I never really thought about the NICU until the Happy Baby landed there on Day 1 of his life.
I never really thought about the hundreds of mommies who end up there as well.
Some with preemies, some with health complications like us, and some… some who never even get to take their baby home.
There’s Kristen and Patrick who had their twins at 24 weeks.
Sadly, Jackson did not make it, but his brother Wesley is hanging on at 2 lbs 2 oz.
Kristen comes to visit the Happy Baby and me and she is always smiling – always hopeful for her little man.
Then there’s Dareen who had triplets at 28 weeks.
Dareen who is there all day, every day, standing over her buddies’ isolets and willing them to get through yet another surgery.
Finally, there’s LaShay.
LaShay and her little Prince Kendrick who one day seems to take two steps forward and then the next day two steps back.
LaShay and Kendrick have been in the NICU since January.
These 3 mommies share a commonality.
They are warriors.
They are fighting a battle with an unknown end.
But they have not lost hope – not given up.
Because life is something to fight for.
When you’re in a battle like this day in and day out, sometimes you just need a little something to lift the burden.
A little lemonade, shall we say. 🙂
So here is the card I made and handed out to all the NICU mommies on Mother’s Day.
Maybe you can share it with a NICU Mommy you know.“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
To all the Warrior NICU Mommies out there – Jesus Loves You!
You are so sweet to be thinking of others, even when you are walking a long road. #1 should be the joy the Happy Home Fairy brings each day. I know those mamas are so blessed to be in there the same time as you.
You are amazing!! We’re praying for you and our Jet!
Wonderful, you are an inspiration. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
I was just talking about my NICU experience (just 6 weeks) earlier today at our Bible study. I mentioned how God taught me so much! Before when people would talk about the NICU I would think “oh, yah, that must be rough” and wouldn’t think much more of it. Once you go THROUGH IT, it’s so much more! It’s a journey! I can tell you now, that it is the most life-changing thing I’ve experienced….and I am thankful that God took us to, and carried us through that journey. I learned so much and am sooo much better for it!
Journey it is…You put all my words down for me..Once you go through it,its so much more! It’s a journey!!He took us through it and carried us through the journey.God is so good all the time….
What a sweet and positive TOP 10 list! What a blessing you are:)
YOU are such a inspiration …
you are amazing and standing firm in this ministry God has called you to…even though you nor any of us want you to be. Praying for you and the Happy Baby
I love the way God uses you sweet friend, even in the midst of your trial, you are counting it all JOY! I have 2 cousins in the family that are NICU nurses at a hospital in IL, I am sharing this with them! Please know I continue to pray fervently and know God’s Will, will be done!
My 2nd was a NICU baby and a preemie. I am praying for your family. I love your blog and I am so glad to read this post, because it seems upbeat and you are trusting God and looking on the bright side, which is hard to do when your baby is there and not at home with you.
I am praying for your family. I am the mama of a NICU preemie and life is hard in the NICU. I’m glad to read this post as that’s a good step to be looking to the light side of things, sometimes NICU life can drag you down. You have faith and you have lots of people praying for you guys!!
Thank you for this wonderful list. Everything you said is true. Our family has also experienced premature births…losing our twin grandsons at 22 weeks. Then experiencing the miracle of our twin granddaughters at 32 weeks who are now 4. The care and love from the NICU and Special Care nurseries are undescribable. I hope every hospital can post this for parents. Keeping your family in thoughts and prayers.
Bless you for what you did. My son is 14 now but we know about the NICU life. He was born at 34 weeks and luckily he only had a 9 day stay, 5 in the NICU and 4 in the FICU. He was my 2nd child and my first one I wasn’t so lucky, I had her at 24 weeks and we didn’t make it to the NICU. We had wonderful nurses and doctors who would answer the millions of questions we had. I wish the best for all of the NICU families.
Julie, your heart is so tender to those in your midst. What a beautiful gift to those NICU mommies. I know your bright smile brings comfort to those you see there each day. The NICU is a scary and wonderful place. I love how the LORD is using this season of your lives to share His love with others who are suffering pain and loss. It is a powerful testimony to them. You and Ryan are also a powerful testimony to your church family. We love you all and are praying fervently for God’s continued healing of Jet. Love, Marla
HA! Love it!!!! My favorite of course is #3!!!! I love how u r always able to make lemonade!!! Many hugs love & kisses to my favorite patient!!!
Nurse Jenn 🙂
My preemie is now 4. Full of life and smiles. This would have been a great card to hold on to when I was there…I will definitely pass it on. Best wishes to you and your little one.
I love the way you see life! I have lived through having 2 out of my 4 being in the NICU for several months. I know your journey, though not the same, I understand. You are such a blessing to others around you and to others through your blog. I have spent several months in the PICU also with these kiddos and it really helps to look to God and remember that we are not in control. I will pray for you and your family. I found your blog while sitting bedside to my medically fragile boy just a few months ago. You are a bright light to so many. Thank you and bless you!
So true! We were at a level 4 NICU with our twins born at 25 weeks, unfortunately our daughter fought hard, but didn’t survive her NICU battle. I don’t have the words to explain our emotions, but we felt God’s peace and knew we had to stay strong for our son who still had a long rode ahead of him. I’m happy to say after many obstacles and 111 days in the NICU he has grown into an energic, healthy, and precious 5 year old- that future doctors are amazed by When we finally left, I left knowing many wonderful Moms who I still have contact with. We also left knowing many medical terms and procedures- that helped us to work effienctly and calmly when our son had a seizure post NICU. We looked liked seasoned parents to our friends. Most of all, we learned to treasure everyday God gives us with our son.
I sure wish I had someone to give me a card like this when my babies were in NICU. (two of them at different times) It makes me smile to read these. What a blessing you are.
What a beautiful spirit! I have been a subscriber for almost a year. I love your blog. As I began to follow your updates about the new little one, I prayed for you not knowing that a few weeks later I would go into labor at 35 1/2 weeks and my baby boy would have complications with his breathing and have to be admitted to the NICU. I have been so blessed and encouraged by your posts. My son was recently weaned from the oxygen and C-pap and 2 days ago we were able to bring him home. I pray the happy baby comes home very soon! God bless~Audrey
I’ll never forget our experience as well and join the many praying for you and your NICUmates. Those will be friends you’ll enjoy and have a special bond with as well. I will also never forget a wonderful ministry who visited our babies in the NICU, who delivered love gifts with New Testaments, handknitted baby booties, a charm with our baby’s birthstone and a prayer enclosed. Letting us know indeed that we were not alone, that others had been there and walked through the very place but moreover that we were to cherish even this time with our baby. Appreciate every day. It’s all His gift! Much love to all the NICU families!
My eyes were watering as I remember being in that same place 9 years ago with my firstborn at 30 weeks. We didn’t know anyone who had a preemie before so to bring moms together with a simple card of caring and understanding is a true blessing = )
Love this, Julie. I’ll be praying for all these mamas and babies today. What an encouragement you are to them, I’m sure! He does all things for a reason.
That was awesome! I’m sure those mommies were blessed with your card! We are still praying!
Bless you! So uplifting to others in the middle of your storm – you are amazing!
I love the 10 reasons. Oh how I can relate to these ten reasons, but not on the side of the mamma, but on the side of the nurse! I am one of the NICU nurses (in Illinois) who loves to care for the precious little ones! You trust the nurses with your precious jewels that God has given and I feel blessed to be one of these nurses and to have the opportunity to care for these precious babies and their mammas and papas too! I will pray for you, your family and your little one!
Julie you are always the brightest star at any given moment. I know you have had many moments of despair during this trial, but it appears that your desire to love far reaches above the trial itself. In some way, perhaps your little man senses your great love and holds onto your strength. I remember when my daughter Erin was having her Chemo (when she had breast cancer, she’s fine!) she always rose above her pain and fear to bring a moment of joy, love and a smile to the other patients around her. You remind me so much of her. You are teaching so many of us how to put life into perspective. I praise our Wonderful God for introducing me to you. My life is so much better for it! Oh, can’t forget to say a Congratulations to your Hubby, amazing, hard enough in normal circumstances!!!!!!!!.
NICU mommies are incredibly strong, courageous and warriors. I guess it’s one way God shows us he will only give us things we can handle. Even though that has got to be one of the most challenging things to deal with. You are incredible and I am glad your baby is home safe now.
Here’s one more to make you laugh… You know you’ve been in the NICU for a long time when you ‘scrub in’ before making dinner. 🙂 Today I found myself washing with soap up to my elbows just before preparing the Happy Buddy’s peanut butter sandwich. Haha!
After trying for 5 years I was blessed with our daughter at 3 months early weighing 2 pounds she was a fighter. We were in NICU for 24 days. The nurses took special care of our daughter when we couldn’t (the doc wouldn’t let me see her for 2 days) . She was truely blessed. When she was five she saw a picture of Jesus and said to her great grandmother I know him he was in the hospital with me holding my hand!!! I was not present but her father and grandmothers were. We all wept when hearing this. I truely believe that he was there. She is in good health except she can not smell.I am sure that he is with your son as well..God Bless
I love this!!!! I am a 2x NICU mommy and have had the best and worst outcome. My son born at 24 weeks never got to go home but a year later my daughter born at 26 weeks spent 4 1/2 months in the NICU before going home. I loved my family away from home at the NICU the took awesome care of us!!!! My daughter is now going on 8 years old and doing wonderful! NICU moms and dads are definately the strongest!!!!
This brought tears to my eyes. My 4 week old is currently in NICU. She was born at 29 weeks after my water breaking at 27 weeks. It is a very difficult journey but I don’t think of the negative. I was at the hospital the other week when a mother recieved devastating news. Not something that you will soon forget. I am praying these next few weeks in the NICU hurry along so we can bring our daughter home and she can finally meet her big sister. Due to our oldests age she has yet to meet her little sister and won’t be able to till she is home.
I’ll be praying for your little one as well. 🙂
Oh, sweet friend. Hang in there. Hang on to the truth that God is in control – He loves your precious baby girl even more than you and He has a perfect plan for her life. I will look forward to her homecoming!! 🙂 God bless you, warrior mommy!