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When I first became a mom 10 years ago, I remember spending a lot of time running errands for all the baby things. We needed diapers – to Walmart we went. We needed the next size pajamas – to Target we went. We needed a humidifier – to BuyBuyBaby we went. And running errands was tricky business with a baby because I didn’t want to miss the elusive nap window, or I was nervous he would need to nurse while we were out and I wasn’t confident about nursing in public, or I didn’t want to put him in a carseat because he had just nursed and would puke as soon as the straps clicked into place. It was stressful!
Fast forward to our third baby and Amazon Prime is alive and well and my life is changed. Need wipes? One click away. Delivery in 2 days or less. All while I am in my pajamas and baby is napping peacefully in the next room.
Now that Zion is 17 months old, I have had time to reflect on the things we have used the most for him since he was born and I am ready to report our favorite baby products to you.
Everything can be found on Amazon for your convenience!
1. DockATot
I was given a gift card and ended up using it to buy a DockATot before Z was born because literally every blogger in the universe was talking about it. And let me tell you – the hype about this thing is REAL, folks. DockATot was designed to offer a snug and soothing environment for babies. The rounded, raised sides mimic the womb and make a super cozy little space for resting! Z-man loves his!
2. aden + anais Swaddle Blankets
OBSESSED with the aden + anais Swaddle Blankets. You can never have too many.
3. Car Seat Cover Canopy and Nursing Cover
Y’all, this thing is SO SOFT. I was never able to nurse Noah under a cover, but Zion works it like a champ. Plus it doubles as a car seat cover that will protect baby from germs, rain, smothering brothers… 😉
4. Baby Burp Cloth by Copper Pearl
These burp cloths are so good. They are thick, soft and the patterns are super cute.
5. Little Martin’s Drawer Baby Nail Trimmer File
Okay, raise your hand if you have ever tried to cut your baby’s nails and accidentally made them bleed??? Me. And my husband. All 3 of our boys have never been fans of the nail clippers. And that is an understatement. You would think we were chopping off their entire arm whenever we come at our kids with the clippers. So when I saw this funny little nail file machine, I bought it immediately. It works so great! It spins and files your baby’s nails without so much as a tickle.
6. Skip Hop Play Mat
This play mat has all of the black and white/neutral tones to match baby Z’s nursery. He loved laying on this and watching the lights blink to the music when he was little. It was also super big help for the dreaded tummy time.
8. Keekaroo Peanut Changer
I loooove our Keekaroo. It has been such a great investment for the nursery. No more washing a changing pad cover 300 times a day. Simply wipe and be on your way.
7. UBBI Diaper Pail
I asked my Facebook followers if they thought I should get a diaper pail and the responses were so passionate! Definitely surprised at how many people either love the diaper pail and consider it a necessity and how many people are committed to visiting their outside trashcan several times a day. This UBBI Diaper Pail is gorgeous and the easiest system I could find. No having to stick your hand into a poop oblivion. This pail is just like a regular trash can, but has a tightly sealed lid that protects from smell leakage. And I figured out how to install the trash bag (it takes regular trash bags) all by myself – which is saying something.
9. Kiinde Feeding System
A few of the moms used this bottling system in our preschool nursery and they had rave reviews. I absolutely agree. The storage bags click right into the bottle, add the nipple and you are all set! You can even pump directly into the storage bags. No having to pour your precious milk back and forth. It even comes with a warmer. Baby Z took to them right away and can pop back and forth between bottles and nursing with no problem whatsoever.
10. KYTE Pajamas
A little on the pricey side, BUT WORTH IT. Like butter.
11. Modern Pacifier Clip
When we leave the house or when Zion goes to school, we like to clip his paci on him so that it doesn’t get lost. THESE are simple and the length is perfect so that they aren’t dragging all over the ground.
I feel like I became a bit of a paci snob this go around because we used the MAM pacifiers with Noah and now he has a horrible cross bite. I did some research and really love the design and look of the BIB pacifiers. I keep 4-5 of them on the window sill in Zion’s room so that they are always on hand through the night.
13. Dohm White Noise Machine
I loved reading the Moms on Call sleep routines and discovered that a sound machine is one of the key ingredients to a good night’s rest. We even bought one for the older boys’ room, too. It really works!
14. Britax Travel System
A lot of people talk about the UPPAbaby Stroller system, but if you aren’t looking to spend almost $1000 on a stroller, I highly recommend the Britax. I can fold it up and put it in the trunk while holding a baby.
15. Burt’s Bees Baby Wearable Blanket
These Burt’s Bees sleep sacks are the perfect, safe alternative to a blanket. Zion sleeps in one every night.
16. Angelcare Baby Bath Seat
I originally had planned to use a folding bath chair, but then someone gave us THIS bath seat and we think it is so much better! It has a great shape to hold baby safe while getting washed up.
17. Joovy Portable Playard
When Zion started to crawl, I needed a safe place to put him while I cook dinner so that he doesn’t eat a battery or Lego without me watching his every move. Fill up a pack and play with toys and he is mostly content until I am done in the kitchen. Plus I love that this one is a bit oversized.
18. BioGaia Protectis Probiotics Drops with Vitamin D for Baby
Poor baby Zion has had so many ear infections in this first year of his life. We have had to treat a few with antibiotics, so having a good probiotic was very important to me. We have been using THIS ONE and it even has Vitamin D added, which all babies need.
19. Spectra Baby USA – S2 Plus Breast Pump
I couldn’t have gone back to work without a good pump. This one was the most recommended and I thought it did a great job. Before purchasing, check to see if your insurance will cover it! Also, in addition to the Spectra pump, I should mention that I could not have stored up such a great stash of breastmilk before going back to work were it not for my Haakaa.
20. Baby Nasal Aspirator NoseFrida
3 weeks into daycare life and Zion started to get the sniffles and he has had a runny nose basically ever since! We could not live without the Nose Frida, y’all. I truly believe that it has saved our little man on a million occasions and helped him to breathe again. If I had to choose one thing from this list that I couldn’t live without – it would absolutely be THIS.
And diapers
. 😉
That’s it! What baby item could you not live without? Drop it in the comments below – I would love to hear about it!
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