The other day I posted a photo of myself on Instagram and then found myself checking my phone every few minutes to see who liked it.
After about an hour, I decided that it didn’t get as many likes as I had hoped, so I took it down – a little ashamed and a little embarrassed.
Then I went on to obsess about what my next social media share would be and how to redeem that deleted fail.
Am I 13 years old???? 🙂
No, but I am one who tends to struggle with being a people pleaser.
This part of my personality can be a great blessing because it helps me think about how I can love and serve people better.
But it can also become a curse if all I focus on is how to make people happy.
That’s why social media stuff can be dangerous for pleasers. Sometimes we care too much.
Sometimes we get a little too focused on promoting ourselves because we like being ‘liked.’
Then our identity gets all tied up in what the people say.
We are often left with the thought – if the likes were not enough then I must not be enough.
And we feel like we have failed.
Ah, friends.
What if real success is something completely different than what our social media-driven world has to offer?
What if our greatest successes were the things that NO ONE on the planet could see in an Instagram or Facebook feed?
Consider Abraham… Do you think Abraham would have stopped to post a selfie before almost sacrificing his son, Isaac, on top of Mount Moriah?
No… His act was one of quiet obedience. He didn’t share it with anyone but His Father.
And God credited that humble act as one of Abraham’s greatest successes.
What about Mary? Do you suppose she would have snapped a shot of the opening of the cave before entering it to birth the Savior and hashtagged the photo #heregoesnothing?
No… She quietly submitted to the Lord’s leading and entered that cave alone. Only God, her husband, and some animals saw that precious choice.
Now think of your own successes – the quiet ones. The ones that never pop up on a mobile device.
Like when you chose not to yell at your kids today.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you got up early to read your Bible and pray.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you sat with your child and built some Legos instead of checked email.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you chose not to wear the sexy shoes to church.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you decided to praise Him instead of be anxious.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you didn’t click that link to an inappropriate website or read that questionable book.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you chose contentment while standing in a room with laundry piles, stained carpets, and unidentifiable odor.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you made the effort to go to church even though it would interrupt the baby’s schedule.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you didn’t nag your husband but complimented him instead.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you decided that you would not compare yourself to that other woman.
God saw that as a great success.
Like how you took extra moments at bed time to read a Bible story and pray with your child.
God saw that as a great success.
Like when you chose love instead of bitterness or anger or gossip.
God saw that as a great success.
God saw it.
Not your here today, gone tomorrow ‘friends.’
As we grow in the Lord our focus should become less about how to make ourselves ‘liked’ more.
Less about needing the approval of the planet to feel successful and good about ourselves.
As we grow in the Lord our focus becomes more about the quiet little things that only God sees because He is the one we want to make happy.
Lately I have been rehearsing this verse from Psalm 86:12 over and over in my heart,
“I will glorify YOUR name forever.”
Not my name.
Jesus’ name.
Jesus, who never posted about all his miracles. Jesus, who didn’t take a selfie with the woman at the well. Jesus, who didn’t throw his arm around the resurrected Lazarus for a quick pic.
Jesus, who was often trying to GET AWAY from the crowds.
Jesus, who after feeding thousands of people with just 5 loaves of bread and a few fish, quietly slipped off to pray instead of sticking around to hear how many people ‘liked’ his meal.
Because Jesus was more interested in hearing his Father’s voice of loving assurance, “This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased,” than being affirmed by the voices of the people (the same people who would inevitably be hungry again in a few hours).
Are selfies bad? Is Facebook wrong?
No, we just have to be aware of our motives before making a post.
Then we remember to find our worth and value in Jesus, who didn’t just ‘like’ us, but LOVED us enough to die in our place so that we would never have to feel like failures again.
And that, sweet readers, is really and truly the only success that matters.
– Julie 🙂
“Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.”
Lyrics from Be Thou My Vision
Hi! I was wondering if I could post your very timely and Holy Spirit filled post on my website. My site is called SHINE girls and we are Christian women encouraging each other and reading God’s word together. 🙂 I’ve had a post similar to this on my heart for a while. And your post sums it all up. Of course, I would share your link, etc. is the site. 🙂 you can reach me by email as well–[email protected]
Thank you for this much needed post!!
Jill- sure! Just let me know what you do! 🙂
Excellent post. Loved it.
Excellent, Julie! Thank you for taking the time to meditate and share.
Thanks so much for your post, I felt like that could have been written about me, although now I’m alot more aware of my motives before i post, the need for likes can sometimes creep in & mess with your mind when you least expect it to!
Thank you Julie! I’m new to blogging and I have been so caught up in approval and likes and visits, etc! You have said what I have been feeling for a while now. My approval comes from my Father. He is my best friend! Love this so much!
Beautifully written by a beautiful heart.
God often whispers as a reminder ‘keep your eyes on Me’
Thank you Julie 🙂
Thank you SO much for your post, Julie! I would give you 100 likes if I could.? I can relate to what you wrote so dearly and it was such a great reminder for me to care more about what God thinks of me than people. I LOVE all your posts and look forward to every one of them to see what great ideas and insights you have to share. Thank you for taking the time in your very busy life to share! God bless! Love, meg
Loved it! And SO true for us “people pleases.” I just came across this photo below over the weekend that goes along with your post and just how wrapped up we can all get in it. It wouldn’t let me leave it as part of a comment but wanted to share! Happy Sunday!
Printing this out as a reminder to enjoy social media but not fall into the ‘Checking/Like/Trap’. Only yesterday when I was bouncing with my 17-year old daughter in a trampoline park and then serving dinner to eight others did it occur to me how beautiful and heart opening these moments had been; yet nothing captured on social media!
Thank you for your courage to share your inner stuggles and thoughts–I think so many of us deal with the same things yet not enough, including myself, open up so that we can all uplift and strenghten each other on our journey back to God. I love how you turned this around and put it all into perspective. Thank you for sharing your gift with words and testimony!
Such a great post and just what I needed to read tonight. The worldly negativity is getting me down and I needed a reminder of what matters. Love your writing!
What an awesome post. I needed to read that today! Thanks for sharing.
Love it!
Julie; every time I read one of your posts, I want to share it with my grandchildren. You have such Godly wisdom for such a young woman! The Lord surely has given you a gift!
Thanks for sharing it with us!
Thankyou for this message. Loved it!
Timely, I really needed to hear this admonishment today. Thank you.
You never cease to amaze me with your wisdom…Thank you for a wonderful (and true) post…I will be meditating on this today…
Praise God for women like you who speak the truth in love!!! Thank you so much for the encouraging words and the reminder that this life is truly ALL ABOUT JESUS!!! We are just tools in the Master’s hands to be used for His glory alone:-)
Thank you so much for sharing this at just the right time I needed to read it!! It’s definitely going to get saved so I can read it over and over again.
Wonderful! This is so needed in today’s world. Thank you.
I love your transparency in this post! Thank you for sharing your heart, it’s such a good reminder!
Thank you, Andrea… Always love the beautiful photography and your precious heart on your sweet blog. 🙂
Reblogged this on Sandi's slant …..on everything and commented:
The main reason I do not post selfies….I dont like the way I look in them and I also keep refreshing Facebook for approval……whi needs that?