I have been busy pinning lots of fun 4th of July crafts, but that’s about as far as I’ve gotten with this upcoming holiday.
We haven’t been doing much crafting lately because our house is in a bit of disarray due to water damage which led to mold which led to the ripping out of the entire left side of our kitchen.
We’re waiting on insurance to come through for us to see if we can afford to replace the cabinets and walls, so in the mean time I am getting plenty of comfort from this verse from Psalm 16:5,
“You, Lord, are all I have and you give me all I need. My future is in your hands.”
For those of you who have homes in tact and are looking for a few simple ways to celebrate our nation’s birthday, here are my top easiest and cutest picks from Pinterest…Without our cabinets, we have been using a lot of plastic utensils to keep from running back and forth to the utensil drawer (currently located in the living room). 🙂
So these Fork Fireworks from A Thrifty Mom are perfect.
The traditional Popsicle Stick American Flag from Crunchy Frugalista is always fun to make.
I absolutely LOVE this 3-ingredient Star-Spangled Slime from I Can Teach My Child.
Here is an easy Tape-Resist American Flag from Loving My Nest.
Another firework craft – this time painting with toilet paper rolls – from Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails.
These Patriotic Windsocks from Preschool Alphabet are adorable and a snap to assemble (brilliant use of a plastic sheet protector).
Fantastic Fun and Learning has these super simple and stylish Pipe Cleaner Firework Rings.
And, finally, print out this fabulous ‘Don’t Eat Uncle Sam’ game board from My Sister’s Suitcase and play it after grilling out on the 4th.
I will pray that you have fun with your families this weekend celebrating the blessings of our freedom – both in this country and the unfailing freedom that comes from knowing Jesus.
The Happy Buddy is turning 5 tomorrow and we got him a few new toys to free him from constantly pretend playing that the little play kitchen in his bedroom has mold (brown construction paper bits) in its cabinets.
Happy Last-Minute 4th of July Craft-ing!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas! Praying that God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. <3
JoAnna! Thank you for the reminder of that wonderful verse. You blessed me!
Happy, Joyful Birthday wishes for your sweet, funny, adorable Happy Buddy! May God bless protect & guide him all his days!
Thank you, Tracy! Your blessing is precious to us!
We made the fireworks with the plastic forks in our 3-5 year old Sunday School class this morning! They loved it! To save on time I put the red, white and blue paint all together and swirled it around a bit. Then while the paint was still wet we sprinkled some silver glitter!! There’s always room for a little sparkle!! 🙂 Thanks for all your great ideas! I use them at church a lot!!
Girl, that just made my day! Thank you for letting me know! You are a very special teacher. Your students are very blessed to have you. 🙂
Ah!! Thanks!! 🙂