This is one of the Bibles the Happy Buddy enjoys reading before bed each night.
I found it interesting that over the last several months since the Happy Baby has been in the hospital, God has used that little children’s Bible to teach me some pretty profound lessons.
Around the time that the Happy Baby was born, the Happy Buddy got hooked on this story about Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27).
The Happy Buddy requested it night after night and I began to realize that I was acting just like the disciples in the boat.
Initially, I panicked about the storm we were going through.
I cried out to Jesus (who, in my opinion, seemed to be sleeping through the whirling mess around us).
And He reminded me to not be afraid… To have faith.
That He controls the wind and the waves and is with me in the midst of the storm.Then the Happy Buddy got really excited about this story concerning a paralyzed man and his friends who lowered him through the roof to Jesus (Mark 2:1-12).
I started to see that I was like the paralyzed man – unable to move (in my case because of fear) and probably without hope of ever being saved.
It was the faith of his friends that brought his healing.
As our church (and all of you, sweet blog friends) came around us with prayers, hugs, cards, gifts, and encouragement, I felt lifted up on my little mat and carried straight to Jesus for the healing my own heart so desperately needed.
Next the Happy Buddy started requesting this story about a blind man (John 9:1-12).
The disciples asked Jesus about the blind man, “Teacher, did this man sin? Or did his parents sin? Is that why he is blind?”
And I thought of the hundred different things I did or ate while pregnant and wondered if I had caused the Happy Baby’s sickness.
But Jesus’ response to the disciples was simple and life-giving, “No one sinned. This happened so that God’s work could be shown in his life.”
God has shown His good work and purposes in our baby’s life and in our own lives as a result of this ‘blindness’ – this season of trial.
The second part of this story also helped me the week the Happy Baby was on the CPAP machine…
I was overwhelmed at first by the sight of my precious little boy having such a large and obstructing contraption on his face.
In the story, Jesus spit on the ground and made mud with his hands. Then he gently spread the mud over the blind man’s eyes.
When the mud was washed away, the blind man could see!
A friend texted me saying if Jesus could accomplish healing through something as strange and unattractive as mud on a person’s eyes, than surely He could do the same with a tubey, loud CPAP.The Happy Buddy moved onto this story about a man named Jairus whose daughter was very sick.
By the time Jesus got there, the daughter had died.
At this point in the NICU journey, the Happy Hubby and I were told that our baby was probably not going to make it.
Many of the doctors thought the Happy Baby had a rare and incurable genetic disease (on top of the virus he had contracted while growing in my tummy).
Like Jairus, the Happy Hubby and I had to wait for Jesus.
We had to wait 7 long weeks for the genetic test results.
But would Jesus heal our boy as he did Jairus’ daughter?The day the Happy Baby was born, I felt a deep assurance from the Lord that he would be okay.
When you’re faced with medical evidence and the opinion of professional doctors and nurses, however, it was easy to forget what God had spoken.
In the last two months I constantly acted like Peter, in this final Bible story, who, when his eyes focused on the wind and waves storming around him, began to sink.
There were many days when I took my eyes off of Jesus and felt myself going down because I let what doctors said and speculated cause me to lose hope.
I even closed the door to the Happy Baby’s nursery and refused to wash some of the tiny outfits we’d been given for him because it was just too painful to think that he might not make it.
But when I fixed my gaze on Christ and what I believe He had said to me concerning the Happy Baby’s future, then my foundation was sure.
Walking in that confidence, we received the news last Sunday that our gift from the Lord does not have a genetic disease.
Jesus has brought healing to our son in so many ways.
He has been with us in the storm.
He has given us the Church to carry us to Him when we’ve been too weak.
He gave us hope through the mud on our eyes.
He, in a way, brought our son back from the dead.
And He has given a firm foundation on which we can walk when our gaze is fixed on Him – no matter what the winds and waves of life are doing around us – because we are still fighting battles (ie. feeding).
So, dear Happy Home Friends, I am delighting in the spiritual milk of His Word which God has used to nourish my soul in this season and am praying that the Happy Baby will crave the milk of his bottles. 🙂
Because if that lil’ booger can eat then we’ve got ourselves one giant homecoming ticket!
“Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.” 1 Peter 2:2
It has been so amazing to witness how you have dealt with this situation, you put on a strong happy face for us, but inside you were screaming for help, only to discover you had it right there all along. How interesting that a childrens book reminded you to have the child-like faith Jesus wants us all to have. I am so glad you have found peace in such a delightful way.
This post meant a lot to me, I have different types of storms raging about me and I too wonder a lot if I am on my boat alone, if He hears and sees me. And you reminded me that yes, He does. I just need to open my eyes and see.
Thank you, Julie, I needed this.
While i sat in a conference for my church i couldn’t help but stop paying attention to the man speaking and get so caught up in your blog post. I even found myself sitting among 300 people or so and crying over your post. We have such an amazing God! May God continue to give you his strength in your journey!
Julie, you are such an inspiration to me and so many others. The lessons you are learning are ones that I need to re-learn as we go through difficult times. (Our struggles are not near as difficult as yours have been…not at all!) We see God providing for us in ways we never imagined and that gives us encouragement. Your stories are not only
helping to strengthen others in their faith but also bringing glory to our great and powerful, loving God! Thank you for your testimony to the faithfulness of God in your lives.
Happy Father’s Day to the Happy Daddy!
Give the Happy Buddy and Happy Baby kisses from us! We love you all!
I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m amazed at what He uses to teach us….a little child shall lead them. My son’s not so little, but his challenges and God’s victories are teaching me every day.
You’ve been such a blessing and inspiration to so many. Continuing to pray, dear friend.
Praising God for meeting your every need, and for the fact that Happy Baby doesn’t have a genetic disease! Woooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I can’t believe you had to wait SEVEN WEEKS for test results, but doesn’t God just know how long it takes us to finally figure out what He’s trying to tell us sometimes? (I always questioned myself… if I’d learned this lesson faster, or earlier, would we have had to go through all this? 🙂 I have to remind myself to rest in God and trust His perfect plan!) Thank you for your awesome witness. I’m still praying for your sweet family and will specifically pray for your little guy to eat well and often. We had the same waiting game for weight gain before we could leave the NICU, but when it came, it was sudden and amazing and poof- we were home! Can’t wait to hear the news that he’s been released and gets to see HOME! (It’s not heaven yet, but “What a day of rejoicing that will be!” And you ARE seeing Jesus throughout this journey, and making Him clear to your readers’ eyes, too. Thank you for sharing your life with us.) “…Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5 Holding fast to His promise of AMAZING THINGS for you!
Not sure whether to laugh or to cry! God is sooo good and this post is amazing! I love how God speaks to us, I too have learned so much about His Father’s Heart through our little Bible. And PRAISE THE LORD for such good news on the Happy Baby’s diagnosis and that He is restoring your happy home! 🙂 Blessings friend, we will continue to pray for you and his feeding, etc. Keep holding on to what the Lord has told you and be sure to print this out for Happy Baby’s baby book! Hugs!
Thank you for reminding me of all the wonderful lessons we can learn if we just remember the things we have been taught in my youth. I have really been struggling with my own faith because of the choices my children are making. You faith has kept me afloat when all around me things are crashing down. Thank you for sharing with all of us!
Jill Kaysviel UT
I am encouraged each day by your blog. I immediately thought of this song by rich mullins…..
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that
Our God is an awesome God
our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above With wisdom, power, and love Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
More lyrics:
Dear Julie & Ryan–
Thank you for sharing your heart and being transparent…it speaks volumes to so many. I struggle with fear a lot and I needed this lesson on child-like faith as well. God’s wisdom can be seem and known in so many ways! I continue to rejoice with you all on the progress of baby Jet and God’s mercy to him. I pray for you all often and I can’t wait to meet Jet in person 🙂 Thank you for sharing your struggles with us…it makes many us of us feel encouraged and that our Father in heaven does hear us and never leaves us. Much love to all of you!! Love, Marla
“I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.
4 Blessed is the one
who trusts in the Lord,
who does not look to the proud,
to those who turn aside to false gods.[b]
5 Many, Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done,
the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;
were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
they would be too many to declare.
Hi Julie! Thank you so much for your transparency in your family’s time of testing and pain. God is so faithful, and I have been encouraged by your faith and your joy (your smile radiates through your posts) through this time. You and your family are shining so beautifully for Him…I know the doctors, nurses, and staff at the NICU are getting a glimpse of the Father as they see the way you and your family are pursuing hope in the midst of pain. You are such a blessing to so many! There will be many jewels in your crown for the faith and example you model as you walk through this season. We are praying for you, Happy Hubby, Habby Buddy, and Happy Baby. Love, Teresa & family (Laura K’s friend)
WHAT A FABULOUS POST! I love that God’s Word is simple enough for Noah at not-yet-three, yet speaks profoundly to grown-up struggles.
Seems there is so, much we can learn from our children. Not just small one my almost grown up children are still teahong me things, when our ears are open to hear he speaks to us. Than you for sharing. It is good to be reminded to be open to lessons every where. Love you and looking forward to hearing that the happy baby is home!!
I have only recently found your blog and did not know about Happy Baby… you will all be in my prayers.
This is a beautiful post! I teach kindergarten at a Christian school; God has spoken to me so many times through the ‘simple’ Bible lessons I teach. Thank you for reminding me to maintain a childlike faith!
Loved the update and learning what the Lord is teaching you through this storm! I pray that you continue to “walk on water” as you fix your eyes on Jesus versus the wind. With love, Betty.
It was so good to see you and get to talk to you 2 Sundays ago at church!! Thanks again for yet another reminder of our Savior’s love and grace! It’s hard to look at & trust in Jesus when you are paralyzed by fear, indecisiveness, despair – thx for the reminder that He is trustworthy :-D. Blessings & prayers!!!