Yesterday we pondered a dozen different ways to use all that Halloween Candy.
One suggestion was to break out the aprons and put the oven to work making some deliciously sweet treats with leftover loot.
Here are a few recipes I came across that had me absolutely drooling! 🙂
This Kit Kat Cake from Recipe Girl is AWESOME and unbelievably simple!
What a presentation!
Oh, friends.
These Death by Caramel Bars (featuring leftover Snickers Bars) from Southern Living are appropriately named.
A combination of some of the best chocolate candy out there – these Candy Bar Blondies from sally’s baking addiction look divine!
Another from Recipe Girl – her favorite brownie recipe made with lots and lots of Milky Ways.
Are you a fan of Tootsie Rolls? Food Blogga transformed this chewy treat into a Tootsie Roll Fudge!
4-ingredient Butterfinger Pie?
Yes, please.
Eat at Allie’s has this beautiful recipe for Candy Bar Shortbread Squares that would make such a happy treat to take to someone for Thanksgiving!
Or… Happy Home Fairy has these amazing Holiday Fudge Bars that will help you use up the rest of those M&Ms. 🙂
I don’t know about you, but I know the holidays are here when I get the itch to bake a bunch.
Hope these recipes make their way to your table this season!
Happy Leftover Halloween Candy Bake-ing! 🙂
thanks for the link up to my blondies – all of these recipes made me click over. what a wonderful round up for candy bars! 🙂