While reading the magazine Parenting last year, I stumbled upon this article that listed the Top Ten Reasons Why Fall is Fabulous.
I shared it last year on Happy Home Fairy and it definitely needed to make a reappearance.
Plus, the Happy Hubby’s and my fave shows started up last night so there wasn’t any time to write a new post. 🙂
Reasons Fall is Fabulous
From Parenting Magazine (October 2010)
1. Hello? Do we need to say it? School.
2. Fall clothes come in the same colors as your kids’ food stains – chocolate brown, fruit-punch red, and mac-and-cheese orange. Way to save on color safe bleach!
3. You get to carve pumpkins – the only time seeing a snaggle-toothed smile in your home doesn’t make you fear an $8,500 orthodontist bill.
4. The thrill of new crayons!
5. It gets dark earlier. It’s easier to get the kids to bed earlier. You get to go to bed earlier.
6. Nothing smells better than a toddler who’s just jumped in a leaf pile.
7. All your favorite shows are finally back!
8. Trick-or-treating – that blessed evening when sleep-deprived moms who look like zombies simply blend in with the crowd.
9. We’re suckers for the sight of little kids in footy pajamas.
10. Hot cider. Hot cocoa. Pumpkin bread. Apple Crisp. S’mores. Candy Corn. Pumpkin Pie…
Need I say more?
Stay tuned for more Fall Ideas! Fall Fun at Happy Home Fairy is coming your way! 🙂
I they forgot one BIG one….. Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Lattes! 😉
Thank you for the great posts. My girls are a bit older (8&9) and I still love to read your posts. Thanks!!!
The cinnamon spice foods are one of my favorite things about Fall. Thanks for sharing. 🙂