October is my favorite month.
South Florida living is not very conducive to enjoying a genuine autumn experience (it’s September and still 90 degrees out. And humid – blech!), so I have to be super intentional about creating fall in our home.
A few years ago I made a little checklist to help keep our family on track.
You’ll find all of your favorite fall activities on this list (I think mine would have to be going to the pumpkin patch – hopefully this year’s trek will prove to be more successful than last year’s).
I hope you will print one off for your own family to check off together.
Some of the great ideas you’ll find on your FREE Printable Fall Checklist are…
- Make leaf rubbings
- Volunteer together
- Make popcorn
- Bake a fresh apple pie
- Attend a football game and have your own mini tailgating party
- Go on a hayride together
- Drink hot apple cider
- Visit a local candle shop and select delicious fall-scented candles
- Hang a homemade fall wreath
- Make a pot of soup
- Play touch football
- Go to a pumpkin patch and select the biggest pumpkin you can find
- Pick up a pumpkin and take it to an elderly neighbor
- Make a scarecrow for your front yard
- Jump in a big pile of leaves
- Roast marshmallows
- Have a pumpkin carving contest
- Eat candy corn
- Bake pumpkin bread
- Play a board game
- Do a 1,000 piece puzzle
- Eat breakfast for dinner
- Surprise someone with a potted mum on their doorstep
- Make chili and invite neighbors over
- Build a tent with blankets, sheets, chairs, and chip clips
- Decorate your house for fall
- Take your family photo for Christmas
- Clean out your junk drawer
- Write your parents a letter by hand – expressing your love and appreciation
- Print off some games/puzzles online for your kids
- Hang artwork your children created
- As a family. stay in your pajamas all day long
- Have a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino at Starbucks
- Make apple prints
- Go to a fall festival or craft fair
- Host a story time at your house and pull out all of your fave fall books
- Enjoy a fall picnic
- Make homemade applesauce
- Get a head start on Christmas shopping
- Call an old friend
- Go buy a cinnamon broom – immediately
- Print off this checklist and hang it at a co-worker’s desk for a surprise or send it in the mail (snail mail, of course) to a friend
Don’t you just feel fall-ish after reading that? 🙂
**Get your FREE Printable Fall Checklist HERE.**
I’d love to hear how your family enjoys this beautiful season!
Happy Fall Checklist-ing! 🙂
*You will find all of my other great ideas and printables for Fall HERE.*
What a great list! We will definitely be using this to steer our October activities!
I LOVE Fall, and I love this list! Just shared it on my Facebook page, so hopefully you will be getting some new readers soon! Happy Fall!
~ Brandi ~
Wow what great ideas I have found on this checklist!! I can’t wait to try them out sometime. BTW my latest book is set in Southern Florida. And I have relatives buried there. Needless to say south Florida holds a special place in my soul.
Thanks Julie! Love these!
Ps- thought of you last week when I bought my cinnamon broom…and I leave it in the back of my car to make it smell good and not like mildew! (How it smells after a long, wet summer)! It’s back there permanently now!!
This helps me think FALL!! 🙂
PSS- thanks for promoting MOPS!! You are awesome!!! 🙂
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Thank you!! I was just starting my annual “why do I have to live in a place with no seasons” pity party. These are such great ideas!
Love the list Julie. Can’t wait to see you Wed. We will have a computer and projector. Do you need anything copied? Jen White
So much fun… thank you for posting this! We have had a sick house for the past few weeks and I can’t wait to start some fall fun. Thanks for the inspiration and great ideas!