First, I wish I looked as beautiful as ^^^ this girl ^^^ when I wake up! Ha!
But in all seriousness, it is H-A-R-D to wake up in the mornings and look/feel refreshed when you are in your mid-thirties, working full-time, have 2 crazy boys (who frequently have needs during the night and who like to wake up in the 5s – I know I can’t even wait for them to be teenagers and stop this nonsense). Also I am married and want to stay married, and I have laundry, meal-planning, and dust issues that don’t ever stop.
Plus, our little family has about a 45-minute commute to work in the morning, so I have to get up extra early to get out the door on time.
These days I have been pressing the snooze button more often than I care to admit, so, in order to combat this dreadful habit and also not be a Zombie Mom all morning, I have put together a little list of 5 simple tricks that help me wake up and start the day (and none of them include setting up a coffee IV drip)!
Maybe they will help you find energy in the morning, too. 🙂
Take your cues from your dog! They never rise without stretching first – and with good reason. Stretching upon waking up is the best way to increase muscle and joint flexibility, improve circulation, and even help to relieve stress! As soon as I turn off my alarm I do several quick stretches to energize me enough to get out of bed. Then I do a few more while I am brushing my teeth. Although I do not recommend turning your head upside down while brushing your teeth as this can cause toothpaste to go up the back of your nose and it does not feel good.
I found 8 super simple morning stretches you can do each day HERE. And I also loved THESE, but watch out, your husband might find them to be an invitation – ha! 😉
When I was pregnant with our second son, Jet, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune thyroid disease), which requires me to take a daily medication with a full glass of water right when I wake up. It turns out that drinking a full glass of water right when I wake up is one of the best moves I can make to help my body get energized for the day. First, after 7-8 hours of sleep, your body gets dehydrated, so drinking a big glass of water fixes this problem quickly! Also, drinking a big glass of water gives your metabolism a little boost to help you maintain a healthy weight. Really, how can you go wrong with these facts? Except make sure you are close to a bathroom for the rest of the morning. 😉 I recommend 16 ounces of water to get the full benefits!
After I stretch and drink some water, I always brush my teeth. Saliva flow goes down a bit while you sleep which leads to bacteria and cavity formations, as well as bad breath. Brush all that ick away with a nice, minty paste and I guarantee you’ll feel peppy. Plus, using a toothpaste with peppermint as an ingredient is a proven way to invigorate your senses in the morning and help get you awake.
Most days I will hop in the shower for a quick wash and this never fails to give my system a good jolt of energy. If I don’t have time for a full shower, I will simply wash my face. Either way, washing helps me feel clean, refreshed, and alert. And also I won’t smell like a yak.
Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day for good reason! For starters, the name breakfast literally means BREAK FAST – you are breaking the fast of not eating for a huge chunk of time. Your body needs fuel after that big fast and fuel comes from food. I know mornings can be crazy, so click HERE for my 10 favorite quick, easy, and healthy breakfast ideas for busy moms!
Most of all, the best thing you can do in the mornings is spend a pocket of time with the Lord. Each new morning is another opportunity to bring Him glory and tell of His love! I like to pray while I am in the shower, or listen to worship music while eating breakfast/packing lunches. Seriously, if all of the above fails, just start singing, “Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory!” over and over until you’re feeling ready for the day.
And maybe invest in some good under eye concealer. 😉
What do you think? Have I given you some hope for your mornings??
Let me know what helps YOU wake up!
Julie 🙂
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
I love to inhale a variation of any therapeutic oil….Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus. 🙂
Great tips! I usually take cold showers, do some 15 to 30-minute workout, and eat breakfast first thing in the morning to keep me energized throughout the day and become more productive. I also clean my workspace first before working to boost my productivity.