The Happy Buddy’s last day of school is coming up.
How can it be?!
I think we need to do a little celebrating…
Here are some fun tradition ideas to make the last day of school A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Remember those adorable FREE Printable First Day of School signs I posted about at the beginning of the year?
Chickabug created a set for the Last Day too!
Snap a shot of your Happy Buddy holding the sign in the same position as the photo you took back in September. How fun to watch them grow!
Crayon Wishes and Popsicle Dreams created this Hello Whatever Grade Your Happy Buddy Is Going Into FREE Printable to stick in a fun after school snack.
What’s even more fun is that she also created a set to stick in your Happy Buddy’s breakfast treat that say ‘Goodbye Preschool’ or whatever grade was just completed.
Say Goodbye at breakfast and Hello after school!
I am LOVING this surprise Summer Garage Banner created by The Frakers’ Acres.
You can find more Welcome to Summer Banner inspirations HERE and HERE.
I also thought this Last Day of School Welcome Home Decoration from Kat’s Credence was incredibly do-able!
How great is this Last Day Candy Gram from Madsen’s Memories?
Do you have girls? They will love this cute End of School Year Glitter Toes Tradition from Tatertots and Jello.
Yup. This is happening this year.
Make one of these super simple Autograph T-Shirt Pillows from Family Fun for your Happy Buddies to get all of their classmates to sign.
Every year My Crazy Little Projects puts together a Summer Fun Kit filled with all the summer essentials (like new flipflops, sunglasses, bubbles, etc.) for her Happy Buddies to receive upon returning home from the last day of school.
What a FABULOUS idea from Crafty Mischief!
Line up a few brand new hula hoops with this cute sign and everyone’s sure to be smilin’.
I think this idea would also be fun to do as a family for someone else. Sneak by another Happy Home’s garage and drop off this happy surprise for them to find when they get home from school!
Grab a plain T-Shirt and some puffy paint to create Last Day of School Shirts for your Happy Buddies to sport all day long.
Send him/her with a bunch of Sharpies and get his classmates to autograph his tee!
Rock the car pick-up line with this Decorated Last Day of School Party Vehicle.
This is the simplest way to bring a little magic to your Happy Buddy’s last day – a Last Day of School Lunch Bag.
Bake a batch of happy-looking cupcakes like Pink Lemonade Boutique and write each student’s name on one!
And, finally, your Happy Buddies will NEVER FORGET it if you let them have a Last Day of School Shaving Cream Fight like Miss Zippy. 🙂
Or why not greet them at the bus stop with a bunch of water guns or water balloons? Take no prisoners!
Your Happy Buddies deserve it after all their hard work. 🙂
Happy Last Day of School-ing!
Thank you for this. I am going to use the printables for tomorrow. God bless. Kisses to the happy baby. Xoxo
Wow!! What a great source! So many fun ideas!! Our summer vacation’s already underway, but I’ll be remembering some of these for next year! Thanks for including my printables in the bunch 🙂 I am honored.
How fun is this! Our last day of school is on Friday and we are surprising the kiddos with a camping trip! I’m posting about it tomorrow! Happy Summer to you!
Hi Julie,
I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you. With all you’re going through, you’re still blogging and helping us all to bring joy into our homes. You are such a precious gift from our Father in Heaven. Love and hugs, I hope your sweet babe is getting better and better!
Thank you for including my signs in your fantastic round-up of ideas, that was so sweet of you! : )
Hey! Thanks for featuring my summer fun kit! Some of your other features have given me other ideas I may have to try too! Thanks!