I’ll bet your Happy Buddies think you are a superhero for teaching them how to make all kinds of cool firework crafts for the 4th of July!
I’ve got something that will make them think you are even more of a superhero when you tell them that you are going to make some fireworks in the kitchen.
And when your Happy Hubby looks at you nervously with one hand reaching for the fire extinguisher (because yes, you have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen because yes, you have had to use it before), just smile and say,
“Oh honey, we’re in good hands with All-State.”
All you need are the following 3 items…WHOLE milk (It must be whole – no substitutions, sorry!)
Food coloring
Dishwashing liquidStep 1 – Pour milk into a baking pan. Drop several different colors of food coloring all around the milk.
Step 2 – Add a squirt or two of dishwashing liquid and watch the colors BURST and SWIRL!
How It Works – The dishwashing liquid separates the fat from the other liquids in the milk, thus causing your beautiful fireworks!
If your fireworks slow down, add another squirt of dishwashing liquid.
The whole experiment takes only about 60 seconds, so this would be a fun thing to do after dinner on the 4th as you wait for your city’s firework display.
Speaking of waiting for the fireworks…
The Crafting Chicks said that her Happy Home gets excited to see the fireworks every year, but every year they get there really early. To help pass the time before the show begins, she puts together a little firework basket that is filled with snacks, treats, glow sticks, and even some sparklers (adult supervision please!).
Happy Kitchen Firework-ing! 🙂
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