Halloween (if you missed it, read about it here), so today I am going to share my TOP TWELVE super FUN ideas for Biblically Inspired Halloween Costumes!!
As always, if you’re reading the list below and you are inspired with your own ideas, I’d SO LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT THEM!! Make sure to leave a comment below! Thanks for visiting! 🙂
The Happy Home Fairy Presents…
The TOP TWELVE Biblically Inspired Halloween Costume Ideas
1. Dress in army fatigues and be in the Lord’s army! (Read Joshua 5:14.)
2. Wear all green, wrap silk vines all around you, cut out construction paper fruits and stick them all over yourself. Write the Fruit of the Spirit on each fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc.). Voila! You are the Fruit of the Spirit! Don’t forget lots and lots of sparkly green glitter! (Read about the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.)
3. Wear a bathrobe, look really messy, and stick clumps of “seaweed” (green yarn) all over with a fake fish or two thrown in. Hold a sign that says, “On my way to Ninevah!” and you’re Jonah thrown up from the whale! If you really want to get crazy – douse yourself in some tuna fish juice. 🙂 (Read about it in the book of Jonah.)
4. Dress as a glamorized hair dresser. Make a big pair of scissors cut from cardboard and wrapped in aluminum foil. Stick some sparkly jewels on the scissors for added pizzazz! Tada! You are Delilah! Walk around all night going after the boys’ hair! (Read about it in Judges 16:4-21.)
5. Wear camel’s skin clothes, a leather belt, and a dark beard with bugs stuck to it. Walk around holding a jar of honey and a walking stick or pitcher of water. You are John the Baptist! (Read about it in Mark 1.)
6. Go as a pile of salt – Lot’s wife. (Read about it in Genesis 19.)
7. Dress as a donkey and talk A LOT. You are Balaam’s Donkey! (Read about it in Numbers 22.)
8. Wear a crown and a beautiful queen’s outfit. You are Queen Esther! (Her story is in the book of Esther. What a great role model for little girls.)
9. Wrap yourself up like a Mummy and slap on a name tag that says, “Hi My Name is Lazarus!” (Read about Lazarus rising from the dead in John 11.)
10. Put on your coolest spy gear and you are Joshua and Caleb! (Read about their ultimate spy mission in Numbers 13-14.)
11. Wear a bathrobe and carry a basket with 5 small loaves of bread and 2 cans of sardines – Jesus feeding the 5,000 can be read about in Matthew 14:13-21.
12. Wear a red shirt with a big letter ‘C’ on it! You are the RED SEA! 🙂
And if all else fails, there’s always Adam and Eve – before the fall. 🙂
I am totally kidding. 🙂
Happy Bible Costume-ing!
You DID inspire me! I thought of another idea immediately after reading yours: Dress in dirty construction clothes, smear some cement (or paint) on yourself, carry a trowel in one hand and a brick in the other and you’re Nehemiah building the wall of Jerusalem! (Read about it in Nehemiah 2)
My friend said she had put her son in a frog costume with a sign that read, “Let my people go!” One of the plagues on Egypt!
Thanks for the great ideas! I’m looking for something for me and my husband, our church is thinking about doing a trunk or treat for the children and the adults get to dress up and pass out candy….fun! I have not had the chance to do this since my kids were little! I am so excited, thanks for sharing:)
Being the Roman Centurion who was saved is always a hit with the boys! Or For a couples idea, Joseph and his wife (who was Egyptian) is easy to find since Pharaoh and Cleopatra outfits are pretty common! If you’re really tight on time, all a man needs is a suit and briefcase to be a tax collector. A pregnant woman and her husband could be an easy interpretation of Mary and Joseph! and what pregnant woman doesn’t want an excuse to wear a bathrobe all night! Haha!
Katie! I love these ideas!!!