#6 – Money
I mentioned yesterday that the Happy Baby’s hospital was about a 40-minute drive from our house.
With gas prices being the way they are these days, we were overwhelmed by the thought of how much money we’d be spending in order to drive down and see him – sometimes 2-3 times each day between the Happy Hubby and me.
Many of our church friends and family began sending us gas cards.
It was a simple, but incredibly generous gift that allowed us to be free from the anxiety of that financial burden (because we had the greater burden of medical bills hanging over our heads – eek!).
Just the other day I met a precious family at one of the Happy Baby’s doctor appointments who told me they drove over an hour to get to the medical facility that cared for their sweet baby girl.
You can bet I was fishing out one of our gas cards and ‘paying it forward,’ shall we say.
If the person you know who is in crisis doesn’t need a gas card, then maybe another kind of financial provision would be a blessing.
Pray with your spouse about sending a check, cash, or Visa gift card.
Money is probably the #1 thing people worry about (especially if they are facing a trial – sometimes the trial itself is about money) – so if you have the means to give it, you can bet it will be received with unbelievable appreciation.
#7 – Dreams Come True
Right after the Happy Baby was born I shared on this blog that Kari Jobe’s new album Where I Find You was ministering to me in a profound way (I even shared some of the specific songs that encouraged me on yesterday’s post).
One day as I was pumping and checking emails, I received an email from a blog reader who wanted to know if she could purchase tickets for the Happy Hubby and me to attend a Kari Jobe concert that was coming to our area.
I nearly fell out of my chair and spilled 6 ounces of milk everywhere.
First of all, I had no idea that Kari was going to be in town.
Second of all, the Happy Hubby and I had been so wrapped up in spending every minute at the hospital or with the Happy Buddy trying to give him a normal life at home that we hadn’t spent a lot of time just the two of us.
Third of all, the mere thought of spending an evening in worship under Kari’s leadership was enough to fill this little heart with some hope.
I emailed her back – humbly accepting the overwhelmingly kind offer.
When the night arrived, we discovered that this gal had not only bought us tickets to the concert – but GOLD tickets – meaning we could basically see up Kari’s nostrils. 🙂
And on top of that, we had the opportunity to meet and greet with her after the event.
As soon as I approached Kari, I pulled out my phone and showed her a photo of the Happy Baby, telling her that her songs ministered to me on my drives to the hospital to see him.
All I wanted to do was thank her for her ministry.
Then she did something incredible… She put her arms around the Happy Hubby and me, pulled us close and said, “I want to pray for your son.”
And she did.
With tears in her eyes and strength in her voice, Kari Jobe asked God’s hand of healing and mercy on the Happy Baby’s life.
Never in a million years would I have imagined that Kari Jobe would pray for our son.
That was a dream come true made possible by one special gal that felt led to reach out to our family – and I have never even met her.
Friends, this is THE CHURCH!
We care for one another – we desire one another’s dreams to come true – simply because we know we are united under the umbrella of Christ’s great love.
Pay attention to the things a person in crisis loves or would be excited to experience.
Maybe a cancer patient could use an hour massage, or maybe the child of a family who’s parents have been recently laid off would have fun at a baseball game, or maybe the mother of a sick child just needs someone to babysit so she can take a therapy trip to Target (maybe give her a little spending money, too). 🙂
Be creative! Make someone who’s hurting’s dreams come true.
It will relieve the pain of their hurt – even for just a short while.
Happy Money and Dreams Come True-ing! 🙂
I love this series. Thanks for sharing and KARI JOBE=AWESOME! How precious!
ok this is amazing and I have tears. LOVE this. Love y’all and that happy baby and buddy.